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X4 : Foundations

Sujet : 3.0... elle arrive :)
Niveau 18
14 janvier 2020 à 08:10:28

@Anthony . Ca a peu avance car ils prennent une a 2 semaines de vacs pour la periode de noel. Et normalement oui mais c'est pas garanti en ce qui concerne la save.

@nataline : et bien il y a les nouveaux scenarios qui arriveront (gratuitement) en parallele avec le premier DLC. Je suppose qu'on verra les missions diplomatiques apparaitrent la aussi.
Et le premier DLC bien sur. Apres pour le moment y'a pas encore de nouvelle roadmap.

Niveau 10
23 janvier 2020 à 19:11:36

Version 3.00 Beta 5 (381470) - 2020-01-23
New Feature: Improved graphics engine to support new visual effects.
New Feature: Better sound effects.
New Feature: Virtual seminars and quicker skill progression for crew training.
New Feature: Configurable alert system.
New Feature: Individual and group crew transfer.
New Feature: Policing options for player-owned space.
New Feature: Ability to dock using a spacesuit directly.
New Feature: Improvements to menus including Map, Encyclopedia, Logical Station Overview and Logbook.
New Feature: Improved target display and mission guidance.
New Feature: More control over drones and turrets.
New Feature: Alternative steering methods including head tracking systems and X3 retro mode.
[Beta 5] Added icon next to supply-related trade offers.
[Beta 5] Added station icons to Object List and Property Owned menus.
[Beta 5] Added faction colour to object icons in map menus if filter option is selected (new feature in 3.00).
[Beta 5] Added separate encyclopedia category for paint mods.
[Beta 5] Added ship statistics for turret and engine group shields, and turret damage output.
[Beta 5] Added option to hide statistics in Ship Configuration menu.
[Beta 5] Added option to map shortcuts to toggle turret arming and drone launching.
[Beta 5] Added flee option to interact menu of player-owned ships.
[Beta 5] Added Undo/Redo options to Ship Configuration menu.
[Beta 5] Added discount and commission information to Trade menu.
[Beta 5] Added interact menu option to arm/disarm turrets on multiple ships (new feature in 3.00).
[Beta 5] Added list of all known blueprints (and whether they are owned) to Encyclopedia.
[Beta 5] Changed effect of UI scale slider to result in better UI scale behaviour at common resolutions, especially with wide resolutions.
[Beta 5] Changed faction colours of player and Teladi to make them easier to differentiate on map (new feature in 3.00).
[Beta 5] Improved some gate positions and orientations.
[Beta 5] Improved combat movement of capital ships with forward-mounted weapons.
[Beta 5] Improved behaviour of formations flying in travel mode.
[Beta 5] Improved weapon distribution among NPC ships.
[Beta 5] Improved balancing of defence modules by increasing hull value.
[Beta 5] Improved balancing of weapons and ships.
[Beta 5] Improved pricing and distribution of new weapons among factions (new feature in 3.00).
[Beta 5] Improved handling of docking defence drones set to escort when armed state is toggled (new feature in 3.00).
[Beta 5] Improved visibility of player-occupied object icon on map when using faction colours (new feature in 3.00).
[Beta 5] Improved logbook to show entries for player-owned ships being attacked or destroyed in red.
[Beta 5] Improved log message for received surplus, stating location instead of trader name.
[Beta 5] Improved target monitor display for construction sites and resource probes.
[Beta 5] Improved weapon aiming stability when time is accelerated and/or frame-rate is low.
[Beta 5] Improved performance in a number of situations.
[Beta 5] Improved Tobii support.
[Beta 5] Fixed some cases where autopilot aborted prematurely.
[Beta 5] Fixed AI ships and autopilot sometimes aborting travel mode for no reason at all.
[Beta 5] Fixed ships sometimes warping to extreme distances when accidentally entering gate.
[Beta 5] Fixed boarding pods sometimes flying to random location before moving to their target.
[Beta 5] Fixed laser towers and mines deployed by player as part of mission not changing ownership.
[Beta 5] Fixed turrets sometimes shooting at targets that are not valid for their mode.
[Beta 5] Fixed collector drones failing to transfer inventory items collected to captain of launching ship (new feature in 3.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed currently-deployed defence drones set to escort moving to dock if defence drones are armed (new feature in 3.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed player-owned ships sometimes pursuing targets acquired while on long-distance movement to beyond their engagement area.
[Beta 5] Fixed boarding ships with turrets continuing to fire on boarding target below hull threshold in retaliation to being fired upon.
[Beta 5] Fixed long-term deadlock caused by capital ships restocking at fleet auxiliary ships that do not have enough resources.
