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Sujet : traduction
Niveau 4
21 août 2006 à 18:46:33

~ <Chapter 1 - The One That Defied God>
~ \Solde/
~ \Lost Forest/
~ \Royal Underground Path/
~ <Chapter 2 - The Darkness Of Dipan>
~ \Dipan/
~ \Dipan Castle/
~ \Kythena Plains/
~ <Chapter 3 - The Revolving Thought>
~ \Coriander/
~ \Serdberg Mountain Ruins/
~ \Villnore/
~ \Optional #1 - Ancient Forest/
~ \Optional #2 - Turgen Mine/
~ \Audoula Temple On The Lake/
~ \Kalstad/
~ \Sahma Desert/
~ \Surts Volcano Caverns/
~ \Crell Monferaigne/
~ \Optional #3 - Chateau Obsession/
~ \Crawsus Forest Ruins/
~ \Dragonscrypt/
~ \Palace Of The Venerated Dragon/
~ <Chapter 4 - The Gods´ Assault>
~ \Optional #4/
~ \Sukavia Gorge/
~ \From Solde To Royal Underground Path/
~ \Dipan Castle/
~ <Chapter 5 - The Invisible Hand>
~ \From Dipan Castle To Lost Forest/
~ \Forest Of Spirits/
~ \Dipan Castle & Forest Of Spirits/
~ \Ravine Caverns/
~ \Bifrost/
~ \Asgard/
~ \Yggdrasil/
~ \Hall Of Valhalla/
~ <Chapter 6 - The World Tree Of Distortion>
~ \Optional #5/
~ \Tower Of Lezard Valeth/
~ <Seraphic Gate>
~ \Floor 1/
~ \Floor 2/
~ \Floor 3/
~ \Floor 4/
~ \Floor 5/

----------------------------- <Full Walkthrough> ------------------------------


<Chapter 1 - The One That Defied God>

Items: Port Wine, Soldier´s Secret Herb
Ally: Rufus
Importance: Make sure you read the 1st part of the tri-Ace Poem
- The end reward(in Chapter 6) is the Tri Emblem

Once you get to control Alicia, go back in the Assembly Hall. Check the right
corner for a Port Wine. Exit out and go left. Go in the near Villager House. Go
check the left box for a Soldier´s Secret Herb. Moving on to the left, the next
house is a Weapon Armor Shop. If you go left a bit from the shop, there is a
path to north. But if you go on to the left more, there are the Inn where you
can save your game and the town entrance/exit.

At the north, go right for a cat which you can feed it Seafood Meat. However,
you don´t have any Seafood Meat. We will get back to the cat later. Near the
cat, there is another Villager House. Now, if you go left, a path up to the
Church & one more Villager House at the left end. Within that left end Villager
House, make sure you read the 1st part of the tri-Ace Poem by the left end of
the house.

Anyway, once you are done, exit out the town to the World Map.


\Lost Forest/
Items: 400 OTH, Skull Vessel, Union Plum
Einferia: Mithra(100%)
Enemies: Skeleton, Dire Wolf, Bullets Beetle

Go on to the right for more scene. The game will prompt you to view the Battle

- Use the Left Stick to Move
- Press the Left Stick/L3 to Charge Up the AP Gauge
- Right or Left of the D-Pad changes the Leader
- Get near the enemy and press Square or X
- Attack with Square or X

- Attack with Square or X again for the Break Mode
- Depends On The # Of Parts You´ve Broken (5% Increment Each Time)
- No Part: Minus 70%
- 1 Part: Minus 65%
- 2 Parts: Minus 60%
- 3 Parts: Minus 55%
- 28 Parts: 70%
- 29 Parts: 75%
- 30 Parts: 80%
- Equip Break Up skill (10% Increment Each Time)
- No Part: Minus 30%
- 1 Part: Minus 20%
- 2 Parts: Minus 10%
- 3 Parts: 0%
- 9 Parts: 60%
- 10 Parts: 70%
- 11 Parts: 80%
- Add 40% to the percentage of Break Mode when breaking a part, if
you equip the Break Up skill
- Dylan´s normal attack, High End Spark
- Add 40% to the percentage of Break Mode when breaking a part, if
Dylan uses the High End Spark
- Resets to Minus 70% or Minus 30% after each activation
- The percentage is individual, meaning more characters with 80%,
the better
- The percentage will also be carried on from battle to battle,
meaning it is wise to build up the percentage before any boss
- Can´t activate Break Mode when enemy´s HP is below 50% or the HP
for the remaining parts isn´t 75% of the entirety, as well as the
percentage is 0% or below 0%

