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Télévision & Séries

Sujet : The Walking Dead (AMC)
Niveau 46
25 mars 2020 à 13:12:35

Le 25 mars 2020 à 12:13:52 JayPasFearExpre a écrit :

Le 25 mars 2020 à 12:05:16 Theo-Magath a écrit :
Je ne m'y connais pas assez mais peut-être que l'un d'entre vous saura me dire.
Cest normal de pas encore avoir fini la post prod d'un episode moins de 3 semaines avant sa diffusion ? J'ai l'impression que ça fais amateur

On ne connait pas les "coulisses" donc difficile de dire si oui ou non c'est normal. :(

Pour moi, très clairement, ce n'est pas normal sachant que le tournage de la saison 10 s'est terminé en novembre dernier. Ça fait 5 mois déjà que tout est bouclé.

Je pense que AMC devrait revoir la façon de produire leur série. Eux, mais aussi la CW entre autres.
Au moins, tu sais qu'avec HBO, leur série est complètement terminée avant même leur diffusion.

C'est pas forcément vrai. J'avais le souvenir que Westworld avait du faire une pause pour ré-écrire ses scénarios.

Niveau 10
25 mars 2020 à 14:22:33

Le 25 mars 2020 à 13:12:35 Issoul79 a écrit :

Le 25 mars 2020 à 12:13:52 JayPasFearExpre a écrit :

Le 25 mars 2020 à 12:05:16 Theo-Magath a écrit :
Je ne m'y connais pas assez mais peut-être que l'un d'entre vous saura me dire.
Cest normal de pas encore avoir fini la post prod d'un episode moins de 3 semaines avant sa diffusion ? J'ai l'impression que ça fais amateur

On ne connait pas les "coulisses" donc difficile de dire si oui ou non c'est normal. :(

Pour moi, très clairement, ce n'est pas normal sachant que le tournage de la saison 10 s'est terminé en novembre dernier. Ça fait 5 mois déjà que tout est bouclé.

Je pense que AMC devrait revoir la façon de produire leur série. Eux, mais aussi la CW entre autres.
Au moins, tu sais qu'avec HBO, leur série est complètement terminée avant même leur diffusion.

C'est pas forcément vrai. J'avais le souvenir que Westworld avait du faire une pause pour ré-écrire ses scénarios.

Oui, les scénaristes ont changé des choses, mais c'était différent par rapport au contexte avec TWD actuellement.

Niveau 52
25 mars 2020 à 14:44:35

Le 24 mars 2020 à 22:54:53 Venezmechercher a écrit :

Le 24 mars 2020 à 22:52:57 Ballerina a écrit :

Le 24 mars 2020 à 22:44:20 [mattdu06] a écrit :
non bien sur que c'est pas leurs fautes, ça ma juste surpris que seulement le dernier épisode ne soit pas passer en post prod, perso j'imagine que le 15eme fera office de final avec le retour de Maggie, mais peut être pas la fin de la guerre avec les chuchoteurs

Toujours aussi agréables les spoils ici. :oui:

Ouais enfin ça fait une belle lurette que ça se sait et la prod le cache même pas :hap:

ouais mais pense que ya des gens qui regarde juste la série !
et qui vont pas chercher des petites info dans ce style.
car bon si tu fait que regarder la série comment tu peux savoir que maggie est de retour ?

vous vous gaché le plaisir a vous même et ensuite vous vener gachez le plaisir des autre vous faite chier !!!!

Niveau 10
25 mars 2020 à 18:26:01

LA fin de cette saison remonte vraiment le niveau de la série .

Sinon pour rick JE pense pas a une amnésie surtout vu le dessin que trouve michonne dans le bateau . La plus grosse probabilité est que la blessure la rendu handicaper physiquement donc dans l'incapacité de survivre seul et doit surement suivre le groupe pour garder espoir de les revoirs . Après on peu demander pourquuoi personne a voulu aller rejoindre le groupe de rick ?

Niveau 10
25 mars 2020 à 19:17:18

Malheureusement pour le final il n'est pas rare que la post prod soit achevée in extremis, parfois même quelques heures avant la diffusion du produit fini... Certes je suis assez surpris que ça arrive mais je le suis car la post prod est un taff de bureau, mixage, montage etc tout est faisable à distance, ce qui me bloque est le pourquoi de l'infaisabilité de cette postprod.

