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Télévision & Séries

Sujet : The Walking Dead (AMC)
Niveau 7
17 mars 2020 à 15:57:13

Le 17 mars 2020 à 15:52:58 Helios5000 a écrit :

Le 17 mars 2020 à 15:34:24 Theo-Magath a écrit :
Pour ceux qui ont lu le comics vous pensez que c'est qui qui aura la mort de Gabriel dans la série?
L'episode 14 s'apelle The Tower , c'est la qu'on devrait l'avoir

l'épisode 14 se nomme "look at the flowers" non?

Autant pour moi c'est l'episode 15 qui s'apelle comme ca

Niveau 10
17 mars 2020 à 16:02:48

c'est possible, si ils osent avoir les couilles

je me demande comment ils vont finir car l'arc commonwealth avec tous ces persos insipides

Niveau 10
17 mars 2020 à 17:43:48

très bon épisode mais toujours à regarder par 2 sinon c'est l'ennui total :-(

Niveau 9
17 mars 2020 à 19:25:04

Ça a reprit ? Bmg :(

Niveau 35
17 mars 2020 à 19:44:49

J'aimerais que Gabriel meurt pour que Rosita finisse la serie en vie

Niveau 16
18 mars 2020 à 07:03:23

Bof le dernier épisode c'est trop vite expédié.
Faudrait drastiquement réduire la durée des dialogues chiants et des disputes de couples pour donner plus de temps à des persos comme Negan parce que la mort d'Alpha manquait de grandiose là c'est quand même la méchante des 2 dernières saisons et sa mort est aussi osef que Laura expédiée en 2min à la fin.
Perso moi je commence à en avoir marre des "je t'aime, moi non plus" pendant 40min et 5min intéressantes de Negan par épisode. :sleep:
La scène avec le vieux et les gosses c'était bien fait et touchant quand même.

Niveau 10
18 mars 2020 à 11:52:12

C'est ça le problème. D'un côté les scènes importantes sont vites expédiées pour la plupart et de l'autre il y a des dialogues lambdas qui s'étirent beaucoup trop. Le rythme est assez bizarre. Bon, ça ne m'empêche pas d'apprécier cette saison mais certaines scènes auraient pu avoir 10 fois plus d'impact...

Niveau 10
18 mars 2020 à 19:01:18

[07:03:23] <Lesnar504Record>
Bof le dernier épisode c'est trop vite expédié.
Faudrait drastiquement réduire la durée des dialogues chiants et des disputes de couples pour donner plus de temps à des persos comme Negan parce que la mort d'Alpha manquait de grandiose là c'est quand même la méchante des 2 dernières saisons et sa mort est aussi osef que Laura expédiée en 2min à la fin.
Perso moi je commence à en avoir marre des "je t'aime, moi non plus" pendant 40min et 5min intéressantes de Negan par épisode. :sleep:
La scène avec le vieux et les gosses c'était bien fait et touchant quand même.

En plus cette scène aurait eu tellement eu de gueule si c'était Rick face à Negan :pf:

Niveau 41
19 mars 2020 à 11:49:00

Episode 13 TSDF.

1.) Did Virgil lie to Michonne? Are there actually weapons on the island?

Yes. No, there aren’t weapons on the island. He brought her there to have her put his walker-ified family out of their misery. He says that there have never been many "Rippers" where he is, so he's never really gotten good at what it is that Michonne does.

2.) Who are the “others” that Virgil refers to? What has happened on the island?

They are Virgil's ex-colleagues. They say that they were taking in stray people once, and it got crazy with food supplies running low and everything, so a fight broke out and some newbie died. Virgil decided to lock all the doors after this, not knowing that his wife and children were inside. The others say that Virgil also locked them up after that.

3.) Who set the boat on fire?


4.) Why do we hear Michonne scream, “What did you do?”

She thinks Virgil must have done something to Rick, to set a trap for him, but apparently he didn't know anything about him, just that some boat with some of his stuff in it washed ashore after a storm.

5.) Why is Michonne locked in a room? How does she get out?

Virgil locks her in there. It turns out he actually wanted to set the others free but feared they would kill him, so he was going to try to break it to Michonne gently, to have her there to protect him when he releases them. When Michonne goes out by herself in the middle of the night, she finds them first, that's why Virgil locks her in too. She actually stabs him in the leg. Then she runs outside. Virgil gets away too, at first. They catch him soon after.

