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The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim

Sujet : Les Sombrages sont une parodie de quoi?
Niveau 6
30 août 2014 à 15:38:52


J'ai remarqué que l'armée des Impériaux étaient vraiment une parodie de l'empire Romain: Tenue, Caserne, drapeau...

Les Nordiques sont eux, une parodie des Viking, casque, bateaux, barbare..

Mais je me trotte depuis une semaine la tête sur le Sombrage, pas moyen de savoir c'est une parodie de quoi..

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Niveau 7
30 août 2014 à 15:43:39

pourquoi avoir obligatoirement une parodie ? les sombrages peuvent tout simplement avoir leur propre style tout comme les thalmors quand on y repense...

Niveau 6
30 août 2014 à 15:45:16

Il y a beaucoup de parodie sur ce jeu, et j'aime bien les découvrir.

Je suis juste curieux

Niveau 10
30 août 2014 à 15:57:31

Les développeurs se sont inspirés des vikings, romains, etc... Mais ce ne sont absolument pas des "parodies". Une parodie est une forme d'humour hein, donc malgré qu'on ai envi de rire quand on voit la faiblesse de l'Empire actuel, ce n'est en aucun cas une parodie.

Niveau 10
30 août 2014 à 16:01:54

UnCacaVivant Voir le profil de UnCacaVivant
Posté le 30 août 2014 à 15:38:52 Avertir un administrateur

Les Nordiques sont eux, une parodie des Viking, casque, bateaux, barbare..

:d) Non. Ils ont des points en commun avec les scandinaves (et c'est l'une des races de Tamriel qui ressemble le plus à une culture réelle, avec les Brétons peut-être), mais les Nordiques ne sont pas un simple C/C. C'est assez réducteur.

Et puis surtout, les Vikings, c'est pas juste "des casques, des bâteaux et des barbares" :hap:

Niveau 10
30 août 2014 à 16:31:23

"La parodie est une forme d'humour qui utilise le cadre, les personnages, le style et le fonctionnement d'une œuvre pour s'en moquer. Elle se base entre autres sur l'inversion et l'exagération des caractéristiques appartenant au sujet parodié"

-Larousse (Dat citation :hap: )

Ce ne sont pas des parodies, car elles n'ont rien d'humoristique. Ce sont des imitations.

Enfin ceci dit la culture Nordique c'est développée également après l'époque Viking, presque à l'égal de ceux présent dans Skyrim.

Quant à l'Empire, ben, en fait c'est la même chose. Pas d'imitation, juste un nom différent. Même système hiérarchique, mêmes uniformes, même architecture.

Enfin bon, voilà, moi je dit ça, je dis rien :noel:

Niveau 10
30 août 2014 à 16:36:04

C'est les nazis. :hap:

Niveau 10
30 août 2014 à 16:40:13

Plus une satyre je dirais, d'un côté on a un Empire qui essaye un peu de tout contrôler à n'importe qu'elle prix (alliance avec les thalmors) et de l'autre coté des Nordiques assez racistes qui refusent la présences d'autres races (khajits, argonien et elfes) et qui tolèrent les autres humains

Niveau 10
30 août 2014 à 16:43:37

Quant à l'Empire, ben, en fait c'est la même chose. Pas d'imitation, juste un nom différent. Même système hiérarchique, mêmes uniformes, même architecture.


"It is the largest region of the continent, and most is endless jungle. Its center, the grassland of the Nibenay Valley, is enclosed by an equatorial rain forest and broken up by rivers. As one travels south along these rivers, the more subtropical it becomes, until finally the land gives way to the swamps of Argonia and the placid waters of the Topal Bay. The elevation rises gradually to the west and sharply to the north. Between its western coast and its central valley there are all manner of deciduous forest and mangroves, becoming sparser towards the ocean. The western coast is a wet-dry area, and from Rihad border to Anvil to the northernmost Valenwood villages forest fires are common in summer. There are a few major roads to the west, river paths to the north, and even a canopy tunnel to the Velothi Mountains, but most of Cyrodiil is a river-based society surrounded by jungle."

"The sheer size of Cyrodiil's physical theater, and frequent intervals of Elven tyranny, made its unification as a whole a slow and oft-interrupted process. At the height of Alessian influence, its western arm enjoyed a brief autonomy as the Colovian Estates, a demarcation that still colors an outsider's view of the Empire today; often, Cyrodiil has two faces, East and West, and any discussion of its later social history must first be tempered with a summary of this early divergence."