- Press R1 to Dash
- Single Press: Short Range
- Double Press: Medium Range
- Long Press: Long Range

- Move toward the yellow end of the field for a choice to Escape
- Lose all AP if the Escape fails

- Extend Gauge
- 5 Lights: 30 Bonus Magic Crystals
- 4 Lights: 9 Bonus Magic Crystals
- 3 Lights: 7 Bonus Magic Crystals
- 2 Lights: 4 Bonus Magic Crystals
- 1 Lights: 2 Bonus Magic Crystals
- Lightless: 0 Bonus Magic Crystal
- Bonus EXP: # Of Magic Crystals*0.01875*Normal EXP

- Up or Down of the D-Pad changes the Group
- Again, Right or Left of the D-Pad changes the Leader
- Try the above two: Move around with different Leader and Group

- Remaining controls:
- Right Stick is for the Camera Movement
- Select brings up the Menu
- Item, Magic, Weapon Change
- L1 is for the Camera Adjust
- L2 is for the Target Mode
- R2 toggles the Radar
- R3 toggles the Camera

After, finish up the battle. Anyway, Circle is to Slash/Examine, Square is to
shoot the Photon and X is to Jump. As for R1, it toggles the Mini Map and the
R2 is to bring up the Full Map. You can shoot out Photon to crystallize the
enemy or spirit. If you shoot again at the crystallized enemy or spirit, you
will switch place with the crystal.

Anyway, moving on and you will need to shoot at the spirit then use it to jump
to the right. Next, jump and shoot then shoot again to switch place. Get 400
OTH nearby. Go on to the inner part to get your 1st Einferia, Mithra. Save your
game after. Now, don´t go right yet. Go left and keep shooting the NW. You will
end up at a higher ground. Get a Skull Vessel and a Union Plum. That´s 100% for
the Map and 100% for the Treasure. Well then, head in the cave.


\Royal Underground Path/
Items: 400 OTH, Soldier´s Secret Herb, Soldier´s Secret Herb, Gauntlet, Leather
Boots, 800 OTH, Elixir, 600 OTH, Union Plum, Thunder Gem, Sallet,
Dwarf´s Sacred Herb, Soldier´s Secret Herb, Union Plum, Shamshir
Enemies: Goblin, Skeleton, Skeleton Army, Dire Wolf, Bullets Beetle
Einferia: Richelle(25%) or Sylphide(50%) or Jessica(25%), Kraad(50%) or Roland
Ally: Dylan(100%)
- If you want 2 overpowered weapons later, train Dylan to Level 45 before
the end of Chapter 4

Go on and by the ramp, jump to the left to get a 400 OTH. There is a Soldier´s
Secret Herb to the right, but you need to shoot at the enemy below and use it
to get up to the right. Go on to the right. Shoot at the NE then shoot again,
you will switch place. During that, press and hold down X which will have you
jump right after. Go on & to the inner part.

Go left to get a Soldier´s Secret Herb. As for the above box, it contains a
Gauntlet but it has a trap as soon as you open it. Anyway, go back and head to
the right. Check the sword for more Einferia. After, go down to the next area.

Go on and you can go right or down. Go down & the left leads to Leather Boots
and 800 OTH. If you check the sword, you can get one more Einferia. Half way to
the right, use the enemies to get up to the left for an Elixir. If you head to
the right all the way, it leads to 600 OTH. Now go back to the previous area
and go right.

Go on and head up for more scene. Dylan will join the party and you will get an
Old Pendant. Go off from the broken bridge to get Union Plum. After, jump down
to the end and go south. The right leads on but if you go left, use the enemies
to get up to the right to get a Thunder Gem. If you go further left, you will
be back to the area where you got Dylan. If you want 100% for the Map, then you
can check that path. Anyway, go right and move along the path then go north at
the end.

Move on up and go south at the end. Go right for a Sallet. In order to jump to
the right, you will need an enemy from the left. At the end, there is a box and
it´s got another trap. You can then go get a Dwarf´s Sacred Herb from it. Go
back and go on to the left. Go down for a Soldier´s Secret Herb then use that
enemy to move on up.

By the broken bridge, check for an Union Plum. Go on to the right and go north.
Get the Shamshir and that´s 100% for the Treasure. Save your game then go on to
the right for the 1st boss fight.

