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Master Of Orion 2

Sujet : Curiositée sur Orion II
Niveau 9
07 août 2005 à 00:13:57

voila, cela fais tres longtemps que je jou a Orion II, mais je l´ai en anglais
je comprend 99% des phrases qui sont dites, mais pour le peu ou je n´arrive pas a comprendre le sens, j´aimerai bien avoir la version française pour pouvoir répondre a des questions que je me pose... mais si vous pouvez y repondre, ce serait encore mieu ^_^ :

- Est-ce que le fait d´avoir des espions qui ne font rien ( qui ne sont chez personne quoi) améliore notre defense en espion ?

- Que fait exactement " Gaïa transformation" ? il est simplement marqué que la planete devient paisible pour les plantes, mais je n´ai remarqué aucune differance au niveau de la production / science / ferme avant et apres la transformation...

- Reflection field reduit-il les degats ? ou renvoi t´il simplement les degats ?

- J´ai remarqué que Quantom Detonator faisait en sorte que le vaisseau avait beacoup de chance pour exploser en cas de capture, mais est-ce vrai , si oui, quel est le pourcentage ?

- J´ai remarqué la differance entre Spacial compressor et Pulsar, Spacial compressor étant Antaran, il devrai etre plus puissant, or, d´apres les infos, Pulsar fait des degats sur une zone plus grande que Spacial compressor...

- je ne pense pas avoir de reponse a cette question, mais, comment les ordis font il pour produire ET faire des recherches aussi vite ? ( si je veut les egaler en recherche je ne doit faire QUE CA et pour les vaisseau, idem, or, eux, font les 2 en meme temps...

- J´ai fait une partie en " trichant" ( je n´ai pas utilisé les codes, mais j´ai joué d´une maniere peut equilibrée...) et j´ai reussi a avoir 9001 points a la fin, mais, mes recherches étaient bloquées a 32 000 et quelque RP ( peut importe si je rajoutait des scientifiques, les RP ne changaient pas ) et idem pour mon revenu, bloqué a +17 000 et quelques, est-ce un hazard, ou est-ce vraiment la limite ?

- J´ai essayer de refaire les vaisseau d´antaran avec mes vaisseau, mais bon, pour faire un cruiser il faut un battle ship, pour un battleship, un titan etc... et en essayant de copier un titan, j´ai vu qu´il avait 30 BLACK HOLE GENERATOR ! !!! de 1, ca coute 4500 de place, ce qui est quasi impossible a avoir, secondo, 30 BHG rassemblé ne servent a rien, il font les meme effets que un seul, donc je pense que c´est un bug ?

- J´ai aussi remarqué que les vaisseau d´attaque d´antarans étaient lus fort que ceux de defense ( nombre d´amres) et un peu differant ( le cruiser a des interceptor en attaque, mais pas en defense)

- ensuite, je n´ai jamais vu de Doomstar Antaran, est-ce car je n´ai pas le temps de les voir, ou n´existent t´ils pas ?

- Et puis ensuite, ce n´est pas une question, mais j´ai remarqué que l´IA n´est pas tres forte en matiere de vaisseau, ils n´utilisent presque j´amais Battlepod, utilise des lasers primitifs au lieu des gros etc...

bon, voila, je pense que c´est tout ^^

Et puis bon, voila, j´ai juste remarqué un truc, c´est que pour attaquer antaran, les Plasma Torpedo, c´est le plus efficasse que j´ai trouvé
( enfin j´en avait 18 par doom star, avec toutes les améliorations possibles...)
avec 3 tirs de doomstar la star forteress était K.O

voila, c´est tout... merci pour ceux qui ont lu tout ca, et encore plus a ceux qi m´y répondent ^_^

Niveau 10
07 août 2005 à 18:17:20

-En principe, les espions inactifs devraient effectivement te défendre
-les Gaia doivent avoir 25% ou 50% de plus en pop je pense, et +1 en agriculture.
-Reflexion field renvoie une partie des dégâts, donc, tu en prends moins ( c´est une amélioration du deflection field, qui renvoie ´n´importe où´ dans un but uniquement défensif)

-Le détonator quantique donne au vaisseau 50% de chances d´exploser sur une capture et augmente les dégâts infligés par l´explosion ( je crois que c´est marqué :sarcastic: )
-J´utilise jamais ces deux techs, mais je suis persuadé que le pulsar a une zone plus grande, pour les dégats, je pense qu´ils sont marqués
-Selon la difficulté, les ordis ont des bonus/malus Je ne connais pas les chiffres, mais je suppose qu´en impossible, leurs colons sont au moins 2* plus productifs.

