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Sujet : Les Decklists de Lodesu
Niveau 9
31 décembre 2019 à 00:31:03

Je fais quelques decklists comme ça que je joue pour la communauté anglophone. Je vous les laisse ici (vous pouvez aussi les trouver ici : ). Je mettrai à jour de temps en temps, je laisse les détails/cartes en anglais mais avec miniatures ça ne devrait pas être trop compliqué à suivre.

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An enutrof deck I'm using for the ranked games. Several boost cards to rush Dofus and a lot of drawing cards to fill your hand. A lot of value from the loots. You have both Kip and Shoval to reset prism. And Ratchet / Haven Bag to pick up Dofus from afar. If you have too much trouble dealing with Cra/Feca/Sadida, you can try fitting a Golden Pig.


A jelly deck! The funniest way to win is to try to reduce Blue Raspberry / Lemon jelly cost and make a big turn with 1/2 Raspberry - 1 other - Ancestral Vitality - Lemon Jelly - Lemon Jelly. You got yourself three jelly immediatly on the dofus! If you already took one fake dofus, or with 3 lemon jelly you can even destroy 4 dofus in one turn. Otherwise you can also take one or two Dofus from pushing both King and Emperor Jellix or some over-boosted Blue Raspberry. But the OTK is funnier!


A deck that I'm quite found of. The title is explicit, it's a silent iop. Nothing special about getting Dofus, you just charge! With this deck you can use Echo+Iop's Wrath that can save you a lot of game, or simple Iop's Wrath if you have a weak start. The best combo Authority+Nun at 0 AP. Using Miranda and use charge to take a Dofus as the minion will directly move. And a piece of advice : if you silence a Loony Strich that has switched side, it will come back to its original owner! So no need to silence it before it kills someone.

Niveau 9
01 janvier 2020 à 16:59:22

A more classic deck. An Eniripsa mid-range, you play very few spells so that when playing Maskemane you'll always almost know which 3 spells you are drawing. This way you can play around top-decking a Lethargy Flask or an Infected Flask to combo it. The goal is mostly to take good trade through both Flask and make use of the Acide Sandoz to either boost your Alaregix or lower the attack of booster opponent minions. Works quite well, do think about keeping 2 ap in the reserve for the Seduction finisher! If you feel like you are missing some draw, you can try fitting some Malb Aroma.


Really fun to play, but really hard to win too! The goal of the sram suicide is to mill yourself to death. Sire Flexington will also inflict one damage by one damage for each card you overdraw. So your goald is to empty your deck as fast as possible. Once you have Sir Flexington in your hand, you can just discard your cards without worry. Not easy to play : when you mill yourself, your Dofus first take damage, then your opponent Dofus take it. If your ennemy took 1/2/3 Dofus then you won't be able to destroy their Dofus in front of it (because, duh, you don't have any Dofus). And your Dofus and the ennemy Dofus will be destroyed from Right to Left, so if you have Two Fake Dofus on the right, it's better for you. The goal is to inflict as much damage as you can on the ennemy dofus (put them all to 3 or 4 hp through curses or traps) and then mill yourself. If your dofus have 1 hp more than his, you'll always win. Otherwise it depends on where your true dofus vs his true dofus are placed. One of the combo to keep in mind if you have 2x Second Wind and 1x Parched in hand : use 1x Second Wind, then 1x Parched, then 1x Second Wind and you'll get back your first Second Wind so you can use right after this 1x Second Win again. That's 12 cards milled !

Sujet : Les Decklists de Lodesu
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