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Lock On : Air Combat Simulation

Sujet : Truc pour gagner des fps...sans garantie
Niveau 6
27 décembre 2003 à 16:21:12

Essayez ca et dite moi si vous avez l´impression de gagner des fps.Moi j´ai l´impression que oui . Quant a savoir si c´est enorme ca c´est moins sur....Il semble qu´il y ait moins de stuttering ( freeze de l´image pdt kke centiemes de secondes)

testez avec FRAPS avant et apres a un endroit precis ( genre au dessus d´une ville par exemple la ville juste a cote de la base a la mission Mig 29 ou ca rame bien)

Open your graphics.cfg file and search for the following lines in the plugin section

Renderer = " DXRenderer.dll"; < ---- change this line
Plugin1 = " MitkaGraphics.dll";
Plugin2 = " ZweiBlau.dll";
Plugin3 = " AVIMaker.dll";
Plugin4 = " Weather.dll";
GrEffects = " Effects.dll";
Plugin5 = " RenderEffects.dll";

If you have an ATI card change the line marked above to

Renderer = " ati2dvag.dll";

You can get the ati2dvag.dll from your windows\system32 folder, just copy this file into your LOMAC folder.

If you have an Nvidia card change the line to

Renderer = " nv4_disp.dll";

Once again you can find the nv4_disp.dll in your windows\system32 folder.

It seems that LOMAC uses a generic renderer that is not optimized for individual graphics cards.

Disclaimer: Always make a backup of your graphics.cfg file first and bear in mind that your milage may vary depending on your video card

Niveau 7
28 décembre 2003 à 13:21:48

moi ca marche ! merci ! :ok:

Sujet : Truc pour gagner des fps...sans garantie
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