dervish vend des kebab
jo 2020 soyez persents
J'ai pas un avis tres tranché sur le film. Je sais que le film ne m'a pas spécialement marqué. Par contre, je reconnais que les acteurs sont tous excellents et que la mise en scene experimentale grandiose en constante metaphore avec l'histoire à l'echelle humaine de nos heros est belle et intéressante à suivre. J'ai eu quelques reflexions metaphysiques, du plus simple au plus complexe, pendant le visionnage, le film a joué son role.
Faudrait probablement un second watch mais ca se fera pas tout de suite.
Je te retourne la question.
Le debat devenait trop historique, alors je change de sujet sur des themes un peu plus parlant
yam, pourquoi tu te de me troll ?
pareil saeko ?
"Le fatass en fait, c'est comme un kebab dégueulasse rempli de viande de chien mort dans la rue là où le flat/small boobs est comme un repas servi au plus fin des restaurants."
_Busujima, Saeko.
J'aime la bite miam miam
T'as fait une erreur dans ta CDV, elle a 16 ans actuellement
En 2020 je vide les couilles de ce baka d'usain bolt
Moi j'adore ce film je le trouve excellent, les thématiques qu'il aborde couplé aux magnifiques plans et au sublime Requiem for my friend de Zbigniew Preisner, seule la fin m'a un peu déçu, je m'attendais à quelque chose de plus terre à terre on va dire.
Je l'avais vu en cours avec mon prof de français en seconde mais personne n'avait aimé à part moi
Anonymous 09/14/13(Sat)00:22 UTC+2 No.93330585Replies: >>93330597
1 Titans originated from somewhere that led to the near extinction of mankind.
2 Humanity discovered a final weapon against titans, the creation of "Titan Shifters" serums, similar to the one injected into Eren.
3 However, at that point humanity was nearly extinct. The number of humans remaining was insufficient to secure peace even with "Titan Shifters".
4 The reminder of humanity made a choice. One faction chose to use the serum to turn themselves into "Colossal Titans", building impenetrable walls that safe guard the reminder of humanity.
5 This faction is led by the royal family and the nobles, who are the current king and wall cult factions. They hold the secret to "Titan Shifter" serum. They chose comfort and peace.
6 There exists at least one other faction, from which Reiner/Annie/Bertholdt came from. This faction managed to survive in the titan infested environment by building a civilization protected by a number of militarized "Titan Shifters" such as Reiner.
7 The secret to creating the formula for "Titan Shifter" has, in fact, been lost in this faction. It survives on a limited number of serum, one of which was stolen by Ymir, leading to her refugee status.
8 In order to survive or to expand, this faction has chosen to break into the walls, to eventually reach the wall cult that (may) still hold the secret to the creation of "Titan" serum.
9 Reiner/ Bertholdt/Annie were chosen for their age. The attack on the wall 5 years ago allowed the three to infiltrate into the 2nd wall disguised as refugees and enter the training corp with minimal background check.
Anonymous 09/14/13(Sat)00:22 UTC+2 No.93330597
93330585 (OP)
10 The 2nd attack against the wall five years later was to facilitate their entrance into the Military Police after their graduation, allowing them to infiltrate the inner wall. Through pushing humanity to the last wall, it will force the wall cult/royal family into action. During the chaos, they are to infiltrate the cult and uncover its secrets. It is likely they were willing to break the last wall/cause extinction of humans inside the walls in order to force the royal family/wall cult to use titan serum.
11 Plan changed when they witnessed Eren's transformation, an individual who is unrelated to the wall cult and the royal family. It leads to the realization that Eren/Eren's father/Eren's basement may hold the secret to "Titan" serum creation (Irwin announced that Eren's basement holds the secret during recruitment). It is (likely) unnecessary to infiltrate the inner wall/commit further genocide in order to fulfill mission.
12 Plan changed. Annie joins military police while Reiner and Bertholdt keep an eye on Eren in the Recon Corps.
13 They need Eren alive as none of them know where Eren's basement is. Eren's hometown is likely completely flattened and overrun by Titans after 5 years. Digging house by house is impossible.
14 Reiner/Bertholdt/Ymir are interested in Christa partially due to her connection to the wall cult, as insurance if Eren's basement does not hold the formula to "Titan Shifter".
La vérité sur Shingeki no Titan
Le sperme de turc
Vu le decoupage du film, pas etonnant que ca finisse comme ca. Faut suivre pour tout reconstituer durant le watch. On pourrait presque voir le film à l'envers que ca ne changerait rien.
Les bites des titans
Le "scénario" de Shingeki no Kyojin est vraiment nul dis donc, sérieusement
Saeko n'est plus ...
TTS qui faisait genre qu'il aimait Haruhi et qui se rabaisse à faire ça
Non Zeloft, jure.
vous auriez pas un tag spécifique pour trouver des images de poteau electriques comme dans Lain, bien cableux
Yam qui fait genre qu'il m'aime alors qu'il me hait