Boss: Ballistic Rhino
Race: Giant, Beast
Level: 6
HP: 680
EXP: 5000
OTH: 870
ATK: 30
MAG: 10
HIT: 10
AVD: 2
RDM: 6
RST: 1
Weight: 120
Absorb Attribute: None
Gender: Male
Basic Evasion: 3
Basic Guard: 10
Counter Rate: 0
Attribute Resist: None
Abnormal Resist: Paralyze/Silence(80), Poison/Death/Confuse/Petrify/Transfer
(100), Freeze(50)

Since its attacks can Stun you, you might want to equip some Stun Check. As for
skills, equip Hard Body for others and Alicia can have Regeneration Heal. If
you are using Mithra, he can have Hard Body and Break Up. If you intent on the
Break Mode, make sure you broke enough parts with the side enemies before this
boss fight. It has a long range attack, so Dash in and avoid getting in range.
It can drop various items, so you should take it apart, piece by piece. Circle
around it and you shouldn´t have much trouble with it.

After you beat it, you can even fight it again and again.

After, go right and that´s 100% for the Map. Save your game and go up to get
out the cave.



<Chapter 2 - The Darkness Of Dipan>

Item: Union Plum
Importance: Make sure you read the 2nd part of the tri-Ace Poem
- The end reward(in Chapter 6) is the Tri Emblem
- MUST be done and ONLY in Chapter 2
Recommend: Stock up on Gold&Silver Flower´s Dew
- Or get Poison Check

You can try to go right and up, but the guard won´t let you pass. So, head to
the left. Near house is the Inn and a save point. Left of the Inn is the Bar.
To the left a bit, a path to north. But if you go left further, there are the
Weapon Armor Shop and a Villager House. For this Villager House that´s to the
left of the Weapon Armor Shop, make sure you read the 2nd part of the tri-Ace
Poem at the right end of the house.

At north, to the near Villager House. Check the left for a Union Plum. To the
right, there are the Church and more Villager House. After, go right all the
way and speak with the guards. Afterward, you can back track all the way to the
beginning and go right then up. There is no guard around, so enter the castle.

Niveau 4
21 août 2006 à 18:51:16

\Dipan Castle/
Items: Leather Boots, Dwarf´s Sacred Herb, Union Plum, 700 OTH, Cross Bow,
Double Search, 1200 OTH, Flare Gem, Crest Estoc
Enemies: Skeleton(Event), Goblin, Skeleton Army, Living Armor, Warning Jewel
Soul Crush: Crest Estoc is the 1st weapon that enables Decisive Tech/Soul Crush
- Decisive Tech/Soul Crush requires the Full/100 Heat Gauge
- 1st Soul Crush uses 20 Heat Gauge
- 2nd Soul Crush uses 40 Heat Gauge
- 3rd Soul Crush uses 60 Heat Gauge
- 4th Soul Crush uses 100 Heat Gauge
Importance: After meeting Ahly, check at where you met her for Hunting Sword
Hilde. This MUST be done before you exit out the Dipan Castle
- Hunting Sword Hilde also enables Decisive Tech/Soul Crush
Ally: Lezard
- If you want 2 decent accessories later, train Lezard to Level 45 before
the end of Chapter 4

Move on and go south. Go right for Leather Boots. Back track and go left for a
save point. The left leads to a Dwarf´s Sacred Herb and Union Plum. After, you
can go south and a quick battle. Go on to the right and go south at the end. Go
on to the left. Ignore the further left so go south.

Go left and shoot at NW to make the crystal. Shoot again to switch place with
the crystal. Check the nearby for 700 OTH. Now, repeat to get further up. You
might want to jump then shoot NW to get to that enemy. Go left to another area.
Go left and get the Cross Bow. Above this box is another. You will need to get
a crystal on top of the box with the Cross Bow. With that, you can then jump up
to NW to get the Double Search. Now back track and go right. Destroy that red
object to unseal the barrier.

Now, don´t go right yet since there are items up there. Use the first enemy to
get up. Next bit looks hard since the enemy is all the way at NE. But, position
Alicia right and shoot NE, so that the photon will bounce back to that enemy.
Repeat and you will be up there. Get 1200 OTH and next, shoot NW and repeat to
get up. Stand on the red object and jump to the left to get the Flare Gem. Now,
you can destroy the object and go down to the right.