[Beta 5] Fixed fleet subordinates waiting indefinitely for commander to cross gate that commander no longer intends to cross (new feature in 3.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed fleets getting stuck after going through gates in some cases if fleet commander is attacking target in distant sector (new feature in 3.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed ships waiting a very long time for subordinates to dock when they have already done so.
[Beta 5] Fixed assigned ships not being able to be manually ordered to trade with build storage of new stations.
[Beta 5] Fixed non-player-owned ships never trying to shoot at missiles.
[Beta 5] Fixed Behemoth not being able to equip L-sized missile turrets.
[Beta 5] Fixed launch tubes of Nomad resupply ship.
[Beta 5] Fixed cases of large red walls appearing inside some corridors.
[Beta 5] Fixed Ion weapons requiring only general use equipment licence.
[Beta 5] Fixed very long stations (usually those whose station icon is at one end) sometimes not firing upon targets.
[Beta 5] Fixed item traders on player-owned stations sometimes not appearing or always being Scale Plate Pact.
[Beta 5] Fixed some ships not uncovering map.
[Beta 5] Fixed best marines of a specified rank sometimes not being selected for boarding operations.
[Beta 5] Fixed managers and ship traders on player-owned stations sometimes being missing from rooms.
[Beta 5] Fixed case of invisible NPCs on stations.
[Beta 5] Fixed player-owned stations seeming to transfer 0 Credits to player account.
[Beta 5] Fixed station modules sometimes not repairing to 100%.
[Beta 5] Fixed Trading Stations not being rebuilt.
[Beta 5] Fixed workforce providing full efficiency bonus when workforce capacity was maxed out regardless of optimal workforce requirements.
[Beta 5] Fixed discrepancies in boarding strength and marine numbers when ships marines are launched from are destroyed or removed from an ongoing boarding operation.
[Beta 5] Fixed crew transfer failing between two ships docked at different dock areas at same station (new feature in 3.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed crew transfer using boarding pods in one direction and escape pods in other (new feature in 3.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed signal leaks appearing on Kha'ak/Xenon stations.
[Beta 5] Fixed some interior doors opening into empty space.
[Beta 5] Fixed game starts not being unlocked during story-line.
[Beta 5] Fixed switching subordinate group Launched/Docked status using Loadout tab of commander Info Menu not doing anything (new feature in 3.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed Show Ship Details comm option not showing Info menu when conversation was started from map.
[Beta 5] Fixed missing weapon aim indicators for certain weapons (problem introduced in 3.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed weapon aim indicators not being visible when cockpit rendering is turned off.
[Beta 5] Fixed weapon aim indicators sometimes being much too large.
[Beta 5] Fixed default order not being shown on map if there are no other orders.
[Beta 5] Fixed undamaged hull values on ships with hull mods sometimes showing as 99%.
[Beta 5] Fixed wrecked stations being listed in Object List and Property Owned.
[Beta 5] Fixed wrecks on map not turning grey when faction colours are enabled (new feature in 3.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed station modules being listed under engine category in Encyclopedia (problem introduced in 3.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed map pan stuck to mouse cursor in certain situations (problem introduced in 3.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed floating capital ship bridges in Ship Configuration menu.
[Beta 5] Fixed missing station module info in Station Build menu.
[Beta 5] Fixed wrong tool tip for buy offer amounts in Logical Station Overview.
[Beta 5] Fixed incorrect number of owned ships in Statistics menu.
[Beta 5] Fixed missing text when hiring builder with insufficient funds.
[Beta 5] Fixed incorrect buy/sell amounts for products and resources that used to be trade wares.
[Beta 5] Fixed incorrect results and menu crashes when using sliders for crew tiers when upgrading ships.
[Beta 5] Fixed menu crash when accessing some context menus in ultra-wide resolutions.
[Beta 5] Fixed menu crash in Logical Station Overview when building production for wares that used to be trade wares.
[Beta 5] Fixed menu crash in Ship Configuration menu under certain circumstances.
[Beta 5] Fixed sound problems with beam weapons.
[Beta 5] Fixed sounds of some weapons starting too early if fired after overheating.

Niveau 18
24 janvier 2020 à 04:13:06

:cute: gros gros gros patch quand même cette 3.0

Niveau 6
24 janvier 2020 à 10:18:52

Trop hâte ! Ça ne devrait plus trop tarder :-)

Pseudo supprimé
Niveau 13
02 février 2020 à 12:46:57

Avec un tel patch c'est plutot la 4.0 qu'il vont pondre :)

Niveau 10
02 février 2020 à 13:17:13

Et le 2ème DLC, quelqu'un saurait de quoi il pourrait s'agir ?

