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Grim Dawn

Sujet : [News] Update.
Niveau 10
07 novembre 2012 à 18:51:08

Mais peut-être que dans d'autres sections du forum il est possible de pouvoir proposer ce genre d'idée.

C'est juste que dans la news dont parlait Avele_Swifteye et moi on ne pouvait poster que des idées sur les environnements. Il faudrait écumer le forum pour trouver la section dans laquelle on pourrait poster cette idée (je suis pas en train de me répéter la :gni: ??)

Enfin, peut-être que quand Grim Dawn sortira je serais assez solide en programmation pour coder un petit mode... On verra

Niveau 10
07 novembre 2012 à 19:22:10

Je viens de regarder sur le forum (j'avais un peu de temps sur les mains), et j'ai exactement trouver ton idée sur un vieux post :

When it comes to these games, me and all of my friends are guilty of one certain thing; we tend to wear armor and sometimes even weapons based on how it looks, rather than their stats. Within reason of course.

It makes us wonder though why these games are so strict on not allowing us to interchange stats and visuals as we please, and the only answer I can think of would be that it's not "realistic".
I could see this being an issue in a competitive game or mmo where you need to be able to read someone's class and level just by looking at them, but I always felt singleplayer/coop arpg's could be more lenient on it.

I'd really love if there was a system that let you merge two pieces of armor or even weapons together, and have the product take on the attributes of one and the visuals of the other. Whether this would be an extensive crafting undertaking or a simple click of a button wouldn't be important to me.

Elle était clairement moins développé (yavait pas l'idée du NPC) mais ensuite d'autres personnes ont ensuite ajouté leur idées : l'NPC, le fait de payer, le fait de ne pas pouvoir changer le look des items uniques...

Mais elle a plus ou moins refusé. Dommage...

A part ça il y a une section entière dédiée aux idées/suggestions, bref si quelqu'un à une autre idée poster la !

Niveau 38
07 novembre 2012 à 19:42:47

Dommage, je ferai sûrement un topic pour les mod. Un topic on on proposerai nos mode et ou les moddeur viendrai prendre leur inspiration.

Niveau 10
01 décembre 2012 à 12:43:59

L'alpha semble être pour bientôt au vu de la toute dernière Màj (#21)...
Ils ont énormément bossé sur les maps, les maîtrises, les items, etc.

V'là le pavé:

It seemed we were due for another big update on the overall progress of development. Now that we've hired up 4 additional full-time people and one part-time, we're making excellent progress. An amazing amount of work has occurred since the end of the KS, probably almost as much as the previous 2 years of development. Grim Dawn has grown both in terms of progress toward completion but also we've expanded content laterally and improved a lot of things.

The world redesign is one of the most obvious places where that has happened. In the map below, which only shows the first "act" you can see the green areas we intend to release for alpha are about 3x the volume of the original map from the first state of the game address. Plus, you can see the new levels look tight and represent a continuous, completed area as opposed to the chaotic mix of crap on the old map.

It is clocking at around 2-3 hours for someone who knows the levels and plays relatively straight through, skipping all the side content. Doing that you wind up finishing around level 11-13. An average play-through for someone who didn't know where they were going and explored a bit more would probably be 4-5 hours and reach level 13-16. To clear everything could probably take 6-8 hours, maybe more.

So the levels we intend to release in alpha are pretty much finished! Note that there is a lot of additional world area but that image just shows what we have ready for alpha as compared to what we previously had. I'm starting to think we may be making Grim Dawn too big! At least, bigger than we had originally intended. Instead of 10-15 hours for final release, we may end up closer to 20+.

While world development for alpha is pretty much complete, there are still a number of things we're trying to wrap up. Those include skill masteries (of which we have 5 nearly finished as opposed to the 3 we originally expected to release alpha with), story stuff, some crash bugs, finishing the act-1 boss and getting a first-pass balance on everything. Plus there are also just a bunch of little stupid things like fixing the teleport map. We also had thought we might have to release alpha without a female PC but we're well on the way to getting her in-game now - we've got female versions of all the equipment done and just need to finish skinning them so they'll animate. We're not far off now though.

Here is a detailed run-down of some of the more critical aspects of the game...

