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Record of Lodoss War

Sujet : soluce
Niveau 3
06 août 2003 à 11:46:19


Here you can kill a lot of zombies. First find a house with a green goblin
inside. Never kill him. Talk with him and ask him how to open the sealed door in
the cimetery. He will give you a scroll. Now visit the cimetery and find an area
with 5 lockpicks on the ground. collect them all and with them, open two locked
chest in this area to collect a double sword. Then you have now a great power.
Find the sealed door and open it with the scroll. First in the dungeon go right
then up to find
another lockpick in a chest. Then open the chest left of the entrance. Visit the
dungeon and all paths. Fight two gargoyles then go upstairs. You find a jail.
Save COX ( you can rename him) and he opens the way and go upstairs. You can look
at a golem and an ogre in a jail. Now continue and upstairs is the goblin fort.


There´s a lot of ennemies to blast here. Enter a house and find the GOBLIN LORD
( boss). Kill him and Wort appears. Take the book and use it to win between 100
and 150 hp ( it´s random).
FMV : Wort shows you the four heroes you must save ( Slayn, Parn, Leyla, Deedlit).
Wort teaches you the RECALL spell. It´s a combo of button, then use X to recall.
This spell is the most useful because each time you use it you come in this fort,
heal automatically and you can save. Saving the game now is a good idea. Go in
a big house from where you hear a sound and meet COX who is the blacksmith.
Remember where you see a jail with monsters, COX has let three chests for you
there. Take them.
Equip then talk to the goblin to learn many tips ( L+R+START= MAP for example).
Save again. You notice a chest in COX´s house, use it to store useless items.
Equip yourself with the knife you had at the beginning and with the best armor
and helm you have. Then talk again to COX : Your mission is to increase your
weapon, armor and helm and you will exit once you have done it. Refine all your
old weapon and even the sword. Select the knife, increase, HP and DMG then
transform it in the double sword. If you do correctly the things your knife is
superior now. Then try to increase armor and helm and when you can exit. It´s
hard and take time before you obtain the exit. Try different combinations then
each time you talk to the blacksmith you´ll be free of your decision.
Go down to the jail and ask the goblin to open the jail ( 3,2). Kill the ogre and
have a lot of potion for the Golem ( you need to be at level 4 or 5). You can now
exit of here and return to the green goblin in the cimetery. Talk to him and use
all questions until he gives a second magic scroll. Remember the second sealed
door in the first dungeon, go to it, open it and you reach a new part of the

Enter this cave full of zombies. Kill them all then kill the red one or you will
lose a lot of EXP. You obtain a medal and collect new ANCIENTS.

Return to goblin fort and talk to COX. Customize again the hero ( 1) then talk
( 2). Talk to Wort and collect new ancients in the fort. The main door is opened.
You are now ready for the real game and to stop the advance of CARDICE.



You can collect ancients on the way by going to the right. Don´t forget to kill
everyone to gain a tons of exp. Then go north. You arrive in an area with a gray
ground. You can locate the cyclops cave because near it is a teleport that
didn´t work yet and there is an ancients also. Continue north and you arrive in
lizard town. Kill the red lizard to collect a
magic scroll. You are not ready for this cave but remember the location we will
come back to it later. Continue north, pass a wooden bridge and you´ll reach the
dark elf town.


When you arrive you see a dark elf lord ( Pirotess) talking with a dark shaman.
Now enter and save. Go right, introduce yourself to Pirotess ( answer 1) or
you´ll regret it. Avoid the phrase that ends with a " !". Then visit the house
and the town to find items and magic scrolls. You´ll find a lot of ancients
here. Then you´ll eventually find Pirotess´s house. talk and accept to help her
( 1,1). She will test you ( a bad habit in this game). You must save Fingerpost
the elder of the village.


Visit 1f. Here collect everything. Your test will end when you will kill the
blue demon. Exit. Talk with Pirotess and she opens the way to 2F. Visit 2F and
find the elder. Talk with her and you have finished. They all advice you to
visit the 3F for a boss fight, so let´s go. Kill the green monster and then all
his friend ( not so easy). Collect items here and use a lockpick to open the
chest. Now you can go to 1F and use the only exit that you havn´t used because
it was locked and you exit on the last part of the town, near the forest.
Return to Goblin Fort ( with a recall of course) and Wort lets a special item for
you to COX. It´s a Rune book. It allows you to unequip a rune on a weapon or
armor and change to a new weapon or armor you just find. Very useful .

