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Sujet : [Action] [Surnaturel ] [Drame] To Aru Kagaku No Accelerator
Niveau 24
12 juillet 2019 à 21:16:49


Basé sur le manga Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator de Kamachi Kazuma.

Les Espers de la Cité Académique sont classés en six différents niveaux. Le niveau "0" regroupe les plus faibles et le niveau "5" les plus forts. Sur plusieurs millions d'Espers résidant à la Cité Académique, seulement sept ont atteint ce niveau "5", parmi eux, le plus fort de cette catégorie se fait appeler Accelerator.

Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator suit l'histoire du plus fort des Espers après avoir protégé Last Order au prix d'une grande partie de sa puissance.

En récupérant de ces derniers événements, Accelerator a mené une vie relativement calme jusqu'à ce qu'il sauve la vie d'Estelle Rosenthal, une mystérieuse fille possédant une photo de Last Order.

Malheureusement, Accelerator se retrouve maintenant plongé dans un nouveau conflit lié à une organisation sinistre appelée Disciplinary Action, qui envisage d'utiliser Last Order pour une mission dangereuse.

Maintenant qu'ils sont à la recherche de la jeune fille, il appartient au plus puissant Esper et à son nouveau compagnon de protéger Last Order ainsi que la Cité Académique.

personnages Accelerator: il est l'esper lvl 5 le plus puissant de la cité académique. Son pouvoir est le Vector Change (Changement de Vecteur) qui lui permet de contrôler tout ce qu'il touche à l'aide de ses capacités de calcul, et de retourner par exemple contre ses adversaires toutes leurs attaques. il a été choisi pour le projet lvl 6. Accelerator aurait pu atteindre ce niveau sans ce projet mais il lui aurait au moins fallu 250 ans par la voie normale. selon les calculs du tree diagram accelerator devrait tuer railgun la 3e espers lvl 5 128 fois sur 128 champs de batailles différents pour passer au niveau 6. cependant arrivé à la moitié du projet il fût arrêté.

seiyuu: Okamoto Nobuhiko :d) bakugo (MHA), Isaac Foster (Angel of death) ogami rei (code breaker) Last Order : Elle est la dernière clone à avoir été créé dans le carde du Projet de passage au niveau 6, mais ne fait pas partie des vingt mille sélectionnés pour être tués par Accelerator pour que celui-ci atteigne le niveau 6 .Last Order a été créée pour être un mécanisme sans faille au cas où les clones deviendraient hors de contrôle. Afin de la contrôler facilement, elle a été gardée sous forme d'enfant. elle est une niveau 3.

seiyuu: Rina Hidaka :d) Milim Nava (tensei shitara slime datta ken) Aihara Enju (black bullet) Silica (SAO) Sister: Les sisters sont des clones de misaka mikoto le 3ème esper lvl 5 de la cité académique. elles ont été créees pour que accelerator les tue afin d'atteindre le niveau. il y a en eu 20 000 en tout mais à présent il y en a un peu moins de 10 000. en général elles ne dépassent pas le niveau 3 mais (spoil index saison 3) Misaka worst a pu atteindre le niveau 4.

Seiyuu: Sasaki Nozomi :d) Ebina Hina (yahari) Yomikawa Aiho: C'est une niveau 0 qui fait partie de l'organisation Anti-Skills qui assure la sécurité de la ville. Sa devise est de ne jamais pointer son arme sur un enfant même si c'est un esper.

Seiyuu Kaida Yuko :d) Tsukuyo (Gintama) Hevlaska (D-gray-man) Isabella (TPN)

Personnages inédits à l'animé (ça spoil un peu) Estelle Rosenthal : Estelle est l'actuel chef de la famille Rosenthal qui a passé 400 ans et 23 générations à développer des techniques nécromancienne.
Elle est venue à la cité académique pour aider Hishigata dans ses recherches sur la manière dont les pouvoirs d'un esper résidait dans le corps humain.

seiyuu Kubo Yurika :d) Kaede Azusagawa (seishun buta yarou) Kikyo Kushida (Classroom of the elite) Mikage Hanna ( Lostorage incited WIXOSS) Hitokawa Hasami: c'est une étudiante et une pyrokinésienne de niveau 2

Seiyuu: Watanabe Sayumi :d) Mama ( Lostorage incited WIXOSS) Tachibana Akira (Koi wa Ameagari no You ni) Hishigata Mikihiko: c'est un scientifique qui travaille pour la DA, un groupe anti-skill malhonnête .

seiyuu: Osaka Ryota :d) Osaka Ryota (SNK) Mayuzumi Chihiro (Kuroko No Basket) Staz Charlie Blood (Blood lad) Hishigata Hirumi:Hirumi et son frère font partie de la DA et sont à la recherche du corps et de l'esprit parfaits.