-Pour la recherche, je suppose qu´elle était bloquée à 32767 c´est très probablement le max, pour la thune ça devrait être soit 32767, soit 16383 mais 17000 ne semble pas logique.
-Il faut miniaturiser au maximum tes systèmes, en développant les secteurs auxquels ils appartiennent avec les tech futuristes. Pour les 30 BHG ( pas 29 ? ), je suppose qu´ils ont mis ça pour occuper la place du vaisseau sans le rendre trop méchant en combat, mais puissant en bombardement.J´avais remarqué ça, je vois pas d´autre explication...
-Ah bon ? bah moi je l´avais pas remarqué :) tu m´apprends un truc :p)

-A ma conaissance, tu ne verra jamais de Doom star antarienne.
-L´IA fait effectivement des vaisseaux pourris, mais pour battle pod, c´est pas vital, ça maximise juste les systèmes comme l´ordi, etc... en permettant de mettre plus d´armes, mais je crois que ça n´augmente pas la vie du vaisseau, ça le ralentit peut-être, et surtout, il coûte VRAIMENT plus cher, donc pas forcément rentable.

Sinon, pour attaquer antares, j´ai déjà ruiné toute la flotte en un tour avec un titan ( distrupteurs TA, bordel genre propulsion temporelle, hyper-X, etc...) mais il fallait que j´attaque avec 4 ou 5 pour avoir un survivant à mon tour ( il avait pas d´armure). Le pauvre se faisait ensuite défoncer contre la forteresse à mon avis.
En revanche, si je balançais une de mes étoiles, avec leur camouflage phasique ( juste pour jouer en premier) et leur tas de convecteurs stellaires, et l´un de mes quatres supers amiraux ( loknar, karg, mystic-X et un autre) c´était fini :-)

Niveau 3
07 août 2005 à 21:29:27

Sorry, I prolly dont understand your french ( just altavista translation....let me try to respond the few questions I understand.)

Spies at the right bottom slot are defensive spies.

It changes terran into Gais: this means generally 20% more of the surface and +1food. You have prolly seen no difference because you played an aquatic race. Aquatic races treat terrans already as gaias! This tech is therefore useless for them.

( u can find the max pop values here:
look at the table at bottom http://photos1.blogger.coom/img/258/1643/640/MaxPop.jpg

And yes, there are caps at 32k.

Niveau 9
07 août 2005 à 23:10:25

Translation for " OdlEuropean" :

I played for a very long time to Orion II, but i got it in English Version
I understand 99% of sentences, but the few i can´t find the meaning,i woud like to get it in French, to understand the few things i didn´t... but if you can awnser them, it is better ^_^ :

- If my spies doesn´t do anything ( at the bottom right), does it improve the defence against spying ?

- What does exactly ´´Gaïa transformation´´ ? Infos say that it improve the planet by having loads of plants, but i saw no difference before and after the transformation...

- Does Reflection Field reduces and relfects damages or does it simply reflect ?

- I saw that Quantom Detonator gives chances to self destruct when captured, is it true ? if it is, what is the % ?

- Infos in orion says that " Pulsar" makes damages in a larger area than Spacial compressor, but Spacial compressor is an Antaran tech, so it should be better... ?

- I doesn´t expect any awnsers, but i saw that computers makes mass reseach AND mass production at the same time ( if i try to be as good as they do in research, i have to do ONLY research, without any production, and the same if i want to make the same production as ther do,but they do both... how ?

- I played a game with some tips to win easily ( without any cheatcode ) and i got 9001 points, but, i couldn´t go upper than something like 32 000 RP ( either if i add or remove scientists, the number doesn´t change) and same thing for my income, stuck at something like 17 000 BC, is it the limit ?