6.) Andrea appears in the opening minutes. Do we see any other previous characters?

Yes lots. Everyone from 6x16, specifically.

7.) Can you explain the hallucinations that Michonne has?

She has the hallucinations after drinking a tea given to her by Virgil. The hallucinations are the story of what would have happened to Michonne if she hadn't helped Andrea and met Negan instead, becoming a Savior. There are scenes into which she's added digitally, being on the other side this time. The Lucille scene is Negan asking her to do what he did in 6x16, her being his right-hand-woman. She's actually pointing Lucille at herself and swinging it at herself.

There's also one from when they passed a hitchhiker without helping him (orange backpack guy) But this time, Michonne is the hitchhiker begging for help and Daryl is the one ignoring her.

Later on, during a chase in the woods, she's shot in the chest by Daryl with an arrow and shot in the face by Rick with the pistol.

8.) Do we see anything with the other communities?


9.) What ends up happening to Virgil? Does he live?

Yes. Michonne gets the others to spare him and they are willing to let him leave with them. He chooses to stay back because he promised his wife flowers every day.

10.) Can you describe the scene where Michonne discovers Rick might still be alive?

After they decide to spare Virgil, Michonne asks him to take her to her stuff. Michonne sees the boots first on a shelf. She puts them up against her nose and cries. She pins Virgil against the wall and questions him on where he got the boots. They go to this military-looking boat that has washed ashore during a storm. Michonne starts looking at the stuff on a table and finds an iPhone with a drawing of her and Judith on its screen, with the word "Rick" on the top right corner. She questions Virgil again, to no avail. He tells her that their meeting may not have been accidental, that he can get the boat running again with help from the others, and maybe she can find this person again.

11.) How does Michonne plan on finding Rick? Does she find any clues about where he is?

Yes, there is a location marked on the ship's logbook which I can't remember right now, unfortunately. She tells Judith she's going to head north.

12.) Does anyone else besides Judith learn about Rick possibly being alive?


13.) What are Michonne’s last words to Judith?

She tells her that she will call her on the radio as long as it's possible, and that she loves her and RJ so much. And Judith will listen to Uncle Daryl.

14.) Does Michonne talk to RJ or anyone else?

Only Judith and RJ. Her conversation with RJ is adorable. He has his own call sign, Little Brave Man. He actually has quite a few lines here.

15.) How does the episode end?

Michonne gets herself two new pet walkers. While traveling, she comes across a man and a woman who her for help, saying "they'll leave without us". When Michonne says who, they point towards the horizon and we see a large army-like group moving in formation. At this point, she remembers Carl and Rick trying to decide whether to help her or not. She kills the two pet walkers and offers the two help.

Niveau 10
19 mars 2020 à 13:38:14

Le 19 mars 2020 à 11:49:00 Unfor a écrit :
Episode 13 TSDF.

1.) Did Virgil lie to Michonne? Are there actually weapons on the island?

Yes. No, there aren’t weapons on the island. He brought her there to have her put his walker-ified family out of their misery. He says that there have never been many "Rippers" where he is, so he's never really gotten good at what it is that Michonne does.

2.) Who are the “others” that Virgil refers to? What has happened on the island?

They are Virgil's ex-colleagues. They say that they were taking in stray people once, and it got crazy with food supplies running low and everything, so a fight broke out and some newbie died. Virgil decided to lock all the doors after this, not knowing that his wife and children were inside. The others say that Virgil also locked them up after that.

3.) Who set the boat on fire?


4.) Why do we hear Michonne scream, “What did you do?”

She thinks Virgil must have done something to Rick, to set a trap for him, but apparently he didn't know anything about him, just that some boat with some of his stuff in it washed ashore after a storm.

5.) Why is Michonne locked in a room? How does she get out?

Virgil locks her in there. It turns out he actually wanted to set the others free but feared they would kill him, so he was going to try to break it to Michonne gently, to have her there to protect him when he releases them. When Michonne goes out by herself in the middle of the night, she finds them first, that's why Virgil locks her in too. She actually stabs him in the leg. Then she runs outside. Virgil gets away too, at first. They catch him soon after.