Seiyuu Mano Ayumi :d) Matsûra Ayane (Tsuredure Children) Natsumi (Date A Live III)

Format : Série TV
Origine : Manga
Episodes : 12
Saison : Été 2019
Genres : Action - Drame - Science-fiction - Surnaturel
Thèmes : Magie - Super pouvoirs

Staff Animation :

Auteur : Kazuma Kamachi
Studio : JC Staff
Réalisateur : Nobuharu Kamanaka (Big Order)
Scénariste : Kenji Sugihara (Shiki, Clockwork Planet, Oreca Battle)
Chara Design : Yohei Yaegashi (Aki no Kanade)
Directeur Artistique : Akira Suzuki (Scryed Alteration, Norn9, Hi Score Girl)
Musiques : Maiko Iuchi (saga Toaru Majutsu no Index, saga Selector/Lostorage Wixoss)

Opening, Ending et quelques images


ce spin off se situe au début de la saison 2 de to aru majutsu no index avant le sauvetage d'Orsola Aquinas. (ep 2,3,4)

Mon avis (sans spoil)

j'ai lu cet arc il y a quelques années et dans mon souvenir ça va c'est pas trop mal, accelerator est bien entendu très stylé mais ça vaut clairement pas un railgun. Il y a quelques trucs que j'ai pas aimé certains plan assez fan service et le probable futur harem qui est en train de se créer autour d'accelerator. Il y a peut-être 1 ou 2 incohérence que j'ai cru remarqué à l'époque (faudrait que je vérifie). cependant pour moi il est clair qu'un spin off pour accelerator n'était pas nécessaire. en ce qui concerne la nouvelle DA j'avais un peu de mal au début avec les sisters et Last order mais vu les derniers trailer c'est plutôt bon. j'espère tout de même que çà restera exclusif à ce spin off.

En ce qui concerne l'épisode 1

je voulais faire une comparaison anime vs manga pour ce premier épisode mais durant mon visionnage je me suis rendu compte que c'était un HS. je suis allé vérifié les 3ers chap et ces évènements n'y sont pas. j'ai tout de même trouvé l'épisode sympa sans ouf non plus. il permet de bien nous mettre dans le bain. étant donné que le 1er arc fait un peu plus de 6 tomes si je me souviens bien, ça veut dire qu'on devrait avoir un rythme correct sur ces 12 épisodes puisqu'ils se permettent de faire du filler contrairement à ce malheureux index saison 3

Niveau 10
12 juillet 2019 à 21:21:13

Ah dommage je savais pas que c’était une suite :(

Bon bah tant pis :hap:

Si un jour je matte to aru je testerai ça :hap:

Niveau 10
12 juillet 2019 à 22:40:23

Absolument pas fidele au manga, on a certes les plans fixes qui défilent sous forme de diapo qui font référence aux planches du manga, mais la moitié d'entre elle ne sont pas rempli de noir car l'animateur avait la flemme de dessiner

Niveau 14
13 juillet 2019 à 19:45:34

J'avais aussi lu le manga y'a un petit moment, hâte de me voir l'épisode et revoir ce cher Accel' :cimer:

+ Pas mal du tout la fiche Riyado

Niveau 24
13 juillet 2019 à 20:18:24

Merci khey

Niveau 43
13 juillet 2019 à 23:29:46

Bon premier épisode. La narration est en plus plus fluide que sur la saison 3 de to aru majutsu no index :ok:

Hâte de voir la suite.

Niveau 10
14 juillet 2019 à 19:58:07

Le premier épisode est vraiment pas mal, l'animation aussi est très bien, il faut juste que je m'habitus aux chara-designs
Je m'attend à du très bon et j'espère ne pas être déçu :oui:

Niveau 24
20 juillet 2019 à 00:09:21

j'ai bien aimé l'épisode. ça me fait toujours autant rire quand accelerator coupe le son :rire:
les références à heavy object (une autre oeuvre de l'auteur) depuis le 1er ep sont sympas. y'a aussi des petits changements par rapport au manga c'est pas grave