Niveau 10
02 février 2020 à 21:46:29

Le 02 février 2020 à 13:17:13 Cam4y a écrit :
Et le 2ème DLC, quelqu'un saurait de quoi il pourrait s'agir ?

On attend déja le premier et on verra pour le second :content:

Pseudo supprimé
Niveau 6
04 février 2020 à 19:09:53

Salut tout le monde,
J'aimerais beaucoup me prendre ce jeu, mais j'hésite beaucoup car je n'ai jamais fait les anciens X "eeuuhhh pas les films hein :rire2: " Le jeu m'a l'air assez compliquer pour un débutant..
Ma petite question est... Est-ce que vous me conseillez ce jeu ? sachant que j'aime énormément ce style !!!
Merci d'avance. :ok:

Niveau 18
05 février 2020 à 05:39:46

Attends la release de la 3.0. Enormes patchs et il va y avoir de nouveaux tutoriels (peut être que ça viendra avec le DLC ceci dit ?) de toute manière.

Y'a une courbe d'apprentissage mais le jeu reste abordable (comparé aux autres X).

100% conseillé une fois la 3.0 sortie.

Pseudo supprimé
Niveau 6
05 février 2020 à 09:33:15

Je te remercie pour ta réponse Cabrelbeuk :-)))
Donc je vais attendre cette mise a jour et je pense me lancer dans l'aventure X4.

Niveau 10
19 février 2020 à 19:37:04

Version 3.00 Beta 6 (385903) - 2020-02-19
[Beta 6] New Feature: Paranid Ares heavy fighter and Xenon T scout.
[Beta 6] New Feature: New unlockable gamestart.
[Beta 6] New Feature: Oxygen display when player is in spacesuit.
[Beta 6] New Feature: Search facility for Logbook.
[Beta 6] Added Destroy Station and Destroy Station Turret missions to War Subscriptions.
[Beta 6] Added Interact menu option to collect individual deployables.
[Beta 6] Added Accept Estimate options to Station Info menu and Logical Station Overview.
[Beta 6] Added Start Guidance to Object option to interact menu of drops.
[Beta 6] Added option to rename ships in Ship Config menu when building/upgrading.
[Beta 6] Added option to disable highlighting of other visiting players in map and radar.
[Beta 6] Added option to toggle selection lines in map (new feature in 3.00).
[Beta 6] Added possibility to confirm second ship upgrade if first upgrade finished while Ship Config menu was open.
[Beta 6] Added possibility to restrict individual factions from buying ships at player-owned shipyards and wharves.
[Beta 6] Added weapon group shortcuts to Controls Option menu.
[Beta 6] Added mouse-over text for ship order icons in Object List and Property Owned.
[Beta 6] Added option to opt out of some confirmation messages.
[Beta 6] Added race-based engine trail colours.
[Beta 6] Added medium quality option for Screen Space Reflections.
[Beta 6] Added chromatic aberration option.
[Beta 6] Added new sector-specific music.
[Beta 6] Added music to Player Headquarters reveal.
[Beta 6] Removed countermeasure display in crosshair when player is in spacesuit.
[Beta 6] Removed the option to deploy consumables in highways.
[Beta 6] Improved aiming accuracy of weapons and turrets.
[Beta 6] Improved low attention combat calculations.
[Beta 6] Improved cargo drone handling of crates that get destroyed.
[Beta 6] Improved Flight School tutorial especially when playing with gamepad (new feature in 3.00).
[Beta 6] Improved trigger conditions for station budget transfer upkeep missions.
[Beta 6] Improved suspense music behaviour to reduce interruptions to normal music.
[Beta 6] Improved sector-specific music behaviour to play more often.
[Beta 6] Improved visualisation of mission guidance on platforms (new feature in 3.00).
[Beta 6] Fixed message about missing Builder ship from Station Build menu if no Builder ship actually needed.
[Beta 6] Fixed stations with automatic unit settings sometimes dismantling units and working with a reduced amount.
[Beta 6] Fixed ships sometimes ignoring certain highways for in-sector travel.
[Beta 6] Fixed subordinates set to Docked sometimes responding to attacks directed at other members of their fleet but not at them (new feature in 3.00).
[Beta 6] Fixed fleet subordinates set to Docked getting stuck trying to dock when docking not possible (new feature in 3.00).
[Beta 6] Fixed displayed speed being too low in some highways.
[Beta 6] Fixed weapons not properly activating or deactivating when assigned to both primary and secondary groups.
[Beta 6] Fixed ships doing damage with forward-mounted weapons to targets not in front of them when in low attention.
[Beta 6] Fixed attacking capital ships getting distracted by attacking fighters.
[Beta 6] Fixed stations not ordering components to build turrets if no other module changes are made.
[Beta 6] Fixed docked ship that player just relinquished control of waiting for player to tell it to proceed even if ship's current order does not require it to undock.
[Beta 6] Fixed subordinates in a subordinate group set to Docked not docking (new feature in 3.00).
[Beta 6] Fixed potential cause of friendly NPC factions attacking each other due to accidental friendly fire.
[Beta 6] Fixed cases where NPCs assigned to objects do not arrive and remain missing.
[Beta 6] Fixed upkeep missions to assign crew not completing until crew take control.
[Beta 6] Fixed pirates hacking station storage not reacting to cover being blown or station being destroyed.
[Beta 6] Fixed cargo drones failing to transfer inventory items in collected crates to their drone commander's captain.
[Beta 6] Fixed capital ships doing little or no damage in low attention under certain conditions.
[Beta 6] Fixed more cases of ships ending up very far from the centre of their sector.
[Beta 6] Fixed several cases of docking guidance going through station geometry.
[Beta 6] Fixed docking guidance not being visible when loading a savegame.
[Beta 6] Fixed various issues with mission guidance on stations.
[Beta 6] Fixed case where player ship could suddenly change rotation when opening map.
[Beta 6] Fixed info menu failing to load if viewing a ship that has more cargo stored than it has storage space for.
[Beta 6] Fixed Station Build menu only showing first digit of number of modules (new feature in 3.00).
[Beta 6] Fixed missing error colours in the shopping list for ship upgrades (problem introduced in 3.00).
[Beta 6] Fixed another case of map getting stuck to cursor (problem introduced in 3.00).
[Beta 6] Fixed repeated voice lines when talking to the flight instructor several times (new feature in 3.00).
[Beta 6] Fixed savegame names not auto-generating correct location name after overwriting a save once (existing savegames will not be fixed automatically).
[Beta 6] Fixed wrong blueprint error in Ship Build menu after returning from encyclopedia.
[Beta 6] Fixed Ship Interactions menu not working in certain circumstances.
[Beta 6] Fixed cases where text could be stuck on screen in first person mode.
[Beta 6] Fixed cases where crosshair was missing in first person person mode.
[Beta 6] Fixed silent failure when saving very large savegames.
[Beta 6] Fixed causes of several performance issues in specific circumstances.
[Beta 6] Fixed several causes of crashes.