6.) Andrea appears in the opening minutes. Do we see any other previous characters?

Yes lots. Everyone from 6x16, specifically.

7.) Can you explain the hallucinations that Michonne has?

She has the hallucinations after drinking a tea given to her by Virgil. The hallucinations are the story of what would have happened to Michonne if she hadn't helped Andrea and met Negan instead, becoming a Savior. There are scenes into which she's added digitally, being on the other side this time. The Lucille scene is Negan asking her to do what he did in 6x16, her being his right-hand-woman. She's actually pointing Lucille at herself and swinging it at herself.

There's also one from when they passed a hitchhiker without helping him (orange backpack guy) But this time, Michonne is the hitchhiker begging for help and Daryl is the one ignoring her.

Later on, during a chase in the woods, she's shot in the chest by Daryl with an arrow and shot in the face by Rick with the pistol.

8.) Do we see anything with the other communities?


9.) What ends up happening to Virgil? Does he live?

Yes. Michonne gets the others to spare him and they are willing to let him leave with them. He chooses to stay back because he promised his wife flowers every day.

10.) Can you describe the scene where Michonne discovers Rick might still be alive?

After they decide to spare Virgil, Michonne asks him to take her to her stuff. Michonne sees the boots first on a shelf. She puts them up against her nose and cries. She pins Virgil against the wall and questions him on where he got the boots. They go to this military-looking boat that has washed ashore during a storm. Michonne starts looking at the stuff on a table and finds an iPhone with a drawing of her and Judith on its screen, with the word "Rick" on the top right corner. She questions Virgil again, to no avail. He tells her that their meeting may not have been accidental, that he can get the boat running again with help from the others, and maybe she can find this person again.

11.) How does Michonne plan on finding Rick? Does she find any clues about where he is?

Yes, there is a location marked on the ship's logbook which I can't remember right now, unfortunately. She tells Judith she's going to head north.

12.) Does anyone else besides Judith learn about Rick possibly being alive?


13.) What are Michonne’s last words to Judith?

She tells her that she will call her on the radio as long as it's possible, and that she loves her and RJ so much. And Judith will listen to Uncle Daryl.

14.) Does Michonne talk to RJ or anyone else?

Only Judith and RJ. Her conversation with RJ is adorable. He has his own call sign, Little Brave Man. He actually has quite a few lines here.

15.) How does the episode end?

Michonne gets herself two new pet walkers. While traveling, she comes across a man and a woman who her for help, saying "they'll leave without us". When Michonne says who, they point towards the horizon and we see a large army-like group moving in formation. At this point, she remembers Carl and Rick trying to decide whether to help her or not. She kills the two pet walkers and offers the two help.

Les acteurs sont de retour sous formes d'extraits? sinon WTF quel secret bien gardé

Niveau 29
19 mars 2020 à 17:50:33

Les audiences ont légèrement remontées pour l'épisode 12 du coup

Niveau 41
19 mars 2020 à 18:24:41

Le 19 mars 2020 à 13:38:14 Helios5000 a écrit :

Le 19 mars 2020 à 11:49:00 Unfor a écrit :
Episode 13 TSDF.

1.) Did Virgil lie to Michonne? Are there actually weapons on the island?

Yes. No, there aren’t weapons on the island. He brought her there to have her put his walker-ified family out of their misery. He says that there have never been many "Rippers" where he is, so he's never really gotten good at what it is that Michonne does.

2.) Who are the “others” that Virgil refers to? What has happened on the island?

They are Virgil's ex-colleagues. They say that they were taking in stray people once, and it got crazy with food supplies running low and everything, so a fight broke out and some newbie died. Virgil decided to lock all the doors after this, not knowing that his wife and children were inside. The others say that Virgil also locked them up after that.

3.) Who set the boat on fire?


4.) Why do we hear Michonne scream, “What did you do?”

She thinks Virgil must have done something to Rick, to set a trap for him, but apparently he didn't know anything about him, just that some boat with some of his stuff in it washed ashore after a storm.

5.) Why is Michonne locked in a room? How does she get out?

Virgil locks her in there. It turns out he actually wanted to set the others free but feared they would kill him, so he was going to try to break it to Michonne gently, to have her there to protect him when he releases them. When Michonne goes out by herself in the middle of the night, she finds them first, that's why Virgil locks her in too. She actually stabs him in the leg. Then she runs outside. Virgil gets away too, at first. They catch him soon after.