Get the Crest Estoc and that´s 100% for the Treasure. Save your game and go to
the right for the boss fight.

Boss: Chaos Ooze
Race: Giant, Plant, UnHoly
Level: 8
HP: 1200
EXP: 9000
OTH: 1260
ATK: 40
MAG: 20
HIT: 10
AVD: 18
RDM: 5
RST: 10
Weight: 100
Absorb Attribute: None
Gender: Male
Basic Evasion: 8
Basic Guard: 1
Counter Rate: 100
Attribute Resist: Minus 20 Flame, 80 Thunder/Earth, 20 Darkness
Abnormal Resist: Paralyze(20), Silence/Poison/Death/Confuse/Petrify/Transfer
(100), Freeze/Stun(50)

Get Alicia to equip Crest Estoc. Her Soul Crush can do decent damage. As for
skills, Iron Fist, Hard Body or Regeneration Heal. Since it can Poison you,
make sure you have the Gold&Silver Flower´s Dew to cure that or equip Poison
Check. If you intent on the Break Mode, make sure you broke enough parts with
the side enemies before this boss fight.

Like the previous boss, Dash to its back and start attacking. Do not get too
close though, Chaos Ooze got rather wide close range. If it starts Log On, it
will use Wash Out. That has a chance to Poison you, beware of that. If you were
to take out its tentacles, there is a chance for it to use Regeneration which
is pretty deadly if you are in range. If you need to heal, you mostly will need
to heal the party instead of just one character. It can drop various items, so
you should take it apart, piece by piece. Focus on the Tentacles since it can
use Regeneration to bring them back. It´s not likely for you to get all items
from its parts in one try, so gather as many as you can. If you are wondering,
you can´t fight it again but there are enemies that drop the same items.

Afterward, go on to the right for more scene. That´s 100% for the Map. Now, go
back track for scene with Ahly. MAKE SURE you check at where Ahly was for the
Hunting Sword Hilde. Continue to back track and Lezard will join the party at
the end.


\Kythena Plains/
Enemies: Goblin, Giant Bat, Dire Wolf, Flying Fish, Living Armor, Warning Jewel
Cat´s Ring: Flying Fish(Tail Fin, 30%) drops the Seafood Meat. Get at least 15
Seafood Meat. Go back to Solde to feed the cat:
- Feed it once for Hunted Rat
- Feed it 5 times for Tail Broken Lizard
- Feed it 10 times for Misfortune Blue Bird
- Feed it 15 times for Cat´s Poop
- Sell these 4 Materials to the Solde shop
- Meet the Regulars´ Point which is 8000
- Make 80000 OTH worth of purchase
- Buy the Cat´s Ring
Bone-Attached Meat: Giant Bat(Body, 30%) and Dire Wolf(Tail, 30%) drop the
Bone-Attached Meat. Get at least 15 Bone-Attached Meat
- Dire Wolf also show up in Lost Forest & Royal Underground

You will be in Lost Forest. Go west to back track out. Kythena Plains will show
up on the World Map. BTW, Weapon Armor Shop in Solde has been updated a bit. Go
check it out if you wish. After, enter the Kythena Plains. Within, head to the
west all the way and you will get 100% for the Map. Exit out at the end and go
in Coriander.



<Chapter 3 - The Revolving Thought>

Items: Insect Thorn, Blue Soul Flame, Earth Gem
Bird´s Ring: Skeleton(Left/Right Leg or Left/Right Arm, 20%) and Skeleton Army
(Left/Right Leg or Left Arm, 20%) drop the Bone Waste. Skeleton
can be found in Lost Forest and Royal Underground Path; Skeleton
Army can be found in Royal Underground Path. Get at least 15 Bone
Waste. Feed the chicken in Coriander:
- Feed it once for Chick´s Bait
- Feed it 5 times for Vegetable Waste
- Feed it 10 times for Packed In Shell Bait
- Feed it 15 times for Bird´s Poop
- Sell these 4 Materials to the General Merchant in Coriander
- Meet the Regulars´ Point which is 8000
- Make 80000 OTH worth of purchase
- Buy the Bird´s Ring

Go right a bit to see the General Merchant. Speak with the Adventurer nearby to
get Insect Thorn and Blue Soul Flame. Go right & go in the 1st Villager House.
Check the right for an Earth Gem. Go on to the right to the Inn and another
Villager House. Near the 2nd Villager House, there is a chicken. You can feed
it Bone Waste. If you already talked to some girl, then exit out at east.

