Directional Pad
Coaching. Plays.
Left Thumbstick
Move Player
Right Thumbstick
Shot Stick
A Button
Left Trigger + A Button (Pass Button)
Alley Op
B Button
Get Open
X Button
Y Button
Left Bumper
Offball Control
Right Bumper
Icon Pass
Left Trigger
Pass Ball Off Defenders Body/Leg
Left Bumper + A Button (Pass Button)
Start Button
Pause Menu
Right Trigger
Back Button
Directional Pad
Left Thumbstick
Move Player
Right Thumbstick
Steal. Hands Up.
A Button
Player Swap
B Button
Take Charge
X Button
Y Button
Block. Rebound.
Left Bumper
Double Team
Right Bumper
Icon Swap
Left Trigger
Lock-On D
Right Trigger
Start Button
Pause Menu
Back Button
Intentional Foul
Basic Crossover Moves
Basic Crossover
Nothing fancy. No trigger required, just flick the stick to your off-hand to quickly shift the ball to your other hand. Effective for separation if you opponent is overplaying the ball-side.
In and Out
This modifier can be applied to any crossover including the hesitation crossover and the stutter crossover. Instead of switching the ball to your offhand, the player fakes the motion and keeps the ball in his original hand. This is done executing a crossover and flicking the stick back towards the original hand before the dribble. No trigger needed.
Step Back
Get used to this move because this is what you will be using the majority of the time for spot up shooting off the dribble. To execute, simply flick the stick opposite the direction you are moving. Again no trigger. This is most effective when you realize that the drive isn´t there.
Size Up
Tapping the left trigger while standing in place will activate a size up move. This can be chained into a drive or crossover. Tapping the right trigger while standing will also activate a stutter size up move, which can also be chained. Effective to draw the defender closer before you explode.
To do a stutter, you simply tap the right trigger. From there you chain to a stutter crossover (tap right trigger, then hold, and move the stick towards your dribble hand) or a stutter drive (tap right trigger) then flip the stick towards offhand for a stutter cross. Great move to create separation after you have set up the defender with your basic crossover and drive.
Step Out/Side Step Drive
You have to be moving to execute this move. Simply tap left trigger while moving, and your player will attempt to step out and go around his man. Use this move when your defender is too close to recover.
Another move you will find yourself using often. To execute the spin, rotate the stick to toward your offhand. This may take some practice to perfect in full stride. This also does not require the use of a trigger. Great way to blow by a crowding defender or get separation for a spot up.
Advanced Moves
Behind the back
Behind the back crossover. Executed just like the spin except you´ll need to hold down the right trigger. Effective when your drive takes you too far wide as your opponent´s momentum will be going in the opposite direction.
Half Spin
The complement to the spin move. You do this the same way you do the step back move, except you need to hold the right trigger. If you have setup your opponent properly, he should over compensate when he sees the spin starting
Double Crossover
Executed the same way you do the in and out except again you will be holding the right trigger. If the crossover is your move of choice, use this move to occasionally catch your opponent overplaying your first move.
Hop Step/Spinning Hop Step
Not as effective as last year´s version but should help you create space in close quarters or slide past a double team. To initiate the move just tap the Y or triangle button. To do the spinning variety, press the Y or triangle button while holding down the right trigger. To do a step back hop, simply press triangle or Y while on the perimeter.
Hesitation Crossover
Similar to last year´s version but it is much easier to execute. Simply hold both triggers while flicking the stick in the direction of your offhand. Like the basic stutter, this is a great move to create separation after you have set up the defender with your basic moves.
Protect Ball
This is done by holding both the left and right triggers and holding the stick back. You can immediately chain this into a drive by flicking left or right, and releasing both triggers at the same time. Again, this is effective to draw an overzealous defender in or draw a foul on defenders that like to reach.
Jab Step
Compliments the drive. The Jab step is done by flicking the stick opposite the direction of your pivot foot. Like the protect ball, you can immediately chain this into a drive by flicking left or right, and releasing both triggers at the same time. This can be used for spot-up shooting or as a hesitation drive.
To spin out of the post, hold RT and push LSTICK in the direction of your dribble hand
Triple threat works like 2k7. hold LT+RT, use LS for moves. explode out of triple threat by releasing both triggers and jacking LS while in the jab step or hold ball away animation.
To throw quick inbounds, hold down the pass button as your inbounder is taking the ball out. as soon as he crosses over the line, he´ll throw the pass. inboundee has to be within reasonable range though.
For teardrops/floaters, pull the shot stick away from the basket while driving. if you hold RT while doing this, your player will perform a reverse or 360 dunk... if he can.
Quick breakdown of iso moves:
throw LS toward offhand: crossover (+RT: hez cross)
roll LS in circle motion from ballhand around back: spin (+RT: behind back)
throw LS toward offhand then immediately back toward ballhand: in & out (+RT: double
tap LT: while standing = sizeup move (while moving = stepout move)
tap RT: neutral LS = drifting sizeup, LS toward ballhand = stutter drive, LS toward offhand = stutter cross
throw LS away from moving direction for stepback move. some players can chain a stepback into a drive by throwing LS back toward the basket during the stepback animation.