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Pokémon Version Blanche / Noire

Sujet : Le Café Blanc
Niveau 8
01 mai 2010 à 23:32:24

Sorry, my level is enough good to skip english lessons. :desole:

yoyo, iwuz trolling. :desole:

Niveau 10
01 mai 2010 à 23:33:53

You're showing off. :rire:

Niveau 13
01 mai 2010 à 23:34:04

Bagwell ~~> I usually have a stare down with my neighbour. :o))

Niveau 13
01 mai 2010 à 23:34:49

good enough*

S'ry.... :o))

Niveau 8
01 mai 2010 à 23:34:53

nope yoyo. :)
i'm allowed to skip english lessons. :)

Niveau 10
01 mai 2010 à 23:35:40

I want to say thanks to Rohmer, because he trade to me all the events oobers, and also a maganon and an Elekable. Thanks also to to you, Kika, because the Darkrai he Trade to me is the Darkrai wich you had Trade to him. :ange:

Niveau 12
01 mai 2010 à 23:36:09

Kika > :rire:

Niveau 8
01 mai 2010 à 23:36:24

i'm not sure. :(
anyway, even if i do some mistakes, i'm the third in english, in my class. :-)))
the first and the second are ... english in fact. :(

they cheated. :(

Niveau 13
01 mai 2010 à 23:36:36

You may be allowed to do that, nevertheless, you should go thre once for a while. :o))

Niveau 8
01 mai 2010 à 23:37:16

i just go there for the tests. :noel: :(

Niveau 76
01 mai 2010 à 23:38:24

Oh Vraiment ? :hap:

Niveau 10
01 mai 2010 à 23:38:41

God bless you. You're powerless, i know you are So jalous of the first one.

Niveau 13
01 mai 2010 à 23:39:38

lolwut, and do you know that there's a test if you do not attend to your class... ? :o))

[surtout] if there's some surprised interogation. :o))

Niveau 10
01 mai 2010 à 23:40:40

Wtf ça me soule. :noel:

Niveau 12
01 mai 2010 à 23:40:44

Surtout = especially :oui:

Niveau 13
01 mai 2010 à 23:41:21

CO ~~> I never understood what's the meaning of this pic. :(

Niveau 8
01 mai 2010 à 23:42:06

because my friends tell me when there one,kika.
and, there no surprise.

and, you know what ? :noel:
we have to do some homework. :oui: ( DM )
last time i gave one, one month late, and the teacher said : " ok :-))) :ok: " :noel:

yea CO. :(

i'm not jealous yoyo. he's english. i'm not. :( :doute:

Niveau 12
01 mai 2010 à 23:42:35

Kika > It means "Oh really"

Niveau 8
01 mai 2010 à 23:42:38

" CO ~~> I never understood what's the meaning of this pic. :( "


OH REALLY :question:

That's like :

" AH OUAIS ? :) "

Niveau 10
01 mai 2010 à 23:43:15

:bave: Rohmer have exchange to me a Celebi who declench the hide event in Ilex Forest ! He's not official, but I don't care of it ! :coeur:

Sujet : Le Café Blanc
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