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Mario Kart : Double Dash !!

Sujet : [Jeu] Le dernier message gagne ...
Niveau 10
08 décembre 2016 à 08:36:56

Et bonne année :fete:

Niveau 38
08 décembre 2016 à 10:51:01

Joyeuses Pacques :fete:

Niveau 7
11 décembre 2016 à 19:55:45

Joyeux mardi gra :fete:

Niveau 10
12 décembre 2016 à 10:50:26

Joyeuse fête des mères :fete:

Niveau 38
12 décembre 2016 à 11:41:32

Joyeux Hanouka :fete:

Niveau 10
13 décembre 2016 à 08:22:31

Joyeuse Saint Valentin :fete:

Niveau 38
13 décembre 2016 à 08:30:18

Joyeux... Euh... Mardi?

Niveau 10
15 décembre 2016 à 08:29:14

Merci :)

Niveau 38
15 décembre 2016 à 11:39:08

De rien :-)))

Niveau 10
20 décembre 2016 à 10:34:17

1. Design a new action query: Emp_birthdays to create a new table Employees_birthdays (see picture).
• Use the expression builder to create the field Employee using the fields FirstName and LastName.
• Add the field Title.
• Use the expression builder to create the field Month_number.
• Use the expression builder to create the field Month.
• Use the expression builder to create the field Age.
• Sort the table in descending order to Month_number.
• Run the query and verify the results.
• Number of records added to Emp_birthdays:
• Age of Terry Samuels:
2. Design also a new action query: Emp_birthdays_del to delete all records in the table Employees_birthdays.
Run the query and verify the results.
3. Delete the existing table Employees_birthdays.
4. Run the action action query: Emp_birthdays again to recreate the table Employees_birthdays.
Verify the results.
5. Use the table Employees_birthdays to create an interactive query Emp_birthdays_mon to select only these employees, having their birthday in the month specified (at runtime) as a number.
• Sort this list in ascending order according to Age.
• Number of employees having their birthday in December:
7. Design a new action query: Emp_birthdays_num to create a new table Employees_bdays_num to display the number of birthdays per month.
• Use the expression builder to create the field Month, displaying the name of the month.
• The field Number = number of employees having their birthday in that month.
• Sort the table in this order: Jan, Feb, Mar,…
8. Design also a new action query: Emp_bdays_num_del to delete all records in the table Employees_bdays_num.
Run the query and verify the results.

Save the database and make a new backup copy!
If something goes wrong in the next exercise, you can use this backup…

PART 4 - The management of Gardencompany needs some very specific information from the IT department.

1. Design a new crosstab query: Shipper_City_num. (see picture below).

a. Query description:
• The table displays for every shipper the number of shipments to a specific city.
• Sort the table in ascending order to City.
Run the query and verify the results.
b. Number of records in the table:
c. Number of shipments of Flexible Delivery to Seattle:

2. Design a new crosstab query: Shipper_City_freight. (see picture).

• Query description:
• The table displays for every shipper the total of the Freight of all shipments to a specific city.
• The 2nd field of the table displays the highest Freight of all orders shipped to a city.
• The 3rd field of the table displays the lowest Freight of all orders shipped to a city.
• The 4th field of the table displays the number of orders shipped to a city.
• Sort the table in ascending order to City.
Run the query and verify the results.
• Number of records in the table:
• Number of shipments to Vancouver:
• Maximum Freight of shipments to Duvall:
• Minimum Freight of shipments to Kirkland:
• Total Freight for Flexible Delivery to San Francisco:

3. Design a new crosstab query: Employee_City_Order.
a. Query description:
• The table displays for every employee the total number of orders per city.
• The table also displays to the total number of orders per employee.
• Sort the table in ascending order to LastName and FirstName.
Run the query and verify the results.
b. Number of records in the table:
c. Number of Orders for Carpenter to Bellevue:
d. Employee with the maximum total number of orders:
e. Maximum total number of orders:
f. Employee with the maximum number of orders shipped to Seattle:

4. Design a new crosstab query: Employee_Cust_Order.
a. Query description:
• The table displays for every employee the total number of orders per customer.
• Use the expression builder to create one expression for name (= the LastName and FirstName ) of the customer, for example: Akers Kim.
• Do the same for the employee.
• The table also displays to the total number of orders per customer.
• Sort the table in descending order to Customer Name.
Run the query and verify the results.
b. Number of records in the table:
c. Total Number of Orders for Atkinson Teresa
d. Employee(s) responsible for the orders of Dresen Kate:

