As for this mode, SERIES1 gS30Zh of [akio] compilation of story modeIt clears at above
It appears by the fact that it does.
ROOKIE CLASS (20 human pulling out)
[batorueria] C1 inner lane (Kandabasi) around outside or C1 (Shibakoen)
RUNNER CLASS (50 human pulling out)
[batorueria] New annular counterclockwise (Tatsumi) or new annular right [ri] (box promontory)
MONSTER CLASS (99 human pulling out)
[batorueria] Around the gulf west (Oi) around the or gulf east (Daikoku)
Procurement card
ROOKIE CLASS g115 midnight the runnersh
RUNNER CLASS g116 non customsh
MONSTER CLASS g117 capital city high battlesh
C1 inner lane
Around outside C1
New annular counterclockwise
New annular around the right
Gulf line descent
Gulf line rising
Side feather line descent
Side feather line rising
[tesutokosu] 0-400m
[tesutokosu] 0-1000m
Procurement card
g091 carbon bonnetsh gC1 inner lane (outside or to turn)h with the time of 5 minutes less than is recorded
g093 mufflers (the pine) LEVEL2h gthe new annular right it turns and (or counterclockwise)h with records the time of 6 minutes less than
g094 mufflers (the pine) LEVEL3h gthe new annular right it turns and (or counterclockwise)h with records the time of 5 minutes less than
g096 mufflers ([shige]) LEVEL2h gthe gulf line it descends and (or to rise)h with records the time of 8 minutes less than
g097 mufflers ([shige]) LEVEL3h gthe gulf line it descends and (or to rise)h with records the time of 7 minutes less than
g099 rear spoilers ([gatsu]) LEVEL2h gthe side feather line it descends and (or to rise)h with records the time of 7 minutes less than
g100 rear spoilers ([gatsu]) LEVEL3h gthe side feather line it descends and (or to rise)h with records the time of 6 minutes less than
As for this mode, SERIES1 gprovocation of Yamanaka compilation of story mode and pridehIt clears at above
It appears by the fact that it does.
Procurement card
When g 052 Kimura the [tsu] the [a] it is LEVEL2h it records above full speed 380km/h
g066 Kitami (tuner age of the hell)h it records above full speed 400km/h
Procurement card
gZ LEVEL2 of 102 demonsh user level is made gLEVEL3h or more
g104 black birds LEVEL2h user level is made gLEVEL6h or more, (150 victories it does!?j