6.) Andrea appears in the opening minutes. Do we see any other previous characters?

Yes lots. Everyone from 6x16, specifically.

7.) Can you explain the hallucinations that Michonne has?

She has the hallucinations after drinking a tea given to her by Virgil. The hallucinations are the story of what would have happened to Michonne if she hadn't helped Andrea and met Negan instead, becoming a Savior. There are scenes into which she's added digitally, being on the other side this time. The Lucille scene is Negan asking her to do what he did in 6x16, her being his right-hand-woman. She's actually pointing Lucille at herself and swinging it at herself.

There's also one from when they passed a hitchhiker without helping him (orange backpack guy) But this time, Michonne is the hitchhiker begging for help and Daryl is the one ignoring her.

Later on, during a chase in the woods, she's shot in the chest by Daryl with an arrow and shot in the face by Rick with the pistol.

8.) Do we see anything with the other communities?


9.) What ends up happening to Virgil? Does he live?

Yes. Michonne gets the others to spare him and they are willing to let him leave with them. He chooses to stay back because he promised his wife flowers every day.

10.) Can you describe the scene where Michonne discovers Rick might still be alive?

After they decide to spare Virgil, Michonne asks him to take her to her stuff. Michonne sees the boots first on a shelf. She puts them up against her nose and cries. She pins Virgil against the wall and questions him on where he got the boots. They go to this military-looking boat that has washed ashore during a storm. Michonne starts looking at the stuff on a table and finds an iPhone with a drawing of her and Judith on its screen, with the word "Rick" on the top right corner. She questions Virgil again, to no avail. He tells her that their meeting may not have been accidental, that he can get the boat running again with help from the others, and maybe she can find this person again.

11.) How does Michonne plan on finding Rick? Does she find any clues about where he is?

Yes, there is a location marked on the ship's logbook which I can't remember right now, unfortunately. She tells Judith she's going to head north.

12.) Does anyone else besides Judith learn about Rick possibly being alive?


13.) What are Michonne’s last words to Judith?

She tells her that she will call her on the radio as long as it's possible, and that she loves her and RJ so much. And Judith will listen to Uncle Daryl.

14.) Does Michonne talk to RJ or anyone else?

Only Judith and RJ. Her conversation with RJ is adorable. He has his own call sign, Little Brave Man. He actually has quite a few lines here.

15.) How does the episode end?

Michonne gets herself two new pet walkers. While traveling, she comes across a man and a woman who her for help, saying "they'll leave without us". When Michonne says who, they point towards the horizon and we see a large army-like group moving in formation. At this point, she remembers Carl and Rick trying to decide whether to help her or not. She kills the two pet walkers and offers the two help.

Les acteurs sont de retour sous formes d'extraits? sinon WTF quel secret bien gardé

Michonne a été rajoutée numériquement sur la scène du 6x16 et les autres acteurs je sais pas

Niveau 10
19 mars 2020 à 20:29:21

Numériquement...ça promet d'être bien dégueu :rire:

Niveau 7
19 mars 2020 à 22:34:52

Michonne qui va être inscruté comme la biche :rire:

Niveau 50
19 mars 2020 à 22:39:21

Le 19 mars 2020 à 22:34:52 Theo-Magath a écrit :
Michonne qui va être inscruté comme la biche :rire:

Niveau 10
19 mars 2020 à 23:15:09

hein comment ça Michonne a été incrustée numériquement ?

Niveau 41
19 mars 2020 à 23:54:37

Bah c'est dans le trailer hein.

La scène où elle a la batte de Negan

Niveau 10
20 mars 2020 à 00:34:27

Mais on a jamais vu cette scène nulle part, je comprends pas trop.

Niveau 10
20 mars 2020 à 00:35:59

Par contre le coup des persos qui apparaissent sous hallucinations, arrêtez avec ça...

Ça a été fait combien de fois?

Niveau 5
20 mars 2020 à 04:48:06

Les 5-6 dernières saisons sont horriblement mauvaises, à part 2-3 épisodes c'est vraiment pas ouf :(

Sujet : The Walking Dead (AMC)
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