5. Design a new crosstab query: Cat_Cust.
a. Query description:
• The table displays for every customer the total quantity ordered per category.
• Use the expression builder to create one expression for name (= the LastName and FirstName ) of the customer, for example: Akers Kim.
• The table also displays to the total number of orders per customer.
• Sort the table in ascending order to Customer Name.
Run the query and verify the results.
b. Number of fields in the table:
c. Total Number of Orders for Clayton Jane
d. Total quantity of Bulbs ordered by Clayton Jane:
e. Who ordered the biggest quantity in one category ?

6. Design a new crosstab query: Empl_Cust_Sales.
a. Query description:
• The table displays for every employee the total sales figure per customer.
• Use the expression builder to create one expression for name (= the LastName and FirstName ) of the customer, for example: Akers Kim.
• Do the same for the employee.
• Hint:
• Instead of starting from scratch, simply copy the query Employee_Cust_Order and change its name.
• Open the copy of the query in design view and change it.
• Since the total sales figure for an order cannot be found in one of the tables of the database, you will have to make a separate query to calculate this.
• Don’t forget to include the discount !
• Use this query as a source for the new crosstab query
• The table also displays to the total number of orders per customer.
• Sort the table in ascending order to Customer Name.
Run the query and verify the results.
a. Total Sales for Alboucq Steve:
b. Employee(s) responsible for the highest sales figure ( for one customer only):

Save the database and make a new backup copy!
If something goes wrong in the next exercise, you can use this backup…

PART 5 - Gardencompany wants to change the Unit Price of some products.

1. Open the table Products.
• Unit Price of a Pitcher Plant:
• Unit Price of a Bat Box:
2. Design a new interactive action query: Price_increase to update the field UnitPrice of the table Products.
Query description:
• The query asks for the increase % at runtime ( before it starts updating the Unitprice ).
• Run the query and increase the UnitPrice of all products by 10 %.
• Number of records updated:
• Updated Unit Price of a Pitcher Plant:
• Updated Unit Price of a Bat Box:
Verify these results carefully and start again if they are incorrect !

Save the database and make a new backup copy!
If something goes wrong in the next exercise, you can use this backup…

3. Design a new interactive action query: Price_increase_undo to update the field UnitPrice of the table Products.
Query description:
• The query asks for the % to undo at runtime ( before it starts updating the Unitprice ).
• Run the query and undo the previous increase of the UnitPrice of all products by 10 %.
• Number of records updated:
• Twice updated Unit Price of a Pitcher Plant:
• Twice updated Unit Price of a Bat Box:
• Verify these results carefully ( you should now have exactly the same unit prices as originally in part 5.1. ) Start again using the backup copy if they are incorrect !

4. Open the table Products.
• Units in stock of a Pitcher Plant:
• Units in stock of a Bat Box:

5. Open the interactive action query Price_increase in design view.
• Change the query to increase the Unit Price of only those products where the number of UnitsInStock is between two ( inclusive ! ) numbers to be specified at runtime.
• Run the query and increase the Unit price by 5 % for only those products where the number of UnitsInStock is at least 10.
• Number of records updated:
• (Updated) Unit Price of a Pitcher Plant:
• (Updated) Unit Price of a Bat Box:
• Run the query again and increase the Unit Price by 15 % for only those products where the number of UnitsInStock is less than 10.
• Number of records updated:
• (Updated) Unit Price of a Pitcher Plant:
• (Updated) Unit Price of a Bat Box:
Save the database and make a new backup copy!
If something goes wrong in the next exercise, you can use this backup…

PART 6 - Gardencompany is expanding again and hires a number of new gardeners.

