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Heroes of Might and Magic III

Sujet : Crash lancement HoMM3 HD
Niveau 1
25 mars 2020 à 18:36:30

Bonjour, j'ai téléchargé la version HD mais je ne peux pas jouer car au moment de lancer une partie pendant le temps de chargement j'ai ce bug

Si qqn sait comment faire
dont voici le détail du bloc note :


compability_dir = C:\GOG Games\HoMM 3 Complete\_HD3_Data\Compability\#sod_en30r
WINE detected
No Files.ini for 'C:\GOG Games\HoMM 3 Complete\_HD3_Data\Compability\#sod_en30r'


HOMM3 HD version: 5.0 RC81
Time { 03/25/2020 18:29:53 }

GUN: [NZX: 99745YXV7753]

Module: Heroes3 HD.exe
Adress: [ 0x0062167F ]
Flags: 0x00000000
Information: write of address: 0x00000008

Context { EAX: 0x019D03F0, ECX: 0x00000000, EDX: 0x01B8C75C, EBX: 0x000000F0, ESP: 0x003390F4, EBP: 0x00339114, ESI: 0x00000015, EDI: 0x0B549F50 }

Call stack
[ 0x006215BF ] called from [ 0x00619BCE ]
? called from before [ 0x0055DD02 ]
[ 0x004B67B0 ] called from [ 0x004B6B4E ]
[ 0x004B6B00 ] called from [ 0x0040147E ]
? called from before [ 0x006029C5 ]
[ 0x00602970 ] called from [ 0x0040705D ]
? called from before [ 0x004B08C0 ]
[ 0x004B0880 ] called from [ 0x004F0426 ]
? called from before [ HD_SOD.dll+0x1F0FA ]
[ HD_SOD.dll+0x1EFD0 ] called from [ 0x01CE1495 ]
? called from before [ _hd3_.dll+0xD6A9 ]
[ _hd3_.dll+0xD070 ] called from [ 0x003E0062 ]
? called from before [ KERNEL32.dll+0x673FC ]
[ KERNEL32.dll+0x673F0 ] called from [ KERNEL32.dll+0x6B5FA ]
? called from before [ ntdll.dll+0x9501C ]
[ ntdll.dll+0x95010 ] called from [ ntdll.dll+0x98CD6 ]
[ ntdll.dll+0x98C70 ] called from [ ntdll.dll+0x94FDD ]
? called from before [ 0x00000000 ]

Call stack V2
0062167F (heroes3 hd: 00400000): (?): (?)
00619BD3 (heroes3 hd: 00400000): (?): (?)
0055DD02 (heroes3 hd: 00400000): (?): (?)
004B6B53 (heroes3 hd: 00400000): (?): (?)
00401483 (heroes3 hd: 00400000): (?): (?)
006029C5 (heroes3 hd: 00400000): (?): (?)
00407062 (heroes3 hd: 00400000): (?): (?)
004B08C0 (heroes3 hd: 00400000): (?): (?)
004F042B (heroes3 hd: 00400000): (?): (?)
0230F0FA (hd_sod: 022F0000): (?): (?)
01CE149A (?): (?): (?)
1000D6A9 (_hd3_: 10000000): (?): (?)
003E0067 (?): (?): (?)
7B4773FC (kernel32: 7B410000): (?): call_process_entry
7B47B5FF (kernel32: 7B410000): (?): start_process
7BCA501C (ntdll: 7BC10000): (?): call_thread_func_wrapper
7BCA8CDB (ntdll: 7BC10000): (?): call_thread_func
7BCA4FE2 (ntdll: 7BC10000): (?): call_thread_entry_point

0x00400000: Heroes3 HD.exe (size: 0x002CD000, entry point: 0x0061A884) - C:\GOG Games\HoMM 3 Complete\Heroes3 HD.exe
0x10000000: _hd3_.dll (size: 0x00048000, entry point: 0x100191AC) - C:\GOG Games\HoMM 3 Complete\_hd3_.dll
0x00340000: patcher_x86.dll (size: 0x00079000, entry point: 0x003503D3) - C:\GOG Games\HoMM 3 Complete\patcher_x86.dll
0x003C0000: smackw32.dll (size: 0x0001B000, entry point: 0x003CC0B0) - C:\GOG Games\HoMM 3 Complete\smackw32.dll
0x006D0000: binkw32.dll (size: 0x0002B000, entry point: 0x006E1705) - C:\GOG Games\HoMM 3 Complete\binkw32.dll
0x00700000: IFC20.dll (size: 0x00028000, entry point: 0x007133AC) - C:\GOG Games\HoMM 3 Complete\IFC20.dll
0x00DA0000: HD_UPD.dll (size: 0x0003C000, entry point: 0x00DA5405) - C:\GOG Games\HoMM 3 Complete\HD_UPD.dll
0x02000000: HD_MCR.dll (size: 0x002EB000, entry point: 0x021BE492) - C:\GOG Games\HoMM 3 Complete\HD_MCR.dll
0x01000000: HD_TC2.dll (size: 0x003CD000, entry point: 0x0100BDE0) - C:\GOG Games\HoMM 3 Complete\HD_TC2.dll
0x014D0000: HD_SCX2.dll (size: 0x00021000, entry point: 0x014D5C63) - C:\GOG Games\HoMM 3 Complete\HD_SCX2.dll
0x022F0000: HD_SOD.dll (size: 0x010ED000, entry point: 0x023D5738) - C:\GOG Games\HoMM 3 Complete\HD_SOD.dll
0x01820000: HW_SOD.dll (size: 0x0004F000, entry point: 0x01851387) - C:\GOG Games\HoMM 3 Complete\HW_SOD.dll
0x21100000: Mss32.dll (size: 0x0005F000, entry point: 0x2112F2E5) - C:\GOG Games\HoMM 3 Complete\_HD3_Data\Mss32.dll
0x01980000: cursors.dll (size: 0x0004A000, entry point: 0x00000000) - C:\GOG Games\HoMM 3 Complete\_HD3_Data\Common\cursors.dll
0x26F00000: Mp3dec.asi (size: 0x0002A000, entry point: 0x26F0A805) - C:\GOG Games\HoMM 3 Complete\_HD3_Data\Mp3dec.asi