We have 2 masteries (soldier and demolition) that are about 99% done, occultist is about 90% done and nightblade and arcanist are around 75% done. We're at the point where we're just swapping skills in and out, trying to figure out how to achieve a really good feeling, cohesive gameplay style for each. Since most of the early skills are done, we don't need to do much more here for alpha.

In the last state of the game address, we only had 15 enemies in-game and 20 models. We now have 25 in-game, each with multiple variants and a total of 33 finished models.

We have 3 quest mini-bosses in and, where we had 0 hero monsters, we now have 115! custom designed heroes.

All the enemies that are going to be in the alpha are finished except for the end-boss, which we plan to complete in the next couple months.

We've significantly expanded our common loot and are currently finishing up revisions that were undertaken to create a more distinct visual progression and provide more diverse looking gear.

We have over 200 randomized affixes for common gear now including some rare and newly added epic ones that can attach unique skills to items.

We've created 63 "components", which are like relics / charms in TQ. I think they have cooler bonuses this time around, will remain useful longer and we've also introduced a higher level tier of rare legendary components. One of our artists is currently churning out all the inventory icons for these and they're looking very cool.

In the last state of the game address we had only a couple "prototype" unique items in-game. Now we have 98 unique items for levels 10-30 hooked up in-game and just awaiting art. Art is starting to roll out for those as you've seen in some of our recent updates.

Here is a little peak at the matrix-style level we use to verify all the items are working / the art is plugged in. The top is common items and the bottom is uniques. Note that some of the items don't have unique art yet even though they've been configured and hooked up in-game. The equipment art is often one of the last things to get plugged in since we can get the design done and working in-game without unique art.

Story / Quest
Last time we had no quests in-game and the new quest creation tools were lacking important functionality. We've had a designer dedicated to quest work and he's helped our programmers get the tools up to speed and is now working to wrap up the alpha quests. I think we have about 10 quests mostly in now and are just trying to refine them and work out some bugs.

A related issue we've been tackling recently is getting doors working so that we can have secret doors and also doors that are locked until you kill bosses or complete quests. For example, we have it set up now so that you begin outside the prison and the Devil's Crossing survivors won't give you access inside where most of the refugees live until you've proven yourself.

Generally the state of the game is improving. Pathing has gotten much better and a lot of annoying bugs have been squashed. Ragdoll is still acting a little funky, in terms of enemy bodies occasionally going berserk but that doesn't interfere with gameplay, just looks terrible. Often it is possible to play for an hour or more without encountering a major bug / crash. There is one new one that is occurring more frequently but we should have that resolved soon. Leading up to alpha, the programmers will be putting in more effort on big-fixing to get things to a point where players can generally play for an a couple hours or more without encountering any major issues. Of course, once we have several thousand people playing the game on different systems, I'm sure more bugs will come to light but, hey, isn't that the point of alpha?

Alpha Release
It looks like alpha is taking a little longer than we predicted in the last state of the game address but it is still within the late 2012 / early 2013 time-frame that we've been saying for a long time - just, obviously on the 2013 side.

Creating and running the KS took more of my own time than I would have expected and that set my work back by a month or two. It was totally worth it though because the guys we hired have produced a ton of additional content that we wouldn't have now otherwise and, overall, the game has improved dramatically. More importantly, the trade-off is that it will be easier to get to the final release. Before the KS, I thought we could push out alpha by about now but I had no idea how long it was going to take to finish the game. Now I think we're in good shape for a final release in latter half of 2013.

It is pretty surreal that we're actually nearing a release. I've been working on Grim Dawn for so long now and in the first year or two it didn't even feel real that what I was doing was achievable. I felt like it could be done if some things that were uncertain at the time worked out in our favor but it was such an ambitious project for such a small group of mostly part-time people that doubts often kept me awake at night. I wondered if I was wasting precious years of my career chasing a dream that might never be realized? So now, to finally be rounding he corner to alpha, it is difficult to believe that is is really happening. I can't wait for you all to play the game but, at the same time, it is also a little terrifying.