1. Delete the existing table Employees_new.

2. Design a new action query: NE_new to create a new version of the table Employees_new.
Query description:
• Add the fields: FirstName, LastName, Title, Address, City, State, Postal Code, HomePhone, Birthdate and Datehired. Do not add the other fields.
• Add only the records of the employees living in Edmonds or Seattle.
• Run the query and verify the results.
• Number of records added to Employees_new:

3. Design a new action query: NE_title to change Title into gardener.
Run the query and verify the changes.

4. Run the action query: NE_state to change State into WA ( for all new employees). Verify the changes.

5. Design a new action query: NE_hiredtoday to change DateHired into today’s date.
Run the query and verify the changes.

6. Design a new action query: NE_city to change the City into
• Sammamish for all new gardeners with a FirstName beginning with A-L.
Run the query and verify the changes.
• Fall City for all other new gardeners.
Run the query and verify the changes.
Save this last version of the query as NE_city.

7. Change manually LastName and FirstName in the table Employees_new.
Use the names of the pupils in this ICT class.
Delete all unused records or create new entries if necessary.

8. Design a new action query: NE_birthdate. This query makes all new gardeners two years younger.
Run the query and verify the changes.

9. Run the action query: NE_append to append all new employees to the Employees table.
Verify the changes.
Number of records in Employees:

10. Run the action query: NE_delete to delete all records in the Employees_new table.
Run the query and verify the changes.
11. Delete the table Employees_bdays_num.

12. Run the action query: Emp_birthdays_num to recreate the table Employees_bdays_num.
Verify the result.
• Number of records in Employees_bdays_num:
• Number of birthdays in the month of May:

13. Use the interactive query Emp_hired to answer these questions.
• Number of employees hired before 22/02/2009:
• Number of employees hired after 2005:

Save the database and make a new backup copy!
If something goes wrong in the next exercise, you can use this backup…

PART 7 - Gardencompany wants to reward some of its customers with a gift voucher. The management wants to compare two ideas.

1. Design an action query VOUCHER1 to create a new table Cust_voucher1.
• This table contains:
o A field with the customer name ( LastName + FirstName).
o The Phone Number of the customer
o The number of orders
o The gift amount
• Only customers who ordered at least twice from Gardencompany receive a gift.
• Customers who ordered twice get 20 € per order. Those who ordered more often get 50 € per order.
• Run the query and verify the results.
• Number of records added to Cust_voucher1:
• Gift amount for Teresa Atkinson:
• Gift amount for Pat Coleman:

2. Calculate the total amount of the gift vouchers.
• Total amount

Save the database and make a backup copy!
If something goes wrong in the next exercise, you can use this backup…

3. Design another action query VOUCHER2 to create a new table Cust_voucher2.
• This table contains:
o A field with the customer name ( LastName + FirstName).
o The Phone Number of the customer
o The number of orders
o The gift amount
• Only customers who ordered at least twice from Gardencompany receive a gift.

Niveau 38
20 décembre 2016 à 13:21:26

J'étais malentendant de naissance. On ne l'a su que bien après. (...)Sur le moment, on disait de moi tout le temps : "Il est dans la lune." C'est-à-dire il n'est pas vraiment là. Et, en effet, je n'étais pas là. Parce que je devais me brancher sur la réalité. Participer à la réalité est un effort, il faut écouter, tendre l'oreille et, continuellement, chaque jour, chaque heure, chaque minute, reconstruire ce que les autres viennent de dire, parce que vous n'en avez capté qu'un mot, ou deux, ou trois, ça dépend des moments. Ou plus, il ne faut pas exagérer. Etre avec les autres, ça demande une discipline, un effort, c'est un acte volontaire.
Vous, vous êtes avec les autres que vous le vouliez ou non. Pas moi.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon

Niveau 10
25 décembre 2016 à 02:27:45

Joyeux Noël Mélenchon !

Niveau 38
25 décembre 2016 à 10:57:02

Merci, joyeux Noël toi aussi <insère ici ton candidat> ! :noel:

Niveau 10
30 décembre 2016 à 18:32:23

Niveau 38
30 décembre 2016 à 18:41:54

Ah, ben t'as mis le temps! :-)

Niveau 10
01 janvier 2017 à 03:43:48

Il y avait des embouteillages

Niveau 10
01 janvier 2017 à 03:44:02

Bonne année !

Niveau 38
01 janvier 2017 à 03:56:07

Bonne année toi aussi! :fete:

Niveau 10
09 janvier 2017 à 16:48:36

Je suis en retard

Niveau 38
09 janvier 2017 à 16:52:05

Ouais, j'ai vu...

Sujet : [Jeu] Le dernier message gagne ...
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