Niveau 4
21 août 2006 à 18:55:40

\Serdberg Mountain Ruins/ (Bosses´ Levels: 13&14)
Items: Big Rump, Might Potion, 2500 OTH, Dwarf´s Sacred Herb, 3400 OTH, Ice
Gem, Prime Elixir, Falchion, Dwarf´s Sacred Herb, Gandeva, 5000 OTH,
Metal Buckler, Flame Resist Amulet, Metal Greave, Dwarf´s Sacred Herb
Item Note: Gandeva is another weapon that enables the Decisive Tech/Soul Crush
Sealed Stones: Misty Commandment, Masochistic Commandment, Heavy Black Anchor´s
Commandment, Swordian Protection
Allies: Leone, Aluze
Einferia: Celes(30%) or Tyrith(70%), Woltar(50%) or Alm(50%)
- After you released Celes or Tyrith, either will show up in Solde
Note: If you want 2 overpowered weapons, train Leone to Level 40 before the end
of Chapter 3; If you want 2 more overpowered weapons, train Aluze to
Level 40 before the end of Chapter 3
Referral: From this dungeon and on, you will encounter Sealed Stones. You can
check the <Sealed Stones> section to find out more on them

Go on to the right and head up. It´s rather hard to jump up here. You will need
2 crystals, one on top of the other one. Not only that, you will also need to
be able to stand on the lower crystal. Thus, Alicia and the top crystal will be
on top of the lower one. As long as the top crystal isn´t at the middle top of
the lower crystal, then there is a small area for Alicia to jump on. Once you
are on the lower crystal, jump on the top crystal. Jump up to get the Big Rump.
You can go south or east. If you go east, it leads to Might Potion, 2500 OTH
and Dwarf´s Sacred Herb. Be sure to walk away upon opening the middle & right
boxes. After, back track and go south.

Niveau 4
21 août 2006 à 19:07:21

Go left for more scene. After, go right and use the enemy to jump up to the
right. Go on and go south. Get to the top & push the globe to the left & right,
to get it to the seal on the ground. That will raise up the stairs. Save your
game and go back to the globe. Push it away so the stairs will go down. Now go
right all the way and slash at the end. It leads to 3400 OTH, Ice Gem and watch
out for the next box since it will explode upon opening. It contains the Prime
Elixir. Also, there is a sword that can get you another Einferia. Afterward, go
move the globe and get up. Save your game and go south.

Niveau 4
21 août 2006 à 19:14:05


Niveau 4
29 août 2006 à 11:28:52

Leone and Aluze will the party. Use the enemy to jump up to the right.

Niveau 4
29 août 2006 à 11:31:38

<Chapter 4 - The Gods´ Assault>

\Optional #4/ (Bosses´ Levels: 42&40)

Go to Kalstad, check with the chicken to get a Golden Egg. Go to Villnore, you
can buy Lily for 10 OTH. It works like Tiny Flower. Go to Crell Monferaigne, go
talk around then exit out for a scene. In Coriander, check a Villager House for
a Core Emerald.

Within Villnore, speak with a man to east and pick yes. Go back to the Turgen
Mine. At the end, you can fight Gigant Wasp which is just a powered up Queen
Wasp. Beat it and you can get the Scarlet Formation-Sealing Vessel. Now you got
4 slots of Sealed Stones. Report back to the man in Villnore for a Metabolizer.
Also, speak with a man in Coriander then to the Ancient Forest. At the end,
you can fight Kobold King. Beat it and report back to the man for a Wiser´s


\Sukavia Gorge/
Einferia: Aegis(100%)
Note: If you already released Khanon then Khanon will show up in Sukavia Gorge
- Khanon can give you Noble Elixir

Technically, this place is optional. You do not have to cross Sukavia Gorge
since you can just cross Kythena Plains instead. But, there is an Einferia here
so might as well. Within, head to the east. Keep going and that will be 100%
for the Map. At the end, check a staff for an Einferia.