Et le lien (y a les images en plus :-p ):

Niveau 9
14 décembre 2012 à 07:43:50

'tain je l'ai vu passer cette update ça fait trop envie :bave:

plus que 15 jours et on sera l'année de la sortie de Grim Dawn :fete:

Niveau 38
14 décembre 2012 à 14:39:45

Ça ne veut pas dire grand chose. Et puis rien ne les empêches de repousser la sorti du jeu. Même jusqu’à l'an 2014.
On sait jamais, si ils ont des complications.

Niveau 10
14 décembre 2012 à 16:41:43

Bon disons qu'ils tiennent leur planing et ont pu faire beaucoup mieux donc... C'est une bonne nouvelle quand même!

Niveau 10
22 janvier 2013 à 07:58:20

Project Update #22: Environment 2 Poll, Item Art, Undergrounds and Town Improvements
Posted by Crate Entertainment
Hello Grim Dawn fans!

Our first environment poll concluded with a significant 35.51% majority in favor of the Ch’thonic Void, which will become the first of two “stretch” environments. For those that did not see their favorite selected, don’t fret. These are all environments we are eager to get in the game and chances are good that you will see them in expansion content.

It is now time for the second environment poll. Note that some of the more moderate art sets from the first poll have returned. We unfortunately cannot do two “big” environment sets (environments that would require numerous/complicated assets), so the Shipyard and Railyard are out of this round. The poll will close on 02/04/13, so please vote soon!

Environment 2 Poll

While you are there, you can also check out some of the recent updates from Zantai and Jalex on item art, underground environments, and our town improvement mechanics.

See you on the forums!


Pas grand chose qu'on ne savait pas déjà :p)

Niveau 10
04 février 2013 à 11:16:33

Projet Update #23 The road to alpha (are we there yet?)

Hello Grim Backers,

With "early 2013" having arrived and ticking by, I know many of you are eager for news about alpha. I believe we are still on target for a Q1 release but the road has not been smooth these past few months and we're going a little longer than we'd hoped. The good news is that we've made an important addition to our team, in the form of a full-time senior technical animator, that will help to correct our biggest slow-down and also allow us to add more / higher quality animation to the project as a whole.

Check out the "Alpha where art thou" post on our forums for more details.

Also check out the latest update from Zantai showing our improved HUD art.


Lien pour les photos/infos et compléments:

Niveau 9
04 mars 2013 à 13:59:41

le look des armures est super sympa, et l'alpha se rapproche...

Niveau 7
07 mars 2013 à 13:24:05

Les armures sont... OUAHOU ! :O Ralalalalala, c'est là que je me dis que blizzard ont foiré complet Diablo3... Faut espérer que se soit différent, à la TQ, où les armures dropées apparaissent vraiment comme tel sur le personnage. Parce que merci les jolies armures légendaires genre hyper jolies dans l'inventaire dans D3, que quand tu les portes au final elles ont le look d'armures basiques pas belles....
Ca promet en tout cas, j'suis foutrement pressé !!

Niveau 10
03 avril 2013 à 01:42:34

La distribution des clés et leur gérance ont été confiées à une entreprise tierce: Humble Store. En ce qui concerne l'alpha, il ne reste plus que des bugs à corriger (notamment le spawn des environnement aléatoires)

Post complet de Jean sur

"Medierra a annoncé que la page d'achat du site de Grim Dawn serait fermée à partir de cette semaine et que les services correspondants (commandes et distribution de Grim Dawn) seraient confiés (par l'intermédiaire de widgets sur le site de Crate) à Humble Store, site lié à Humble Indie Bundle (célèbre distributeur de jeux indépendants, bien plus respectueux des développeurs que les autres distributeurs ; voici > un article de Penny Arcade Report < présentant Humble Store pour ceux qui ne connaîtraient pas).

Medierra explique qu'ils ont plus d'expérience qu'eux pour ces tâches et que ça offrira plus d'options aux clients, notamment l'utilisation de Pay Pal, impossible pour Crate.

Cela n'ajoutera aucun DRM et ne forcera pas à passer par Steam (mais ceux qui voudront des clés Steam pourront en avoir par Humble Store). Il suffit de payer et de télécharger. Ceux qui avaient déjà pré-commandé auprès de Crate pourront passer par eux pour télécharger. Et ils pourront obtenir de Humble Store une nouvelle clé qui fonctionnera sur Steam, mais celle fournie par Crate lors du paiement ne fonctionnera pas directement sur Steam. De toutes façons, l'alpha de Grim Dawn ne sera pas disponible sur Steam au début, mais plutôt en fin d'alpha ou pour la bêta.