Je me demande plutôt si c'est pas une pirouette histoire entre guillemets de combler l'attente entre la saison 10 et la 11 qui du coup ne devrait pas arriver avant janvier 2021 minimum, ainsi en faisant pop l'épisode 16 en plein été par exemple ils feraient patienter les gens...

J'avance cette idée car je ne vois sincèrement absolument pas en quoi un confinement pourrait interrompre une post prod, surtout en sachant à quel point les us sont à la ramasse niveau consignes de sécurité

Niveau 27
25 mars 2020 à 20:30:33

Le 25 mars 2020 à 12:05:16 Theo-Magath a écrit :
Je ne m'y connais pas assez mais peut-être que l'un d'entre vous saura me dire.
Cest normal de pas encore avoir fini la post prod d'un episode moins de 3 semaines avant sa diffusion ? J'ai l'impression que ça fais amateur

Honnêtement je crois que ça n'a rien d'exceptionnel. Même dans le domaine du cinéma, il est pas rare qu'ils bouclent le montage à même pas une semaine de la sortie. Juste 2 exemples qui me viennent comme ça : Aliens ou le dernier Star Wars.

Niveau 41
25 mars 2020 à 21:00:30

Les spoils de l'épisode 14 sont sortis.

1.) Are the groups still separated?

Everyone who were at Hilltop still seems to be there, and Hilltop is the only community we see.

2.) Does anyone learn about Michonne leaving to find Rick? If so, what are their reactions?


3.) Is Carol dreaming or hallucinating when she sees Alpha in the woods? Does she have more of these dreams/hallucinations?

I should say neither, because I think this is meant to be more of a conversation that Carol has with herself. Yes, it continues throughout the episode, until she resolves it. "Alpha" taunts her about her life, how she's lost everyone no matter what she did, and her end is inevitable.

4.) Why is Carol alone in the woods? What’s inside the cabin she’s approaching?

She tells Negan that she needs to be alone. A boat, apparently. When she's trying to get it off a shelf, it falls, and the roof of the cabin collapses with it, trapping Carol underneath. A walker starts coming in, she frees herself and kills it. This gets "Alpha" to disappear.

5.) What is the deal made between Carol and Negan? Does she keep her word?

Carol says that if Negan kills Alpha, she will make sure the people remembers him for that and not the other stuff. Not exactly, because she leaves to be on her own. It's Daryl who ends up finding Negan and hearing his story first.

6.) Does someone say "Look at the Flowers" in this episode? Who?

Yes. Hallucination Alpha to Carol, as she's trapped under debris and a walker is approaching.

7.) What's going on with Lydia? Does she know Alpha is dead?

Lydia is not in this episode.

8.) What happens with Negan and Daryl?

Negan goes to the other cabin to get Lydia but finds Daryl instead. He takes him to the spikes where he and Carol had put Alpha's head, but since Beta took it in the meantime, it's no longer there. While Negan is trying to convince Daryl of his good intentions, some Whisperers arrive with guns and say that they are there to kneel to the new Alpha. Needless to say, all this is very amusing to Negan. He then kills the Whisperers instead.

9.) Do Daryl and Carol interact in this episode? If so, what happens during their scenes?

Once. After freeing herself from the debris at the cabin, Carol comes back to Hilltop. Daryl lets her in, they don't speak to each other.

10.) Why do Yumiko and Ezekiel decide to join Eugene on his journey to meet Stephanie?

No specific reason is mentioned.

11.) What happens during Yumiko, Ezekiel, and Eugene’s journey? Do they make it?

Ezekiel is not feeling well. He feels like giving up after his horse dies, saying maybe he's not strong enough to make the journey. Yumiko tells him that they need the man who built a Kingdom during the apocalypse by their side. Yes, they do make it.

12.) Do they meet Princess?

Yes! She's in this weird place where everyone (walkers) is either tied or handcuffed asis, while they were going about their lives. This is where they see the policewalker.

13.) Do we learn Connie's fate?


14.) What is Beta’s reaction to Alpha’s death? What is his plan now that she’s gone?