\From Solde To Royal Underground Path/ (Boss´ Level: 42)
Note: If you already released Aegis then Aegis will show up in Solde
Poem(Tri Emblem): Make sure you read the one in Solde
- If you´ve read the previous 3, then the one in Solde from
before will change
Shop List: Long Sword(500), Shamshir(3500), Famous Blade Lotus Breaker(65000),
Famous Blade Satsukiame(76000), Bastard Sword(1000), Two Handed
Sword(2500), Short Bow(400), Cross Bow(2000), Composite Long(17000),
Sallet(160), Anoint Crown(5500), Leather Mail(240), Cloak(200),
Supreme Garb(9000), Elven Taffeta(25000), Leather Glove(200), Royal
Glove(8000), Rune Greave(60000), Cross Greave(180), Leather Boots
(160), Poison Check(1500), Stun Check(1500), Vaulting Horse Statue
(1000), Ruby Bee(1000), Blue Apple(1000), Holy Crystal(6000),
Soldier´s Secret Herb(150), Healer´s Secret Herb(800), Witch´s
Secret Herb(5000), Dwarf´s Sacred Herb(800), Fairy´s Sacred Herb
(3600), Spirit´s Sacred Herb(40000), Elixir(800), Gold&Silver
Flower´s Dew(80), Regulatory Principle(80), Bragi´s Psalms(150),
Snow Thawing Water(80), Pearl Grass(80), Cockatrice´s Egg(150),
Union Plum(800), Holy Water(150), Holy Grail(20000), Izun´s Apple
(150), Soft Stone(20000), Directional Stone(200), Star Reading Slate
(20000), Flame Resist Amulet(1200), Cold Resist Amulet(1200),
Pulverize Amulet(1200), Lightning Avoid Amulet(1200), Golden Egg
(50000), Spectacles(150), Visional Jewel(10000), Cat´s Ring(1),
Northern Continent Map(10000), Western Continent Map(1000), Eastern
Continent Map(5000)

Within Solde, just go east toward the port for more scene. Be sure to check out
the Weapon Armor Shop since they got updates. After, get in the Lost Forest to
get to the Royal Underground Path. Keep going to the end for a boss fight.

Boss: Ull
Take out the Aesir Guard first. If you have Valkyrie Favor for Alicia and the
Bahamut Tear for Dylan, then this battle will end in no time, considering all
the damage you can do with those 2 weapons. Once it´s down to Ull, go circle
around some pillar whenever you need to recover AP. Repeat till you beat it. If
you do this right, Ull has no chance to attack you.

After, go on to save your game then go up to Dipan. Go right and up, then head
to the west to get in the castle.


\Dipan Castle/ (Bosses´ Levels: 40&42, 42&45)
Items: Wiser´s EXP, Wiser´s EXP, Wiser´s EXP
- The last 2 Wiser´s EXP are obtained in early Chapter 5
Shop List: Shamshir(3500), Falchion(200), Frostbane(15000), Holy Sword(70000),
Striking Sword(4500), Claymore(18000), Famous Sword Veinslay(75000),
Ignite Sword(1000000), Snake Halberd Basilisk(700000), Long Bow
(4000), Composite Long(17000), Infinity Rod(18000), Holy Rod(83000),
Duel Helm(7000), Vallo Helm(35000), Metal Crown(2500), Olive Crown
(4500), Rune Crown(25000), Cuirass(3000), Duel Armor(9000), Icicle
Plate(17000), Vallo Armor(50000), Silver Cloak(3500), Leather Cloak
(3500), Supreme Garb(9000), Duel Guarder(7000), Duel Greave(6500),
Cross Greave(180), Leather Boots(160), Suede Boots(1000), Battle
Maiden´s Pendant(300000), Curse Check(4000), Paraly Check(2500),
Beryl Bangle(2500), Bronze Mirror(6000), Blue Doll(6000), Red
Cherry(7000), Ruby Bee(1000), Shadow Crystal(6000), Soldier´s Secret
Herb(150), Healer´s Secret Herb(800), Dwarf´s Sacred Herb(800),
Fairy´s Sacred Herb(3600), Prime Elixir(10000), Gold&Silver Flower´s
Dew(80), Regulatory Principle(80), Bragi´s Psalms(150), Snow Thawing
Water(80), Pearl Grass(80), Cockatrice´s Egg(150), Izun´s Apple
(150), Directional Stone(200), Union Plum(800), Holy Water(150),
Flame Resist Amulet(1200), Cold Resist Amulet(1200), Pulverize
Amulet(1200), Lightning Avoid Amulet(1200), Flawless Amulet(5000),
Flare Gem(2000), Ice Gem(2000), Thunder Gem(2000), Earth Gem(2000),
Holy Gem(2000), Shadow Gem(2000), Prism Gem(2000), Spectacles(150),
Bird´s Ring(1)
Shopping Note: Holy Sword enables Decisive Tech/Soul Crush as well
Note: If you still want the 2 overpowered weapons and 2 decent accessories,
then you should try to get Dylan and Lezard to Level 45 before the end
of this dungeon