Niveau 18
21 février 2020 à 05:52:39

Plus de vaisseaux, plus d'amélioration graphique et UI, plus de musiques (c'est pas dommage), plus d'un tas de trucs :bave:

Je suis bien plus hype par cette 3.0 que par la sortie du jeu :rire:

Niveau 10
21 février 2020 à 12:14:52

Le 21 février 2020 à 05:52:39 cabrelbeuk a écrit :
Plus de vaisseaux, plus d'amélioration graphique et UI, plus de musiques (c'est pas dommage), plus d'un tas de trucs :bave:

Je suis bien plus hype par cette 3.0 que par la sortie du jeu :rire:

C'est trop ca en faite :rire2:

Pseudo supprimé
Niveau 7
21 février 2020 à 16:49:32

On a une date ? :ange:

Niveau 10
21 février 2020 à 17:20:03

Le 21 février 2020 à 16:49:32 Apheleia a écrit :
On a une date ? :ange:

Pas du tout mais... bientot :-d

Niveau 10
21 février 2020 à 21:03:14

Petit correctif

Version 3.00 Beta 6 HF1 (386406) - 2020-02-21

[Beta 6 HF1] Improved fighters attacking S or M ships in low attention.
[Beta 6 HF1] Fixed beam weapons passing through targets (problem introduced in 3.00).
[Beta 6 HF1] Fixed interacting with ship consoles on player-owned ships displaying the wrong mode of the interact menu (problem introduced in 3.00).
[Beta 6 HF1] Fixed ships doing no damage to targets that have just started boosting in low attention.
[Beta 6 HF1] Fixed selecting similar objects with double-clicks on the map.

Niveau 18
22 février 2020 à 11:35:34

Hmm si ils commencent les hotfix c'est qu'à priori la beta 6 sera la dernière itération pour la 3.0 :content:

Niveau 10
22 février 2020 à 12:45:00

C'est vraiment dommage que la communauté FR soit si petite :-(

Niveau 18
22 février 2020 à 18:11:32

Ca reviendra je pense, avec le temps. Rebirth a trop divisé.

Niveau 18
25 février 2020 à 09:19:19

Bon j'ai craqué et je m'y suis remis, cependant je me demandais si c'était possible de former les pilotes et si oui comment utiliser les séminaires ?

Donner des ordres en permanences aux 5 mercures qui ont pas eu la chance d'avoir un 3 étoiles, ça prends beaucoup de temps.

Sujet : 3.0... elle arrive :)
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