Niveau 43
21 juillet 2019 à 21:33:03

J'avais peur pour la qualité d'animation quand j'avais vu que le projet To Aru Kagaku No Accelerator allait sortir, surtout après la S3 de to aru majutsu index, mais cet épisode 2 m'a convaincu qu'elle était de qualité.
Les phases d'actions sont tellement bonne, et le sourire à chaque fois d'accelerator... :noel:
Ouais quand il coupe le son ça me fait bien rire aussi :noel:

Niveau 11
28 juillet 2019 à 10:43:26

Punaise, mais j'aime bien cette animé en vrai

J'avais peur aussi mais j'ai toujours trouvé le personnage de Accelerator intéressant , bah je suis pas déçu

Niveau 24
28 juillet 2019 à 11:41:19

on aura des informations sur railgun s3 le 27 août et il y aura aussi un spin off sur kakine qui sera un one shot (juste un chapitre) ça peut-être intéressant j'en voulais justement un sur lui.

sinon concernant l'épisode c'est plutôt bon les moments accelerator et last order sont sympas. je vous poste les différence entre anime et manga qui ont été faites par un américain son pseudo est razorhead sur reddit. (il faisait ça pour index 3 et c'était très intéressant à lire)

Episode 1

Change In Art Style
You might have noticed the slight shift in art style for Accelerator compared to Index and Railgun, particularly in regards to Last Order's character design. This is not a whim of J.C. Staff, the animation studio, but rather them being faithful to to original source material. In contrast to the Railgun manga—illustrated by Fuyukawa Motoi—which stays rather close to the art style by the Index light novel illustrator Haimura Kiyotaka, the Accelerator manga—illustrated by Yamaji Arata—has a rather different style from these two, which is reflected here in the anime.

In case you want a sample of the original, here is a link to the cover of the first volume, where you can clearly see the difference. It's not entirely the same, as like with any artist the art style evolves throughout the series, so the animation study just used the more recent one.

When Does This Take Place?
Many of you have asked, and if you've watched Index I and Index II you probably have a rough idea of when to place this. Obviously this takes place after the Three Stories arc, which happened on August 31st, and before [Index II]September 14th, when Accelerator took a walk outside the hospital without his head bandages in the Tree Diagram Remnant arc. The exact date is however as of now unknown.

The Entire Episode Is Anime-Original
As many people have mentioned in the thread, including myself, this entire episode was anime-original. This does not mean that it is necessarily non-canon however (something many people confuse) as the events in this episode contradict nothing in the various source materials and could perfectly have taken place.

The very end on the other hand, the post-credits bit, is while also anime-original directly connected to the start of the first arc, so this is best not dismissed as non-canon.

Accelerator's Coffee
Keen viewers might have spotted the fact that Accelerator's coffee in the first bit of the episode is his favourite type of coffee, the exact same brand he bought back in the Three Stories arc and caused great misfortune to Touma when he purchased the store's entire supply, seeing as it's also Touma's favourite kind.

Accelerator Grasping Towards The Blimp
As you might have guessed from his choker not being in esper mode (visible by the LED on the side) Accelerator was testing the newfound limitations on his ability after receiving brain damage and being unable to use it without switching the choker on and delegating calculations to the MISAKA Network.

But the fact he chose to grasp towards the blimp is interesting to note. If you recall Mikoto's speech from back in the Sisters arc she was looking melancholically towards this blimp when she talked about how she despised it, representing a world where humans follow orders from machines. Obviously she was talking about the Level 6 Shift Project, calculated by Tree Diagram, but this blimp functions as a stand-in for Tree Diagram in this context seeing as this relays its supposedly primary functionality, the simulations of weather patterns to perfectly predict the weather, to the citizens as weather forecasts.

We know Accelerator unconsciously had a distaste of the project as well, from Last Order's conversation with him in the Three Stories arc and his questioning of his own motives when beaten by Touma in the Railgun version of the Sisters arc, which led to him developing an attachment to Last Order and the Sisters in order to protect them as part of him taking responsibility for his sins.

This moment could thus be a representation of him outwardly showing distaste at the project, by trying to use his powers on the blimp, a stand-in for Tree Diagram and the Level 6 Shift Project as a whole, same as with Mikoto.

District 4
This district is primarily concerned with the production, development, and storage of food and crops. You might think it weird to see an atmospheric research facility in this area, but its primary occupation is probably researching the best atmospheres to grow or store certain crops in, and develop ways to create or manipulate these atmospheres.

