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Sujet : [Entraide] Topic des discussions sur les sliders
Niveau 21
12 juillet 2023 à 12:26:05

possible de poster les sliders définitifs de OP Sport ( mode carriere )
Je n'arrive pas à les visualier sur leur site
Merci d'avance

Pseudo supprimé
Niveau 7
12 juillet 2023 à 12:52:05

je les ai pris avec le navigateur chrome.. j'ai le même soucis que toi sur mon ordi mac, impossible d'avoir le tableau.. (j'ai un point d'interrogation)
mais en passant par chrome ça marche..
si tu remontes sur le topic c'est la base que j'utilise mais en changeant quand même les vitesses..

Niveau 57
12 juillet 2023 à 13:01:00

Changelog & Updates:

Timestamp: 6/22/23 | 10:04 PM CST --

The Final Version

Right, so the last couple of weeks have been a bit of a testing phase that I have really enjoyed. Huge kudos to the main slider testers that I trust a whole bunch, and overall I think we have something absolutely incredible at the moment.

First things first, I'd highly suggest playing the game on the slow settings for the WC and Leg sets. The majority of testing was done on WC Slow, and even if you a regular pace player, you really won't regret playing on slow considering we have areas where the animations are smoother as a result of the changes.

The main change of the set is the significant bump to 40 pass speed. Out of context, it doesn't make sense why we'd go to such a higher pass speed, but relative to the Sprint, Acc and Pass Error values, it just works so well. No longer is the ball going to just die at the players feet, or feel like the ball is being absorbed into their bodies. No, in fact, the players have to control the ball and master it, like the actual beautiful game teaches us at an early age. Control the football. You will see just so many incredible interactions as a result. From massive deflections, to balls over the top, to switching the field, to simple overhit through balls.

Within context of the sliders, the 40 pass speed works because of the Sprint value. We tested Sprint at 55 for such a long time and we were completely frustrated how it played. The CPU kept trying to go up and down the pitch - bombarding attack after attack. No sense of any type of football. So we did what anyone would do in order to slow the game, we dropped pass speed all the way to 35. It felt better, but again - just not good enough, and still incredible fast along with constantly up and down again.

Eventually, we made the move to Sprint 51, and bumped acceleration significantly to 58 to make it a challenge in the attack. Another bump that was needed was in the user's Sprint as on 20 the CPU still tried to expose positions constantly. Once we bumped it to 40, they started to "respect" the positioning, and now they were back to adhering to the tactics, and now we started to see the game settle back into a rhythm. After that, it was a matter of re-addressing the pass speed back to 40, and sure enough, it turned out to be incredible - and we haven't looked back.

After a couple small adjustments to pass error, GK ability, Run Frequency and First Touch, the set is done and final. Keep in mind, not everything went in that order. That's usually how it goes with sliders, you basically start somewhere with the base (Sprint,Acc, HLW) and build out the error values throughout. We feel really good about the game, and the good thing is there are plenty of easy adjustments to make it harder/easier.

I will include the changes as a whole, but mainly addressing the World Class set as that is what was tested the most. Even if you are a legendary difficulty player, please consider the World Class SLOW set.

Sprint: from 20/51 to 40/51

We basically found that indeed CPU higher sprint makes it more difficult, but at the same time, it makes it pretty unrealistic too. We took a roundtrip of 55 only to find 51 was still the magic number, but it was also about evening out the User side so the CPU can perceive the User defenders can do a job.

Acceleration: from 51/55 to 51/58

Right a big bump for the CPU, but it was necessary in making sure they could challenge the user 1v1. The middle is highly congested than ever before, and tackles will absolutely fly in, so dribblers beware. This is another benefit of raising pass speed - you will want that ball to move quicker to avoid players getting hurt.

Pass Error: from 58/58 to 60/60

Simply just to compensate for an increase in pass speed. This way it separates those who should play certain balls does, and those who should not - are punished accordingly.

Pass Speed: from 32/32 to 40/40

As mentioned, just a great value that is so necessary with how much more intense the games can be. The dynamic gameplay of how the ball feels like a separate entity again is just that thing that makes you say "one more game".

GK Ability: from 50/50 to 48/48

Just to reduce some of the incredible saves that were being made. Tested on the low end of 45 and it was back to them diving underneath too early, so 48 was a happy medium in which not every GK is superman - but they can still make some great saves, while also giving up some shockers.

Run Frequency: from 10/10 to 5/5

We noticed the strikers, target man or not, would drift towards the endline or even sideline when they should be getting central into the box. So dropping the run frequency has allowed a more "central" approach to getting into the box.

FT Control: from 70/70 to 80/80

Just another one of those values that separates good and bad players, but also surprises with the pass speed in how the ball can bounce to allow for more of that dynamic gameplay.

A welcome surprise: Turning on Player Based Difficulty

This is merely a suggestion, but most of us have tested with this on in World Class and I have tested it in Legendary difficulty. To our surprise, it actually works really well and again just brings in that level of dynamic gameplay. It's not gimmicky at all anymore, and is such a welcome addition to get more gameplay variety in.

I've also changed up the order of Suggestions as the first thing to make it more difficult is play FUMA, then lower the error values, followed by acceleration modifications and lastly the CPU Sprint. I had CPU Sprint as #1, but it's all relative to the values, and relative to the 40 pass speed, a higher sprint than 51 may increase difficulty - but it sacrifices a lot of realism, which is not something we want to do with FIFA as it is.

Overall, ridiculously happy to post this for you guys. Thanks for the patience. We know the new EA game is out in a couple months - but at least we leave FIFA 23 on a good note, and a whole lot of playing time can be done until we get closer to a new game's release. It's been real. I'll have a video explanation out this weekend.

Niveau 21
13 juillet 2023 à 07:33:40

Merci à vous pour vos réponses :merci:

Sujet : [Entraide] Topic des discussions sur les sliders
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