- I tried to make the sames ships as Antarns, but, to build a cruiser, i needed a Battleship, to build a batleship i needed a Titan etc... but when i tried to copy the Titan, i saw that it had 30 Blach hole generators ! 1) it use 4500 space on the ship, which is nearly impossible to get, 2) 30 BHG at the same place doesn´t do anything more than 1, 1 or 30 BHG does exactly the same thing, so is it a bug ?

- I also saw that attacking antarans ships were better than defensive ships ( more weapons etc...)

- Then, i´ve never seen any Doomstar from Antarans, is it because i am to fast to see any, or it doesn´t exist ?

- Then, it isn´t a question, but i think the AI sucks for building ships, computers only use bad beams, doesn´t use antarans tech ( except BHG), and only use sometimes BattlePod

and i just found that, for me, the best tech to destroy Antaran easily is using Plasma torpedo, i used it with all upgrades, and minimized at its maximum ( i got all research lvl 10 [Fiedls, construction, phisics etc...] ) and got 18 plasma torpedoes on each doomstar and 3 doomstars were enough to destroy the starforteress, which is the most resistant ship to destroy ( i usually use 10 doom stars at least to destroy it )
Well, that´s all, thanks for reading this, and more if you awnser it ^_^

and do you know where to get Moo2 in french version ?

voila, et pour les français, vous savez pas où puis-je avir la version française donc ? ? ( evilpotetoe t´a l´air de l´avoir en français... )

Niveau 3
08 août 2005 à 12:06:28

Ok. Let me try to answer some questions I havent answered so far:

" Does Reflection Field reduces and relfects damages or does it simply reflect ? "

Damage is reduced by those beams who where reflected.

" - I saw that Quantom Detonator gives chances to self destruct when captured, is it true ? if it is, what is the % ? "

50% according to the online help.

" - Infos in orion says that " Pulsar" makes damages in a larger area than Spacial compressor, but Spacial compressor is an Antaran tech, so it should be better... ? "

Spatial Comp ignores armor and shields therefore. But there seems to be a bug - the damage is not multiplied with the ship class.

" - I doesn´t expect any awnsers, but i saw that computers makes mass reseach AND mass production at the same time ( if i try to be as good as they do in research, i have to do ONLY research, without any production, and the same if i want to make the same production as ther do,but they do both... how ? "

It seems that AI cheats. Nevertheless you can beat it easily when you use 1pop housing alot. You find more strategy hints here:

@ antarans:

I dont remember them well, I just play MP and most games are decided before they arrive.

But here is more info:

Do u think it is incorrect?

" - Then, it isn´t a question, but i think the AI sucks for building ships, computers only use bad beams, doesn´t use antarans tech ( except BHG), and only use sometimes BattlePod"

True. Thats why we play in our online MP-games without them. LordBrazen thinks about it and will try to fix this problem later on in his 1.4 patch, you find his forum-link in the other thread here.

" and do you know where to get Moo2 in french version ? "

I guess this site ftp://
contains the multilingual 1.31 patch ( with french as option) but we just the english pathc so I dont know for sure.

Niveau 9
08 août 2005 à 15:26:36

the link you gave me for antarans ship is only for defensive ships, the attacking ships are stronger, and the one who wrote this page only looked at defensve ships :)

Niveau 3
08 août 2005 à 23:32:43

Are u sure? I doubt this. I just had a look at some faqs...your claim was never mentioned. I just looked in some old saves watching the antaren ships. The data seems correct only the missile evasion values seems to be looked that the cumulative wide area jammers-effect bug is unfixed for antaren ships. Thats all.

If you have saves with better antaren ships....pls send a email then.

Niveau 9
09 août 2005 à 00:14:10

uhh ?
When anaran atack 1 of your planet, the ship has same weapons as when you attack antare´s planet ? ?????????

Niveau 3
09 août 2005 à 10:52:59

AFAIK you are the only one who doubts this.