"Traditionally, the East is regarded as the region's soul: magnanimous, tolerant, and administrative. It was in the rain forests of the Nibenay Valley that the original Cyro-Nordic tribes, the Nibenese, learned a self-reliance that separated them culturally and economically from Skyrim. The Elven harassment of the First Empire gave rise to an elite form of support troop for the Valley armies, the battlemage1. By the time the Alessian Doctrines filtered down from the north along the river trade ways, these mages had become the ruling aristocracy. They were quickly superseded by the Alessian priesthood, whose inexplicably charismatic religion found purchase in the lower classes. The traditional Nordic pantheon of Eight Divines was replaced by a baroque veneration of ancestor spirits and god-animals, practices encouraged by the mutable-yet-monotheistic doctrines of the Alessian faith. The doctrines eventually codified nearly every aspect of Eastern culture. Restrictions against certain kinds of meat-eating, coupled with the sentiments of the blossoming animal cults, soon made agriculture and husbandry nearly impossible. Thus, many of the Eastern Cyrodiils were forced to become merchants, which, over time, allowed the Nibenay Valley to become the wealthiest city-state in the region. Yet, under Alessian rule, no matter how rich or powerful the merchant class became it was still a tenanted citizenry, and the tithes they were forced to pay the priesthood were constant reminders of the state's true masters."

"The West is respected as Cyrodiil's iron hand: firm, unwavering, and ever-vigilant. The Cyro-Nords that settled it had relinquished the fertile Nibenay Valley long ago, determined to conquer the frontier. Their primitive ferocity was disinclined to magic or the need for industry, preferring bloody engagement and plunder instead. After they had captured the Nedic port-cities of the Strident coast, the Westerners embarked on a mastery of the sea. Their earliest voyages took them as far as the Iliac Bay and the Cape of the Blue Divide, whose ports they annually raided until the (then) superior Yokudan navies arrived, ca. 1E810. By the time of the Alessian Reformation, the Westerners were firmly in a position, both geographically and socially, to resist its doctrines. Hammerfell, its northern border state, was now protected by its own holy-avenging order, the Ra Gada, whose bloody intolerance for foreigners acted as West Cyrodiil's buffer against the Alessian priesthood. The pantheon of Eight Divines, therefore, survived unchecked in Western Cyrodiil, and relations with the increasingly Alessian East became strained. Ultimately, the West isolated itself from the theocratic hegemony of the Nibenay Valley, establishing an autonomous government, the Colovian Estates."

"The Colovians6 today still possess much of the frontier spirit of their ancestors. They are uncomplicated, self-sufficient, hearty, and extremely loyal to one another. Whenever the East would tremble under the weakness of a leader, the Colovians would withdraw unto themselves, always believing they were keeping the national spirit safe until the storm passed. They realize that the Nibenay Valley is the heart of the Empire and the cultural center of its civilization, but it is a fragile center that only can be held together by the strength of character of its Emperor. When he falters, so do the Colovians. Yet when he is mighty, like Tiber Septim, they are his legions. Today, West Cyrodiils make up the majority of the soldiers in the Ruby Ranks. The Colovian nobility, all officers of the Imperial Legions or its West Navy, do not allow themselves the great expenditure of courtly life as is seen in the capital city. They prefer immaculate uniforms and stark standards hanging from the ceiling of their austere cliff-fortresses; to this day, they become a little perplexed7 when they must visit the grandly decorated assault of color that is the Emperor's Palace."

"By contrast, the Eastern people of Cyrodiil relish in garish costumes, bizarre tapestries, tattoos, brandings, and elaborate ceremony. Closer to the wellspring of civilization, they are more given to philosophy and the evolution of ancient traditions. The Nibenese find the numinous in everything around them, and their different cults are too numerous to mention (the most famous are the Cult of the Ancestor-Moth, the Cult of Heroes, the Cult of Tiber Septim, and the Cult of Emperor Zero). To the Colovians, the ancestor worship and esoteric customs of the East can often be bizarre. Akaviri dragon-motifs are found in all quarters, from the high minaret bridges of the Imperial City to the paper hako skiffs that villagers use to wing their dead down the rivers. Thousands of workers ply the rice fields after the floodings, or clear the foliage of the surrounding jungle in the alternate seasons. Above them are the merchant-nobility, the temple priests and cult leaders, and the age-old aristocracy of the battlemages. The Emperor watches over them all from the towers of the Imperial City, as dragons circle overhead."