Command Line
"Heroes3 HD.exe"

Main INI

<Version> = 5000267
<Language> = "#fr.ini"
<Graphics.Resolution> = 1062, 664
<Graphics.Mode> = 5
<Graphics.ComplexFilter> = 2
<Graphics.OpenGl.Aspect> = 1
<Graphics.OpenGl.Filter> = 2
<Graphics.OpenGl.SmoothMovement> = 1
<Graphics.OpenGl.VSync> = 1
<Graphics.Threads> = 2
<Graphics.SimpleFilter> = 2
<Graphics.SystemCursors> = 1
<HD+> = 0
<HD+.Settings> = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 60000, 60000, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0
<Misc.TournamentSaver> = 1
<Misc.BattleSaver> = 1
<Sys.NoCD> = 1
<Sys.CPU.ReduceUsage> = 0
<Sys.WriteToIniInsteadRegistry> = 1
<UI.AdvMgr.SkipMapMsgs> = 1
<UI.ClipCursor> = 1
<UI.DarkTransitions> = 1
<UI.Ext.ScenarioMgr.Settings> = 4, 72, 2, 5, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1
<UI.Ext.ScenarioMgr.Folders> = 1
<UI.Ext.TownMgr.AvailableInsteadGrowth> = 1
<UI.HiRezCore> = 1
<UI.QuickArmyManagementMode> = 0
<UI.RecruitDlg.AutoSet> = 1
<UI.RecruitDlg.AutoSet.Max> = 0
<UI.Tavern.InviteHero> = 0
<UI.Battle.ShowAlwaysHeroInfo> = 1
<Update.CheckAtStart> = 0
<Show Intro> = 1
<AppPath> = "C:\GOG Games\HoMM 3 Complete\"
<Music Volume> = 5
<Sound Volume> = 5
<Last Music Volume> = 5
<Last Sound Volume> = 5
<Walk Speed> = 2
<Computer Walk Speed> = 3
<Show Route> = 1
<Move Reminder> = 1
<Quick Combat> = 0
<Video Subtitles> = 1
<Town Outlines> = 1
<Animate SpellBook> = 1
<Window Scroll Speed> = 1
<Bink Video> = 0
<Blackout Computer> = 0
<First Time> = 0
<Test Decomp> = 0
<Test Read> = 0
<Test Blit> = 0
<Unique System ID> = "JOK"
<Network Default Name> = "Player"
<Autosave> = 1
<Show Combat Grid> = 1
<Show Combat Mouse Hex> = 1
<Combat Shade Level> = 1
<Combat Army Info Level> = 1
<Combat Auto Creatures> = 1
<Combat Auto Spells> = 0
<Combat Catapult> = 1
<Combat Ballista> = 1
<Combat First Aid Tent> = 1
<Combat Speed> = 2
<Main Game Show Menu> = 1
<Main Game X> = 0
<Main Game Y> = 51
<Main Game Full Screen> = 0

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
'Microsoft Windows 7' '6.1' 'Service Pack 1'

GetVersionEx { 5.1.2600 (Service Pack 3) 0x100-0x1 }

Some ingame values
FullScreen Mode = 0
Game Type = 0
Network Game = 0

Me: 0
Active Player: 0
Active is Human = 1
Day = 1 11
Map file = Buried Treasure.h3m
Last RMG Seed = 0

Niveau 10
27 mars 2020 à 20:28:00

La prochaine fois utilise la fonctionne spoil quand il y a un pavé
Et aussi va sur ce topic. Tu as la solution.

Niveau 1
17 juillet 2020 à 17:17:38

moi j'ai résolu ce soucis en remplaçant IFC20.dll de 152 ko par celle de 132ko

Niveau 10
01 novembre 2020 à 21:53:16

Le 27 mars 2020 à 20:28:00 a11k a écrit :
La prochaine fois utilise la fonctionne spoil quand il y a un pavé
Et aussi va sur ce topic. Tu as la solution.

Sujet : Crash lancement HoMM3 HD
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