Niveau 9
09 août 2005 à 13:02:32

I think that AFAIK = as far as i know ? ^^
i did it yesterday, and wrote the stats on a paper about the titan :

Attack / defence :

+155 / 232 Beam att
+90 / +147 Beam def
145% / 173% missile evasion
30 / 30 marines
7 / 7 parsec/t
12 / 12 combat speed
800 / 800 arm
800 / 800 str
+125 / +125 CPU
5 / 2 Hv particle beam
20 / 10 particle beam
20 / 15 Particle beam
5 / 2 Hv death ray
3 / 3 Spacial comp.
1 / 1 Black hole generator
12 / 0 Black hole generator ( it changes, depending of the game, i saw 30BHG once, but this game was only 12BHG)
20 / 20 neutronium bombs

and specials don´t change :
Damper field
Reflection field
Quantom detonator
Sub space teleporter
Wide area jammer

i reapeat that stats are " Attacks ships / defence ships"
so attack ships are really stronger, but for beam attack, beam defence, and missile evasion, defence ships are better because i waited 5000 turns before attacking antares ( i had to do retreat because i had ONLY plasma torpedoes, and no plasma torpedo could touch him, because of his misille evaison :S)
So, you should check it, watch when antarans comes in your dimension, look at his stats, then, ( save the game), attack antares and look again at his ships...
i can´t believe that only me has this difference :P

Niveau 3
09 août 2005 à 14:22:23

What version have you played? 1.31?

I guess Beam Attack/Defense and Missile Evasion can be different because of StarFortress and Leader Effects.

Particle Beam, BHG and Death Ray looks interesting.

How many turns difference between that battles? Maybe there is miniaturization of xenon techs which noone has observed so far?!

You cant provide saves? I surely would never play this 5000 turns. Seems you have more patience than others.

Niveau 9
10 août 2005 à 20:03:59

i play 1.31, of course, and i´m agree with you about the sta forteress effect, i didn´t expect it :)
i have a save on 5000th turn, i saved exactly here, just before attacking Anatarans
i captured a titan, a battleship, and a cruiser of antarans ( cruiser captured about turn 300, battleship about 800, and titan about 3000 ) but it isn´t a miniaturization, because if i attacks antaran now, on 5001th turn, the ships are worse than the ships i captured 2000 turns ago...
the attacking stats are always the same, it doesn´t depend on the time, but the attacking titan stats change in every game i think, and doesn´t change with time of game, i think it is a random number between 10 and 30, that is set at the beginning of the game, and then, the titan will ALWAYS get this number of BHG...
do you want me to send you the saved game at ?

Niveau 3
12 août 2005 à 13:00:09

Yes. This email.

Can you also give me a save shortly before that captured Titan appears on main map?

When this is related to the random seed of the game it could be possible that I would have a different number of BHGs. ( Like same seed generates different main maps on different PCs.)

Niveau 9
12 août 2005 à 14:47:03

i only have a save on 5000th turn,
on my PC the number of BHG changes when i play differants games...

Niveau 3
13 août 2005 à 14:54:51

Thx for save. Can you tell when the next harbinger attacks? ( Or have u captured him on antares?)

Continued several thousands turns ( without messages and peaceful humans it goes worries) but just saw antaren cruisers so far.

Niveau 9
13 août 2005 à 19:38:58

I tried many times, but it is impossible to capture a ship on antares :
you can capture a ship, of course, but can´t bring it back home...
the antarans stopped attacking since turn 3000... i did 2000 turns without any attac, so, on 5000th turn i decided to stop, maybe the one who made antaran´s AI stopped on turn 3000... because the human stopped to do anything too...
he made many and many doom star ( about 10-15 ) , I destroyed them, he made them back, I destroyed them, he made it back again, I destroyed it again, and then, NOTHING, he stopped building ships...
so, made phisics 100, and all other level 20 not to get borred :)
so, you can´t see any titan attack you on my saved game, i captured all i could... ( i had to scrap some of them to get tech, but they were all the same... same number of BHG, pb, dr etc... )

Niveau 9
18 août 2005 à 14:44:46


Niveau 3
19 août 2005 à 09:30:45

Since no titan attacked any longer, I couldnt reproduce it. You dont have earlier saves?

( I am only interested in bugs of the dos-version, you can see my bug list here: )

Niveau 9
19 août 2005 à 15:28:26

Sorry, i have no earlier saves...

Niveau 3
01 mai 2006 à 18:44:28

In the meanwhile LB checked out the code. He works on an Antaran mod now:

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