Un autre avantage est de décharger Crate du soin de la distribution et du support de paiement, de téléchargement, des clés perdues ... afin de consacrer 100% de leur temps au développement. Ce qui n'est pas le cas actuellement.

Un inconvénient est que ceux qui achèteront par Humble Store à partir du moment où la bascule sera faite ne pourront plus espérer voir leur nom dans les crédits du jeu en pré-commandant certaines versions. Il serait trop compliqué pour Crate de récupérer des données gérées par un partenaire extérieur. De toute façon on approche du point où ces noms sont trop nombreux pour que ça ait encore un sens (plus de 2000 à ce jour). Mais ceux qui avaient pré-commandé avant, notamment par Kickstarter, verront bien leur nom affiché.

Cette bascule vers Humble Store sera une étape préalable nécessaire à la sortie (et à la distribution) de l'alpha et se fera donc dans la semaine.

Au sujet de la proximité du début de l'alpha : le boss est enfin achevé, de même que ce que Medierra finissait sur la maîtrise Occultisme. Crate travaille surtout sur les bugs majeurs qu'il veulent éliminer avant de publier l'alpha. Le problème le plus gênant empêche que tout spawne toujours comme prévu et il arrive donc qu'il manque des entrées de donjons, des monstres de quête et même des boss. Il y aura des bugs plus petits dans l'alpha, mais là ça ne peut pas passer. Pendant que certains essaient de les résoudre, du contenu supplémentaire est ajouté à l'alpha par le reste de l'équipe."

Niveau 38
12 avril 2013 à 00:53:57

En attendant ils ont un peu de retard, à la base on devait l'avoir fin 2012.

J'ai beau avoir bien d'autre jeu à faire, j'aimerai bien le tester un peu quand même.

Niveau 7
22 avril 2013 à 14:26:04

Toujours pas de news pour l'alpha, au moins une toute petite date...?

Je me suis remis à TQ en attendant, mais je dois admettre que ça commence à me courir sur le haricot de patienter pour essayer la bête !

D'ailleurs, ce forum tombe en désuétude, c'est mauvais signe.

Niveau 38
22 avril 2013 à 15:51:06

C'est même pas sûr que le jeu sorte.

Niveau 7
22 avril 2013 à 18:32:40

Une source fiable pour appuyer ce que tu dis ?
Aucune info sur un jeu ne veut pas dire que le jeu soit mort, les développeurs doivent avoir suffisamment de travail comme ça.
Et puis un jeu, c'est en général plusieurs années de développement.
Toutefois, si tu as une source qui confirme ce que tu dis, je veux bien un lien.

Je trouve juste dommage de retarder à ce point l'alpha, et ne pas donner de nouvelles par la suite, surtout pour ceux ayant pré-acheté le jeu...

Niveau 10
23 avril 2013 à 08:26:11

Hé le jeu sortira Alzaynor, ne t'en fais pas :)

Certes ils ont du retard mais ils progressent :-)

Niveau 38
23 avril 2013 à 15:18:45


Nan mais je lançais pas d'info. Ce que je veux dire c'est que des tas de projets kickstarter ne vois pas le jour, donc c'est une possibilité.

Mais comme l'a dis Avele_Swifteye, il n'y a sûrement pas de soucis à ce faire de ce coter là.

Je suis juste un peu pessimiste^^

Niveau 7
23 avril 2013 à 20:55:44

Et impatient, mais de ce côté, je te rejoins.
En même temps, après avoir joué des centaines d'heures à l'un des meilleurs hack'n'slash qui ait vu le jour, il est difficile d'attendre pour tester Grim Dawn.

Et encore, je n'ai entendu que très récemment la probable sortie d'une alpha, je n'imagine même pas ceux qui l'attendent depuis fin 2012 :)

Niveau 10
23 avril 2013 à 21:29:42

"Et encore, je n'ai entendu que très récemment la probable sortie d'une alpha, je n'imagine même pas ceux qui l'attendent depuis fin 2012 :)"

Mon premier message sur ce forum date de mars/avril... :hap:

Sujet : [News] Update.
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