"For long the Cyro-Nordics had exported ancestor-silks to other regions, simple yet exotic shawls woven from the silks of an indigenous gypsy moth and inscribed with the requisite genealogy of its buyer. Under the Cult, however, ancestor and moth became synonymous: the singing and hymnal spirits of one's forebears are caught in a special silk-gathering ritual, the resource of which is used to create any manner of vestment or costume. The swishing of this material during normal movement reproduces the resplendent ancestral chorus contained therein-it quickly became a sacred custom among the early Nibenese, which has persisted to the present day. Monks of the higher orders of the Cult of the Ancestor-Moth are able to forego the magical ritual needed to enchant this fabric, and, indeed, prefer instead to wear the moths about the neck and face. They are able to attract the ancestor-moths through the application of finely ground bark-dust gathered from the gypsy moth's favorite tree, and through the sub-vocalization of certain mantras. They must chant the mantras constantly to maintain skin contact with the ancestor-moths, a discipline that they endure for the sake of some cosmic balance. When a monk interrupts these mantras, in conversation for example, the moths burst from him in glorious fashion every time he speaks, only to light back upon his skin when he resumes the inaudible chant."

"Refayj's famous declaration, "There is but one city in the Imperial Province,--" may strike the citizens of the Colovian west as mildly insulting, until perhaps they hear the rest of the remark, which continues, "--but one city in Tamriel, but one city in the World; that, my brothers, is the city of the Cyrodiils." From the shore it is hard to tell what is city and what is Palace, for it all rises from the islands of the lake towards the sky in a stretch of gold. Whole neighborhoods rest on the jeweled bridges that connect the islands together. Gondolas and river-ships sail along the watery avenues of its flooded lower dwellings. Moth-priests walk by in a cloud of ancestors; House Guards hold exceptionally long daikatanas crossed at intersections, adorned with ribbons and dragon-flags; and the newly arrived Western legionnaires sweat in the humid air. The river mouth is tainted red from the tinmi soil of the shore, and river dragons rust their hides in its waters. Across the lake the Imperial City continues, merging into the villages of the southern red river and ruins left from the Interregnum."

Aaaah, à chaque fois j'oublie à quel point les Cyrods sont une imitation de la Rome Antique sans aucune originalité. Comment oublier leur absence totale de tradition républicaine, par exemple, ou les fameux katanas familiaux romains ?

Niveau 10
30 août 2014 à 16:47:40

Pareil pour les Nordiques d'ailleurs, qui ne sont que des Vikings avec un nom différent au final : kalpas, vaches peintes, gigantesques constructions de pierre, Art de la Voix...

Niveau 9
30 août 2014 à 16:48:09

Les sombrages sont une parodie de soldats, non? :hap:

Niveau 10
30 août 2014 à 16:53:41

:rire: Xan

Niveau 9
30 août 2014 à 16:54:53

le Fn.

Niveau 10
30 août 2014 à 17:40:13

Je dirais nazi:
-Vouloir exterminer tout un peuple (elfe)
-Relancer l'économie de Bordeciel
-Vouloir rester dans les traditions

Niveau 10
30 août 2014 à 17:49:23

" chiondelamerde Voir le profil de chiondelamerde
Posté le 30 août 2014 à 16:54:53 Avertir un administrateur
le Fn. "

En effet Bethezda s’intéresse à la politique Française :3

Niveau 10
30 août 2014 à 17:53:42

BalroGZe Voir le profil de BalroGZe
Posté le 30 août 2014 à 17:40:13 Avertir un administrateur
Je dirais nazi:
-Vouloir exterminer tout un peuple (elfe)

:d) Ma foi, les Elfes en territoire Sombrage ont pourtant l'air de s'en sortir plus ou moins bien.

Merde quoi, les Sombrages sont effectivement pas des anges sans défauts, mais faudrait songer à pas tomber dans l'excès inverse :hap:

Niveau 10
30 août 2014 à 17:57:59

De la à dire des nazis je pense pas, même si les autres races ont du mal à se faire accepter par les nordiques, ils ne leurs interdises pas de venir y vivre.

Puis aussi de la à dire " Je dirais nazi:
-Vouloir exterminer tout un peuple (elfe) "

Non pas vraiment, juste foutre une grosse toise aux Thalmor qui leurs interdit de vénérée Talos et je comprend les Nordique sur se point de vue. Si demain on envahissais l'Irak ( lol ) et que en plus on leurs interdisais de vénéré Halla, je pense qu'il ferons de même que les sombrages

Niveau 10
30 août 2014 à 18:07:05

Les nazi c'est plutôt les thalmors , ils veulent empêcher de vénérer Talos et tue / emprisonnent ceux qui vénérent Thalos.. :hap:

Niveau 10
30 août 2014 à 18:30:32

Adolf Sombrage > Les Thalmors. :oui:

Niveau 10
30 août 2014 à 18:31:10

Pourquoi tout le monde veut mettre des nazis dans ce jeu ? :(

Sujet : Les Sombrages sont une parodie de quoi?
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