So, Beta actually takes up about a third of the episode. It is revealed that he has some sort of a secret hideout where there's a bed, a guitar, a record player and his records. He's Half Moon, country singer. He brings Alpha's head here in a sack, and has a fit of rage, smashing his guitar. Then, he puts on a live recording of his, and goes out onto the balcony to see hundreds of walkers gathering outside. Afterwards, he thanks Alpha's head and drives a blade into it, goes out the front door, straight into the walkers, and starts leading them.

15.) We see Beta walking with a guy in a red shirt in promo pictures. Who is he and what happens to him?

He's a random Whisperer who makes the mistake of telling Beta that he's the new Alpha. Beta has Alpha's head bite this guy's ear off, and then has him killed by walkers.

16.) How does the episode end?

With Beta, how I described in Q14.

17.) Anything else interesting?

I'm going to have to say no again. This was a bit of an uneventful episode, but still a good one.

Niveau 10
25 mars 2020 à 21:52:51

Le 25 mars 2020 à 18:26:01 kangersz3 a écrit :
LA fin de cette saison remonte vraiment le niveau de la série .

Sinon pour rick JE pense pas a une amnésie surtout vu le dessin que trouve michonne dans le bateau . La plus grosse probabilité est que la blessure la rendu handicaper physiquement donc dans l'incapacité de survivre seul et doit surement suivre le groupe pour garder espoir de les revoirs . Après on peu demander pourquuoi personne a voulu aller rejoindre le groupe de rick ?

Il a rejoint un groupe qui l’empêche de sortir par sécurité ?

Sinon question :d)
Y a une métaphore dans le cauchemars de Michonne quand elle rejoint Negan ? :(

Niveau 52
26 mars 2020 à 05:42:15

Le 25 mars 2020 à 21:00:30 Unfor a écrit :
Les spoils de l'épisode 14 sont sortis.

1.) Are the groups still separated?

Everyone who were at Hilltop still seems to be there, and Hilltop is the only community we see.

2.) Does anyone learn about Michonne leaving to find Rick? If so, what are their reactions?


3.) Is Carol dreaming or hallucinating when she sees Alpha in the woods? Does she have more of these dreams/hallucinations?

I should say neither, because I think this is meant to be more of a conversation that Carol has with herself. Yes, it continues throughout the episode, until she resolves it. "Alpha" taunts her about her life, how she's lost everyone no matter what she did, and her end is inevitable.

4.) Why is Carol alone in the woods? What’s inside the cabin she’s approaching?

She tells Negan that she needs to be alone. A boat, apparently. When she's trying to get it off a shelf, it falls, and the roof of the cabin collapses with it, trapping Carol underneath. A walker starts coming in, she frees herself and kills it. This gets "Alpha" to disappear.

5.) What is the deal made between Carol and Negan? Does she keep her word?

Carol says that if Negan kills Alpha, she will make sure the people remembers him for that and not the other stuff. Not exactly, because she leaves to be on her own. It's Daryl who ends up finding Negan and hearing his story first.

6.) Does someone say "Look at the Flowers" in this episode? Who?

Yes. Hallucination Alpha to Carol, as she's trapped under debris and a walker is approaching.

7.) What's going on with Lydia? Does she know Alpha is dead?

Lydia is not in this episode.

8.) What happens with Negan and Daryl?

Negan goes to the other cabin to get Lydia but finds Daryl instead. He takes him to the spikes where he and Carol had put Alpha's head, but since Beta took it in the meantime, it's no longer there. While Negan is trying to convince Daryl of his good intentions, some Whisperers arrive with guns and say that they are there to kneel to the new Alpha. Needless to say, all this is very amusing to Negan. He then kills the Whisperers instead.

9.) Do Daryl and Carol interact in this episode? If so, what happens during their scenes?

Once. After freeing herself from the debris at the cabin, Carol comes back to Hilltop. Daryl lets her in, they don't speak to each other.

10.) Why do Yumiko and Ezekiel decide to join Eugene on his journey to meet Stephanie?

No specific reason is mentioned.

11.) What happens during Yumiko, Ezekiel, and Eugene’s journey? Do they make it?

Ezekiel is not feeling well. He feels like giving up after his horse dies, saying maybe he's not strong enough to make the journey. Yumiko tells him that they need the man who built a Kingdom during the apocalypse by their side. Yes, they do make it.