Check the left end soldier to get a Wiser´s EXP. Go south and head to the
west to save your game. Go on to the west and there are a Spring, the Merchant,
as well as another save point. As for Sealed Stones, bring Swordian Protection
and Life Spirit´s Protection, maybe Sting Protection as well. As for your
characters, make sure their RST are high. Afterward, go up for the boss fight.

Bosses: Gyne, Walther
Go after Gyne first since he has lesser HP. If you have Valkyrie Favor and the
Bahamut Tear, then you can take him out with 4 Soul Crushes. Repeat and take
out the other one. If you don´t have Valkyrie Favor and Bahamut Tear, then this
might be quite difficult. Circle around & try to lure them around. Their magic
will hit you hard, so you need to heal. It´s fine if you have Life Spirit´s
Protection. Further, you can always poison them with Sting Protection. After
that, keep circling around and take your time with each one. If you have the
Holy Gem, use it on one of them for a chance of Silence.

Afterward, back track and make sure your characters´ RDM are high this time. Go
switch out the Sting Protection to Shield´s Protection. Keep in mind that Dylan
and Lezard will leave after the next boss battle. Anyway, go east all the way
for the next boss fight.

Bosses: Ahly, Aluze
Go after Aluze first since he has lesser HP. With Valkyrie Favor and Bahamut
Tear, you can kill him with 4 Soul Crushes. That way, he doesn´t have a chance
to use Finality Blast. As for Ahly, it´s fine if your RDM are high. Most of
her attacks don´t hurt much. She likes to Guard all the time, so you can´t beat
her as fast as Aluze. But, you can always attack her from behind and finish her
off with 4 Soul Crushes so she doesn´t have a chance for Nibelung Valesti as

After, Dylan and Lezard will leave the party. If they both are at least Level
45, then you will get 2 weapons and 2 accessories:

- Immortal King´s Sword (ATK 260, 2 Attacks, SC Enabled)
- Oppresseder´s Sword (ATK 850, 2 Attacks, SC Enabled)
- Philosopher´s Stone Shard (MAG 100, chance to transfer the target out
of the battlefield)
- Homunculus´ Seed (All elemental resist + 20%)

Niveau 4
29 août 2006 à 11:49:19

\Hall Of Valhalla/ (Boss´ Level: 65)
Items: Double Search, Noble Elixir, Flare Crystal, 200000 OTH, Book Of Alchemy,
Mithril Gauntlet, Over Drive, Witch´s Secret Herb, Cold Resist Talisman,
Noble Elixir, Witch´s Secret Herb, Witch´s Secret Herb, Spirit´s Sacred
Herb, Cold Resist Talisman, Power Bangle, Union Plum, Earth Crystal,
Guard Potion, Ether Septor, Noble Elixir, Union Plum, Lightning Avoid
Talisman, Union Plum, Spirit´s Sacred Herb, Demon Sword Gram, Might
Potion, Holy Crystal, Golden Egg, Spirit´s Sacred Herb, Shadow Crystal,
Flawless Talisman, Magic Bangle, Charge Break, Spell Potion, Liqueur
Potion, Flawless Talisman, Double Search, Holy Crystal, Union Plum,
Silver Plate, Wiser´s EXP, Sage´s Sacred Herb, Pulverize Talisman,
Liqueur Potion, Noble Elixir, Life Bow Mysteltain, Swordsman´s
Knowledge, Bow Fighter´s Knowledge, Mage´s Knowledge, Thief´s Knowledge,
Ambrosia, Heavy Soldier´s Knowledge
Item Note: You can´t get the Swordsman´s Knowledge, Bow Fighter´s Knowledge,
Mage´s Knowledge, Thief´s Knowledge, Ambrosia and Heavy Soldier´s
Knowledge till Chapter 6
Note: Demon Sword Gram and Life Bow Mysteltain also enable Decisive Tech/Soul
Sealed Stones: Slate´s Protection, Holy Light´s Reason, Always As Usual Reason,
Precious Stone´s Protection, Holy Protection, Tough One´s
Recommend: Holy Sword Ascalon + Body Passage(Skill)
- Red Dragon(Body Tail, 15%) drops Holy Sword Ascalon