Water Cutter And The Attacker's Device
A water cutter, full name water jet cutter, is a device that functions by ejecting water under high pressure focused into a thin beam or line. This very fast moving water creates a lot of friction against the target material, quickly eroding it away, effectively creating a cut. It's often used against materials that can't withstand the heat caused by a regular saw.

While it's called a water cutter the substance doesn't need to be water though, as any liquid will work. Water is just cheap and readily available, hence it being the liquid of choice. This device here uses nitrogen instead, for reasons that will become apparent soon.

So first this device uses solid nitrogen in cartridges for loading the device, at temperatures of lower than -210°C , the melting point of nitrogen (as stated in this episode). Why it uses solid nitrogen and not liquid nitrogen is unknown. Perhaps because it's easier to load the device this way, or because it ensures the resulting nitrogen jet is as cold as it can be.

Either way this solid nitrogen is then made to melt and ejected in a pressurised manner, resulting in a water jet cutter (though perhaps liquid jet cutter is a more apt name in this particular instance). Just like a regular cutter it cuts neatly through a lot of soft material, but the added benefit is that the coldness of the liquid nitrogen causes material to become frosted and brittle as well, leading to easier cutting. In victims it would also cause frostbite as added bonus.

But why is it an anti-Accelerator weapon you might ask, because with vector control even this won't damage him! Well that's simple, and you need only to think back to the Sisters arc to figure it out. Accelerator is still human, and thus needs to breath. Deprive him of oxygen and you win. Hence the liquid nitrogen, after being ejected from the device, would quickly heat up since the surrounding environment anywhere on earth is usually hotter than -195°C, the boiling point of nitrogen. The nitrogen gas will then disperse into the air, lowering the local concentration of oxygen, and lead to oxygen deprivation as happened with Yomikawa this episode.

Had this been pre-Sisters Accelerator it might even have worked, knowing how cocky he was back then.

What happened with the bullets freezing when they got close to the wearer of the device is probably an application similar to [Index III]Kinuhata's Offense Armor, with it constantly dispersing a shield of cold nitrogen gas to protect the wearer.

Accelerator Reading's Choice
Accelerator is reading the first volume of Heavy Object S, a manga adaptation of another series by the author of the Toaru franchise Kamachi Kazuma. Rather cheeky, that.

You can see the full cover here.

Yomikawa Not Wanting To Shoot Children
If you've watched Index II you'll recognise this reluctance on her part from [Index II]the speech she gives to Accelerator there in the Academy City Invasion arc. She mentions that just like him she bears sins she can never be redeemed for, and that this is the reason why she never turns a gun on a child. Given the implication of this statement it's highly probably she accidentally killed or at least severely injured a child in the past, and as a result will never use potentially lethal force against one again.

The opening is called Shadow is the Light by THE SIXTH LIE. This is the first time they perform an opening or ending for the franchise.

Niveau 24
28 juillet 2019 à 11:44:54

Episode 2

Adapted Chapters
Accelerator Chapter 1
Accelerator Chapter 2 (partially)
Accelerator Chapter 3 (partially)

Anime-Original Differences
As many have noted here, there are a lot of differences between the source manga and the anime, just like in Index III. Unlike Index III however, where the staff were concerned with removing as much as they could and rushing the pacing, Accelerator instead seems dedicated to adding extra scenes and additional dialogue instead, turning it into a much better product. How about that?

J.C. Staff Redemption arc incoming?

Anyhow it would be useless of me to list every single difference between the manga and anime because there are so many small scenes, dialogues, and extra bits here and there that it would both be too much to list and not at all interesting, so I'll just talk about the big stuff.

The Opening Scene Was Mostly Anime-Original
The entire scene of Hitokawa Hasami attempting suicide by jumping off the bridge was anime-original. While the ambulance scene with DA was in the manga (though as a flashback in chapter 3 rather than starting off the story like here), it was greatly added to by the anime in terms of dialogue.

Most Of Bassethound's Team Is An Anime Addition
All of them, in fact. In the manga only he himself existed, and chased after Esther alone. Given the fact that we see a team drowning the girl they used in the Coffin and Bassethound himself wasn't very strong, a team seems a lot more logical rather than sending one person.

He also used some sort of chameleon-like camouflage technology to chase after her, which he didn't in the anime. It was probably removed because it's a rather useless extra addition that never saw any use.

Esther's Note
Since Crunchyroll didn't provide a translation, here's a translation of this note:

Unknown person in the investigation request (hereinafter referred to as 'A')
'A' returned to the medical facility in School District 7 (see map on the other page). It is in a hospital in Room 203 of Ward 2.
In this facility, --------
According to the experiment report --------

It doesn't tell us much, just where Accelerator's room was after he got hospitalised, which is how Esther found him.