4 PARN :

Your mission is to find Parn in the dark elf forest so from the last part of the
town you find an exit to this forest. Use L+R+START to abuse of the map. For
going to the small island you must find a house with an underground tunnel that
leads you to the island. You find there a magic scroll. Near this house is a way
to a lever so use it to open the new area.Go to this area and enter the sealed
house with the scroll. You find new items. Enter a cave to arrive in the final
zone of the forest. Save and equip yourself with the tornado spell. Enter the
shrine and kill the DARK KNIGHT. Have your hero takes care personally of this
boss so you can collect special items like dexterity boots or power bracelet.
You find anyway a shield and a potion to heal MP and HP at the same time. Talk
to PARN ( 1,1,1,2). Normally the guy laugh, it means that you have accepted to
help him to save Deedlit. ( If Parn didn´t laugh you must restart the fight and
change the choices, you must be sure that you help him to avoid bad surprises).


Now go downstairs in the second part of the cave you have begun to visit earlier
( the exit that Parn shows you). You´ll visit 2 floors before reaching the goblin
village. Advance and kill everyone until you see a FMV and then advance until
you see Deedlit. Now kill the boss of this village. Then you can save Deedlit.
Deedlit joins the force. Ask her about Russev.
Open a door and arrive in a big area. Here you must visit all ways you find and
take all your time because it´s very long. Don´t forget to visit all the sub
caves to collect special items and ancients. Don´t worry about the crystal here.
You can´t destroy it yet.
You´ll obtain new weapons and armor. Don´t forget to change the weapon with the
When you arrive near the exit you´ll see a magic stairs near the door that says
to follow the light and kill the titan to open the door. Follow the light and
kill the titan... . Go back to the door and Now climb 2 floors ( very easy) and
emerge in Russev´s area.


OK. To end this part of the game you must visit this area. First, visit this
part and collect the rune and items. Now go in the cave and arrive in a short
second part. Visit another cave and emerge in the last part. Heal and recall to
save then kill Russev ( after a FMV and a dialogue of no importance). Now Deedlit
and Parn leaves the team... Open the chest here and use your magic scroll to
visit the small area near you. Then go to Wort to ask about Leyla and Slayn. It
appears that they are with the dragon Narse.

Visit the lizard cave and the cyclops cave you have found earlier to gain two
new medals. Store them for the moment.

MINI QUESTS 4,5,6,7 :
Go to dark elf village by using the teleport in goblin fort ( click on the skull
to open them). Talk to Finger post, the elder of the village. After a long talk,
she opens a teleport to an island and indicates on your map all the mini quests
to complete. ( it also gives a dimension to the world of Lodoss, the time you
were lost is over). Use the teleport and kill the LIZARD KING. You obtain a book
that allows you to open Sealed Doors. Cool. Throw all your magic scrolls of the
inventory because they are useless now. Return to Fingerpost with all your
medals and she gives you items to help you. You need now
to find 3 coins to obtain a new item. You can visit TITAN ZOMBIES, SKELETON KING
and GOBLIN KING which are all on the first map and easy for now.

MINI QUESTS 8,9,10,11 :
When you exit by the normal way of the dark elf village you can see and complete
the following quests : ELDER KNIGHT, DARK SHAMAN, GARGOYLE. If you exit by the
left on this map, you will arrive in a land where it rains constantly. Follow
the long way to the south ( north then west then south) to reach the WORM´S LAIR.
Once you have finished, return to your home and customize the hero.



Go to goblin fort. Now exit to the map and follow the path until you see a fork.
It´s a long way. Once you find the fork, go left and you arrive near Narse´s

Enter the cave and kill all golem here. Then to beat the giant iron golem,
simply destroy a pillar. He will be stuned and you can hit him quietly. Exit
then contiue the way to Narse´s lair. Go north and enter the cave, it´s


1F : You discover teleport 3. Follow all the possible way. It´s simple. Near the
end of the 1F is a gold giant lizard you must kill. Destroy the box to collect a
ring and open the chest for a book. Then go to 2F.

