Rémy is Female, has violet long hair, gray eyes, is 1.83m tall and is funny.
Jaloux zeloft?
moi je fais peur shamrodia héhé
trop grande et quand on est qualifié de "marrant" c'est qu'on est moche et pas attirant !
arrete de refuser la vérité brince
ah ouais bah vtff!!
Senpai says to Luca: You're cute. Too bad!
moi jtm sham
échange avec moi brince je kifferais
Senpai says to Xavier: Go out with me. That's fine I guess.
Senpai says to Mike: Go out with me. That's fine I guess.
Senpai says to Alexandre: You're cute. That's fine I guess.
bien les 2 seules propositions possibles
Xavier will die after his sister pushes him off a building with a cat. http://en.shindanmaker.com/429954
moi aussi jtaime angivare
Senpai says to Rémy: Go out with me. WOOHOO! oooooooh yean
Demain je vais me faire des meches blondes, No rage les gays
J.C. Staff est un bon studio
Alexandre is so ridiculous
putain fait chier
Luca will die after his mother pushes him off a building with a chainsaw.
putain excellent
Senpai says to Guillaume: Die. WOOHOO!