12.) Do they meet Princess?

Yes! She's in this weird place where everyone (walkers) is either tied or handcuffed asis, while they were going about their lives. This is where they see the policewalker.

13.) Do we learn Connie's fate?


14.) What is Beta’s reaction to Alpha’s death? What is his plan now that she’s gone?

So, Beta actually takes up about a third of the episode. It is revealed that he has some sort of a secret hideout where there's a bed, a guitar, a record player and his records. He's Half Moon, country singer. He brings Alpha's head here in a sack, and has a fit of rage, smashing his guitar. Then, he puts on a live recording of his, and goes out onto the balcony to see hundreds of walkers gathering outside. Afterwards, he thanks Alpha's head and drives a blade into it, goes out the front door, straight into the walkers, and starts leading them.

15.) We see Beta walking with a guy in a red shirt in promo pictures. Who is he and what happens to him?

He's a random Whisperer who makes the mistake of telling Beta that he's the new Alpha. Beta has Alpha's head bite this guy's ear off, and then has him killed by walkers.

16.) How does the episode end?

With Beta, how I described in Q14.

17.) Anything else interesting?

I'm going to have to say no again. This was a bit of an uneventful episode, but still a good one.

pourquoi vous faite ça en faite? :(

Niveau 10
26 mars 2020 à 10:12:20

Sur les 2 derniers épisodes y a des trucs pas cohérents peut-être que vous allez pouvoir me répondre, déjà pourquoi Negan capture la fille d'Alpha ? Son plan pour la buter aurait pas pu marcher sans ?

Et j'ai peut-être oublié un truc mais entre le moment ou Rick quitte les autres et maintenant il y a bien plusieurs années ? :doute: donc comment il aurait pu dessiner sa fille sachant que la dernière fois qu'il l'a vu elle était bébé ? A moins qu'il l'ait espionné

Niveau 10
26 mars 2020 à 11:25:51


Non je dirais plutôt que personne veut risque sa vie pour aller al' aveuglette chercher des camps . Sinon non pour la métaphore

Niveau 38
26 mars 2020 à 11:35:23

Le 26 mars 2020 à 05:42:15 GoatDanielson a écrit :

Le 25 mars 2020 à 21:00:30 Unfor a écrit :
Les spoils de l'épisode 14 sont sortis.

1.) Are the groups still separated?

Everyone who were at Hilltop still seems to be there, and Hilltop is the only community we see.

2.) Does anyone learn about Michonne leaving to find Rick? If so, what are their reactions?


3.) Is Carol dreaming or hallucinating when she sees Alpha in the woods? Does she have more of these dreams/hallucinations?

I should say neither, because I think this is meant to be more of a conversation that Carol has with herself. Yes, it continues throughout the episode, until she resolves it. "Alpha" taunts her about her life, how she's lost everyone no matter what she did, and her end is inevitable.

4.) Why is Carol alone in the woods? What’s inside the cabin she’s approaching?

She tells Negan that she needs to be alone. A boat, apparently. When she's trying to get it off a shelf, it falls, and the roof of the cabin collapses with it, trapping Carol underneath. A walker starts coming in, she frees herself and kills it. This gets "Alpha" to disappear.

5.) What is the deal made between Carol and Negan? Does she keep her word?

Carol says that if Negan kills Alpha, she will make sure the people remembers him for that and not the other stuff. Not exactly, because she leaves to be on her own. It's Daryl who ends up finding Negan and hearing his story first.

6.) Does someone say "Look at the Flowers" in this episode? Who?

Yes. Hallucination Alpha to Carol, as she's trapped under debris and a walker is approaching.

7.) What's going on with Lydia? Does she know Alpha is dead?

Lydia is not in this episode.

8.) What happens with Negan and Daryl?

Negan goes to the other cabin to get Lydia but finds Daryl instead. He takes him to the spikes where he and Carol had put Alpha's head, but since Beta took it in the meantime, it's no longer there. While Negan is trying to convince Daryl of his good intentions, some Whisperers arrive with guns and say that they are there to kneel to the new Alpha. Needless to say, all this is very amusing to Negan. He then kills the Whisperers instead.

9.) Do Daryl and Carol interact in this episode? If so, what happens during their scenes?