2F : Talk to Slayn and Leyla ( 4,2,1,1). Advance and click on the magic stairs
here. A mithril golem appears and gives you a pick. Go to goblin fort and
duplicate the pick. Continue and collect the ancients " durability+3" ( in 2F) and
go downstairs.

1F again : Go straight for the moment. You emerge on a new area.

Follow the way to the north to arrive in FARALYS.


You discover teleoprt 4. Explore this area. I have noticed 3 traps :
You destroy a mithril block and ennemies appears.
You open a giant box and a horde of golem and ogre appears to kill you
Open a door, break a mithril with picks and fight an ogre while 3
magicians are shooting you.
I also notice a door you can´t open yet. Here to enter the castle you must
destroy 4 giants demon statues. 2 are easy, the other are dangerous because a
horde of ennmies appears. Then save and go to the castle. You´ll fight a new
horde before entering the castle. Then talk to Leyla in the castle and she joins
you. According to Kyapiko, it depends of your answer.
Slayn can join you. Destroy the four statues here to open new gate. Destroy a
chest and kill the gargoyle. Now you are ready for the castle.


update 1.3: note the name of the floor has changed in the translation. Someone
says i have maybe used false name for the floor, i just want to say that they
are named like that and clearly in english in the japanese game. It seems that
english translators didn´t like when
japanese wrote something in english and they feel the need to change it. Gee,
anyway sorry for the confusion, it´s not my fault.

1F : Destroy the statue to open new doors. Once you have opened them all,
destroy the big statue and kill everyone. Go to B1.

B1 : Explore B1 until you meet Shordel. Kill the horde he lets with you. Pass
the door and destroy the statue and a horde will appear. Push the lever and come
back to the beginning of the floor to collect 2 items in a chest. Explore the
new way destroy a statue and kill another horde. Continue and pull all levers
then destroy the statue. Save and go to B2.

B2 : Destroy the statue and meet Seraphi. Talk and destroy the horrible monster
and his friends. First use only the lever with yellow arrow on it to destroy the
main giant statue. Now use the red one to arrive at the end of this floor. If i
say " kill them all" you believe me ? . You must try different levers to reach B3.

B3 : Visit this floor until you meet Seraphi. Kill her. FMV. Visit B3 and use
all the way you can and kill them all. There´s a lot to do here. Open a sealed
door and once you are near a blue circle, go north and exit.

B4 : It´s very difficult here. I can just say use the lever at your left to open
the way to B5. But before this you must destroy all the statues here and mainly
the one of Shordel, protected by a tons of mithril. Once you have done it,
Shordel is no more invincible. You will know you are on the way when you begin
to open sealed door. Now go to B5.

B5 : FARALYS CHAMBER : Here kill that pig named Shordel ( i hate his voice
Oyakuyokuyo... pfff ridiculous). Exit of the castle. Once you come back to 1F,
search for the outside wall of the castle to find a secret area ( when i say
outside wall, i mean the wall near the entrance of the castle of course). Visit
it and kill everyone until you see a shrine. By killing a lizard you discover a
new teleport ( to ORPHAN´S GATE).

This cave is full of poor magicians. You collect a coin and a sword. If you
finish to explore this area you will find the locked door i mentioned earlier.

Now return to Goblin fort and buy a tons of picks. Explore the 1F of Narse´s
lair to collect all the mithril here. Come back home and customize the hero.
Return to Narse and talk with Slayn. Talk again to give the two heads ( of Russev
and shordel) you have. You obtain a key that allows you to go to Conquara, the
final dungeon. Don´t forget it. Then Slayn asks
you to find all the dragon weapon and armors ( 4 pieces). You will notice four
new marks on the general map which are the location.

You have to complete the two long quests ( Fingerpost and Slayn).

You can complete GOBLIN LORD and GIGANDEATH ZOMBIE cave on the first map by
hiting the mithril. Beware for Gigandeth it´s a long fight. Go to the area full
of Worms. At the west side is the FLAME DEMON cave. Then go north to complete
the TITAN CAVE. Exit by the south of this area and on the north of the new map
is the PHANTOM cave. Then go to the very south and find the GOBLIN MASTER cave.
Then return to Narse´s area and on the way to Faralys, if you go east instead of
west is the SALAMANDER cave.

In the area full of worms enter the WORM SHRINE. Here you must fight until you
reach level 60. It´s not a joke. It means exit and makes a tons of recall.

Sujet : soluce
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