A girl died in 1933 by a homicidal murderer. He buried her in the ground when she was still alive. The murdered chanted, " Toma sota balcu" as he buried her. Now that you have read the chant, you will meet this little girl. In the middle of the night she will be on your ceiling. She will suffocate you like she was suffocated. If you post this, she will not bother you. Your kindness will be rewarded.
Maintenant que je l´ai poster je suis sauvé... mais pas vous!
PS: Attention, ceci est absolument vrai, c´est arrivé à un ami de mon ami!
A girl died in 1933 by a homicidal murderer. He buried her in the ground when she was still alive. The murdered chanted, " Toma sota balcu" as he buried her. Now that you have read the chant, you will meet this little girl. In the middle of the night she will be on your ceiling. She will suffocate you like she was suffocated. If you post this, she will not bother you. Your kindness will be rewarded.
Voila je suis sauvé ^^
je veux pas être sauvé
A girl died in 1933 by a homicidal murderer. He buried her in the ground when she was still alive. The murdered chanted, " Toma sota balcu" as he buried her. Now that you have read the chant, you will meet this little girl. In the middle of the night she will be on your ceiling. She will suffocate you like she was suffocated. If you post this, she will not bother you. Your kindness will be rewarded.
Post ou ebola