Once. After freeing herself from the debris at the cabin, Carol comes back to Hilltop. Daryl lets her in, they don't speak to each other.

10.) Why do Yumiko and Ezekiel decide to join Eugene on his journey to meet Stephanie?

No specific reason is mentioned.

11.) What happens during Yumiko, Ezekiel, and Eugene’s journey? Do they make it?

Ezekiel is not feeling well. He feels like giving up after his horse dies, saying maybe he's not strong enough to make the journey. Yumiko tells him that they need the man who built a Kingdom during the apocalypse by their side. Yes, they do make it.

12.) Do they meet Princess?

Yes! She's in this weird place where everyone (walkers) is either tied or handcuffed asis, while they were going about their lives. This is where they see the policewalker.

13.) Do we learn Connie's fate?


14.) What is Beta’s reaction to Alpha’s death? What is his plan now that she’s gone?

So, Beta actually takes up about a third of the episode. It is revealed that he has some sort of a secret hideout where there's a bed, a guitar, a record player and his records. He's Half Moon, country singer. He brings Alpha's head here in a sack, and has a fit of rage, smashing his guitar. Then, he puts on a live recording of his, and goes out onto the balcony to see hundreds of walkers gathering outside. Afterwards, he thanks Alpha's head and drives a blade into it, goes out the front door, straight into the walkers, and starts leading them.

15.) We see Beta walking with a guy in a red shirt in promo pictures. Who is he and what happens to him?

He's a random Whisperer who makes the mistake of telling Beta that he's the new Alpha. Beta has Alpha's head bite this guy's ear off, and then has him killed by walkers.

16.) How does the episode end?

With Beta, how I described in Q14.

17.) Anything else interesting?

I'm going to have to say no again. This was a bit of an uneventful episode, but still a good one.

pourquoi vous faite ça en faite? :(

On fait ce qu'on veut. Si ca te derange tu ignore les spoils

Niveau 5
26 mars 2020 à 11:50:23

Putain je viens de voir que le dernier épisode est reporté a cause du corona je suis dégouter...
Mais je comprend pas trop l'intérêt, pourquoi le reporter alors que les gens sont confinés chez eux et qu'un petit épisode peut changer les idées de tout le monde ?

Niveau 7
26 mars 2020 à 11:55:15

Parce que la post prod n'est pas terminée

Niveau 10
26 mars 2020 à 12:34:58

Le 25 mars 2020 à 14:44:35 GoatDanielson a écrit :

Le 24 mars 2020 à 22:54:53 Venezmechercher a écrit :

Le 24 mars 2020 à 22:52:57 Ballerina a écrit :

Le 24 mars 2020 à 22:44:20 [mattdu06] a écrit :
non bien sur que c'est pas leurs fautes, ça ma juste surpris que seulement le dernier épisode ne soit pas passer en post prod, perso j'imagine que le 15eme fera office de final avec le retour de Maggie, mais peut être pas la fin de la guerre avec les chuchoteurs

Toujours aussi agréables les spoils ici. :oui:

Ouais enfin ça fait une belle lurette que ça se sait et la prod le cache même pas :hap:

ouais mais pense que ya des gens qui regarde juste la série !
et qui vont pas chercher des petites info dans ce style.
car bon si tu fait que regarder la série comment tu peux savoir que maggie est de retour ?

vous vous gaché le plaisir a vous même et ensuite vous vener gachez le plaisir des autre vous faite chier !!!!

Je suis le premier à râler par rapport aux spoils :noel: mais même sans regarder les actus, il me semblait que ça se savait :hap:

Niveau 3
28 mars 2020 à 09:16:43

Salut tout le monde ! J avais 2 questions!
La premiere c est : a quelle heure exactement l episode sort ?
Et la deuxieme : pouvez vous m'envoyer le lien du site qui le poste le + rapidement svp ?

Niveau 55
28 mars 2020 à 09:19:06

Il sort à 5h du mat' donc déjà dispo.

Vu tout a l'heure.

Niveau 55
28 mars 2020 à 09:34:13

C'est bon ! :oui:

Niveau 3
28 mars 2020 à 09:34:28

Personne ? :snif:

Niveau 3
28 mars 2020 à 09:35:02

Merci tu geres!! 😁

Sujet : The Walking Dead (AMC)
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