Thanks to the Kamachiland discord for the translation!

Esther Was Caught In A Different Manner
While in the anime she was hit with a taser and carried away as she attempted to flee, in the manga the fight she had with the DA team earlier in the hospital took place here between her and Bassethound instead, after which he karate-chopped her in the neck to knock her out. Suffice to say the anime version is a lot more logical, on the account of actually being possible.

Bassethound Recognised Accelerator In The Manga
He immediately recognised him upon seeing him in the hospital room, and then later fought him in the parking lot taunting him all the while, that his brain damage made him weaker and vulnerable (yes, but actually no). This was changed, probably because the DA organisation would have proper protocols to not engage Level 5s if necessary and attempt to flee instead, and because [Index II]this stance is way too similar to Musujime's in the Tree Diagram Remnant arc, except that it made more sense there as she wasn't even trying to fight him but just happy his weakness made it possible for her to flee.

Accelerator Didn't React During The Scuffle Because He Reflected Sound Away
You could guess this in the anime because he turned his choker on when the fight starts and off again when they leave, but he confirmed in the manga he reflected the sound away to not be bothered while reading. Probably thought it was just a regular Anti-Skill arrest and didn't want to be bothered.

If not he probably would have reacted when Esther mentioned a girl to him, because that would certainly draw his attention.

The Symbol In The Coffin's Eye

Well, I've lost track over the various rewatches and rereads how many times I've explained this, but if this is your first time the main symbol visible here is the Sepiroth, also known as the Tree of Life, from the Kabbalah, though interestingly it's upside-down here. Kabbalah is a Jewish esoteric tradition meant to explain the relationship between God and creation, the universe. This Sepiroth is a diagram listing the various stages and paths between creation and God, though this can also be used to represent the human soul in relation to God, which is perhaps more relevant to this current plot.

This is surrounded by two heptagrams (seven-pointed stars), which also first gained magical meaning in Kabbalah, followed by a standard magical circle to enclose it all.

We then have a taichi symbol, representing yin and yang from Chinese Taoism, overlaid on the magical circle. This symbol represents duality: white and black, positive and negative, good and evil, life and death. The black and white dots in the white and black areas respectively of the symbol are perfectly overlaid with the topmost and bottommost sephirah (nodes) of the Sephiroth. Appropriately these sephirah, Keter and Malkhut, are the sephirah closest to God and furthest removed from God (more physical, mundane), fitting the duality of yin and yang.

Differences During The Fight
There are two major ones: firstly in the manga Accelerator opened a giant crevice in the ground by slamming his foot down to swallow up the Coffin and Bassethound, dealing woefully little damage. Secondly the DA grunts didn't attempt to ram him with his car, because they didn't exist. This means that funnily enough Accelerator probably caused less damage by directly attempting to take out the Coffin here in the anime rather than playing around first like in the anime.

What Happened To Bassethound's Team?
Who knows? As far as the story is concerned their relevance ended when Esther escaped. Probably the easiest assumption is that they all died when the car blew up, since they didn't show up later when Bassethound called in to relay the mission failed. On the other hand Esther, who was tied up and gagged in the car, survived without much injuries, so it would be weird if the DA grunts died from the same thing. Combined with the fact that Anti-Skill didn't report any corpses found at the scene—beyond the one from the Coffin, obviously—they could just have realised who they were fighting, fled the scene, and went to undergo treatment for their wounds at a DA-affiliated hospital. Though of course it's also possible Anti-Skill did noticed the corpses and it just happened off-screen since it wasn't terribly relevant any longer.

Either way I think there's a 50/50 chance. Pick your preferred option, really.

The Corpse Was Naked
Which would be normal, really. DA did strip her down after killing her, after all, so why would they stop at her underwear? For modesty? They're justice-obsessed crazies, I don't think they would have cared. TV broadcast regulations, however, do, and so underwear was added. I think in previous seasons for the Sisters this was fine in the incubation pods because they could do some creative censoring using reflection in liquids and convenient object placement, but for this corpse I guess they decided underwear would do the trick.

Here is an NSFWish comparison picture from the manga.

Just like with a lot of Toaru spells and abilities this has different kanji to its pronunciation. Here the kanji are 死霊術, literally meaning "Dead Spirit Spell", which is just a rather literal description of what it is.