Go right for a save point and on to the right. There is a Spring then go on to
the right further. There are a path to go up and down, as well as a Blue Seal.
For the Blue Seal, jump and stand on the left jar so it would descend down. Go
up after and Aluze will join back the party. There are 2 paths up here. They
lead to Double Search, Noble Elixir and Flare Crystal. Two of them have traps,
so beware of that. After, go west to another area. There are 2 more paths up.
They lead to 200000 OTH and Book Of Alchemy. The 200000 OTH is in a bag, on the
top of a bookshelf. The box with the Book Of Alchemy got a trap as well. There
is also an Altar in that room. At the west end, push the right jar to the left
for the Yellow Seal. Now, take the near south path.

At the west end, use an enemy to jump and stand on the left jar so it would
descend down. That´s the Red Seal. As you can see, there are paths to south and
they lead to Mithril Gauntlet, Over Drive, as well as a Witch´s Secret Herb.
The box with the Mithril Gauntlet got a trap BTW. After, go east. There are 2
more paths to south. They lead to Cold Resist Talisman, Noble Elixir, Witch´s
Secret Herb, Witch´s Secret Herb, Spirit´s Sacred Herb, as well as a Sealed
Stone. Few boxes also got traps. After, go up to get back to the area with the
Blue Seal. Since you got the Yellow and Red Seals as well, you can head to the

There is a Sealed Stone nearby. There are paths to south and north. They lead
to Cold Resist Talisman, Power Bangle, Union Plum, Earth Crystal and Guard
Potion. Three of these boxes got traps BTW. Go on to the east. There are 3
enemies here, use them to get up to upper left. There is an Ether Septor and a
Spring. Above the Ether Septor, there is another box at the small edge at the
upper left corner. You can go E or SE. Go SE to get Union Plum, Lightning Avoid
Talisman, Might Potion, Holy Crystal, Golden Egg, Union Plum, Spirit´s Sacred
Herb, Demon Sword Gram, as well as a Sealed Stone. The 2 boxes in the area with
the Sealed Stone have traps, so beware. As for the Demon Sword Gram, it is on
top of a bookshelf and you need an enemy to get up there. The Golden Egg is
also not obvious, but it is in a bag. After, back track and head up to east.

Once again, 2 paths to north and 2 paths to south. They lead to Spirit´s Sacred
Herb, Shadow Crystal, Flawless Talisman, Magic Bangle, Charge Break, Spell
Potion, Liqueur Potion, a Sealed Stone, as well as a save point. The 2 boxes in
the area with the Sealed Stone also got traps, same with the box that contains
the Shadow Crystal. After, go on to the east.

Looks like you can push the right jar to the Blue Seal. Anyway, go on to the
east. There are path to go up and down. Go up first. The paths to go up lead to
the Yellow Seal and a Wiser´s EXP. For the Yellow Seal, if you crystallize
the jar, it won´t move. For the box with the Wiser´s EXP, it´s got a trap so
beware. After, go on to the west. Beat the big enemy first. West end got a
Flawless Talisman, and for the paths to go up, they lead to Double Search, Holy
Crystal, Union Plum, as well as Silver Plate. The three boxes that are together
all have traps. The box with the Flawless Talisman also got a trap. As for the
Double Search, it is in a bag that´s on top of a bookshelf. After, go south but
don´t go south again. Check the left for a jar. Jump and stand on it for it to
descend down. Crystallize it and get the other jar at right. That is for the
Blue Seal. After, go east and go south this time.

The paths to south lead to the Sage´s Secret Herb and the Red Seal. For the Red
Seal, the trick is to get a crystal on top of one jar then you can stand on the
other jar. After, go on to the west. Beat the big enemy for a Sealed Stone. As
for the paths to south, they lead to Pulverize Talisman, Liqueur Potion, Life
Bow Mysteltain, as well as a Sealed Stone. At the west end, there is also an
Noble Elixir. The Pulverize Talisman is in a bag in the area with the Liqueur
Potion. After, back track and you can now go east all the way. Save your game
and go east for the boss fight.

Boss: Frei
Her Magic does decent damage, so hopefully your characters´ RST are high. If
her range is a line, then you can actually get very close to her and circle
around. If it´s a fan-shape, you should move away and heal. Reduce enough of
her HP then she will end the battle with Ether Strike.

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