Matchs :
1. Bonheure and ilona 0-4
2. Savour and Neron 0-4
3. OnlyGamer and Meilleur 0-4
4. Down and Mano 4-2
5. WeHaveThePower and Liners 0-4
6. Hackeur and Legends 0-4
7. Cartomancie and Halen 0-4
8. Loss and Choco-Man 4-0
9. Satanast and Perroquet 0-4
10. Ansia and Fastback 3-4
11. Serbie and Fluzz 4-0
12. GalaxyGamer and Blackout 0-4
13. Yeiazel and Socialist
14. LeftBehind and Balada
15. Wife and Soixnante-Trois
16. Egoist and Cartophilie
Match en cours :
13. Yeiazel and Socialist
Je vote pour le pseudo Socialist !
Matchs :
1. Bonheure and ilona 0-4
2. Savour and Neron 0-4
3. OnlyGamer and Meilleur 0-4
4. Down and Mano 4-2
5. WeHaveThePower and Liners 0-4
6. Hackeur and Legends 0-4
7. Cartomancie and Halen 0-4
8. Loss and Choco-Man 4-0
9. Satanast and Perroquet 0-4
10. Ansia and Fastback 3-4
11. Serbie and Fluzz 4-0
12. GalaxyGamer and Blackout 0-4
13. Yeiazel and Socialist 0-4
14. LeftBehind and Balada
15. Wife and Soixnante-Trois
16. Egoist and Cartophilie
Match en cours :
14. LeftBehind and Balada
Je vote pour le pseudo Balada.
Je vote pour le pseudonyme Balada.
Matchs :
1. Bonheure and ilona 0-4
2. Savour and Neron 0-4
3. OnlyGamer and Meilleur 0-4
4. Down and Mano 4-2
5. WeHaveThePower and Liners 0-4
6. Hackeur and Legends 0-4
7. Cartomancie and Halen 0-4
8. Loss and Choco-Man 4-0
9. Satanast and Perroquet 0-4
10. Ansia and Fastback 3-4
11. Serbie and Fluzz 4-0
12. GalaxyGamer and Blackout 0-4
13. Yeiazel and Socialist 0-4
14. LeftBehind and Balada 0-4
15. Wife and Soixante-Trois
16. Egoist and Cartophilie
Match en cours :
15. Wife and Soixante-Trois