Michael will marry a woman with turqoise eyes, curly, violet hair and who is beautiful.
Xavier is a milf who gets tied up by a giant insect and ends up mind-broken.
Rémy will marry a boy with violet eyes, curly, brown hair and who is handsome.
Michael is a slut who gets inseminated by Justin Bieber and grows a sausage on the forehead.
eeeeh merde
Luca is a loli who gets NTRed by a sheep and ends up mind-broken.
NTR par un mouton
Gabin is a loli who gets pegged by a pineapple and becomes a cum-dumpster.
tu remplaces la milf par une loli zeloft et t'as le doujin sur l'île
Michael's stand is Burning Sunshine, capable of copying dicks! Rank: EX
Xavier is a thugdere. You're in love with anime women. BAD END. http://en.shindanmaker.com/307651
Luca is a loli. You're the heroine no one likes. PERFECT END.
tout le temps une loli
MDR bien un truc d'homo ca te va bien ça rpz !
Rémy is a fairy who gets ****d by a tentacle and ends up asking for more.
Luniel will marry a man with blue eyes, straight, ginger hair and who is muscly.
So manly
Mike is a dandere. You're dating the MC's girlfriend. GOOD END.
Allez RPZ fais pas genre, met Michael
Guillaume will marry a woman with grey eyes, long, violet hair and who is ugly.
Luniel is a magical girlfriend. You're Kaworu Nagisa. PERFECT END.
Mike's homo level is [■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■] 1000% wow!