pirates = navires
Navires => Batailles
Le vent se lève, les jupes se soulèvent...
batailles = combats
Combats => Champ de bataille
champ de bataille = sang
Sang => Veines
veines = cellules
Cellules => Tableur
( Oui oui )
tableur = logiciel
Logiciel => Photoshop
Photshop = images retouchées
Wartaichi ?! Ca fait bien longtemps
Images retouchées => Fake
fake = trucage
Trucage => Mensonge
I am the morning sun, come to vanquish this horrible night!
mensonge = imposture
Imposture => Traitrise
I am the morning sun, come to vanquish this horrible night!
I am the blade to banish all evil, and I've come to see you annihilated, Evil Lord Dracula!
traitrise = trahison
Trahison => Mutinerie
I am the morning sun, come to vanquish this horrible night!
I am the blade to banish all evil, and I've come to see you annihilated, Evil Lord Dracula!
mutinerie = révolte
Révolte => Rebelle
I am the morning sun, come to vanquish this horrible night!
I am the blade to banish all evil, and I've come to see you annihilated, Demon Lord Dracula!