This is not the first time Necromancy has been mentioned in the series however, though the anime omitted the reference. In the final arc of Index I, [Index I]the Kazakiri Hyouka arc, after Kazakiri lost half her head and yet continued to live like there was no problem at all Index mentioned the possibility that she might be a corpse reanimated with Necromancy, before listing several examples of necromantic spells and techniques. Obviously this didn't turn out to be the case, but it's nice to know the author picked this plot thread back up.

Estelle Esther's Name
Hah, fans of the series or those who read the official manga release might be confused by Esther being known as Esther rather than Estelle. This is because of that ancient enemy of translators: language ambiguity. You see Japanese does not distinguish between the "r" and "l" sound, causing confusion when translating names into English. In this case Esther's name in Japanese is written as エステル, which when romanised would be "Esuteru". Since no English written version was available translators had to guess which name the author originally meant, and they picked Estelle, since that sounded close. Because the fanbase used this name the official Seven Seas manga translation (which is really good, by the way, especially compared to Yen Press translations) also used Estelle in their version for consistency.

However due to recent evidence in the manga the fan translator started to doubt if it shouldn't be Esther instead, and her character page on the official website confirmed this suspicion, so the fan translations will be changing her name going forwards. Whether Seven Seas will do the same remains to be seen.

This isn't the first time a name was changed later down the line when translators found out it was wrong all along. The same thing happened to [Index II]Lola Stuart, the Archbishop of the Anglican Church, who was first translated as Laura Stuart. Only about a decade and 30 books later did fans figure out it was supposed to be Lola all along.

Anyhow her name is taken from the main character of the Book of Esther, part of the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) and the Christian Old Testament. Her surname, Rosenthal, is of German and Ashkenazi Jewish origin, meaning "Valley of Roses".

DA's Canine Theme
They certainly do appear to have one. The operatives are all named after various dog breeds, with our unfortunate grunt this episode being Bassethound and his lollipop-licking executioner being Dachshund, while the ones giving them orders, the higher-ups that seem to solely be managing DA, are named "Breeders", as in those who breed and train dogs. Furthermore their icon appears to be a hand grasping a spiked collar, as if to collar a dog.

This fits in with poor Bassethound's speech about being "the hunting dogs of justice that chew up evil with their fangs".

Qiong Qi
The Qiong Qi (穷奇), who's name literally means "Thoroughly Odd", is a mythological creature from Chinese mythology, described in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, or Shan Hai Jing (山海經). It is one of the Four Fiends (四凶), four great legendary evil beasts, and is described in various forms, from a winged tiger to an ox with hedgehog quills. However there is one rare form which is a human with a canine head, also called the "Divine Dog". How interesting.

The ending song is Parole, by * sajou no hana*. This is the first time they have done an opening or ending theme for the franchise.

Man, what a good episode! This episode improved so much on the manga, even only by sheer virtue of adding extra bits of dialogue and information here and there, as well as adding to the manga in many instances by changing things around and adding extra detail. The only complaint I have are needlessly censoring the corpse's nudity, as well as the fighting scene being lacking in animation. Otherwise man, this is a good rebound from Index III!

Props J.C. Staff!

Niveau 43
28 juillet 2019 à 14:40:29

J.C. Staff Redemption arc incoming?

Si seulement

+ Merci pour les infos supplémentaires.

Niveau 14
28 juillet 2019 à 16:28:12

Le 28 juillet 2019 à 11:41:19 riyado42 a écrit :
on aura des informations sur railgun s3 le 27 août et il y aura aussi un spin off sur kakine qui sera un one shot (juste un chapitre) ça peut-être intéressant j'en voulais justement un sur lui.

sinon concernant l'épisode c'est plutôt bon les moments accelerator et last order sont sympas. je vous poste les différence entre anime et manga qui ont été faites par un américain son pseudo est razorhead sur reddit. (il faisait ça pour index 3 et c'était très intéressant à lire)

Episode 1

Change In Art Style
You might have noticed the slight shift in art style for Accelerator compared to Index and Railgun, particularly in regards to Last Order's character design. This is not a whim of J.C. Staff, the animation studio, but rather them being faithful to to original source material. In contrast to the Railgun manga—illustrated by Fuyukawa Motoi—which stays rather close to the art style by the Index light novel illustrator Haimura Kiyotaka, the Accelerator manga—illustrated by Yamaji Arata—has a rather different style from these two, which is reflected here in the anime.

In case you want a sample of the original, here is a link to the cover of the first volume, where you can clearly see the difference. It's not entirely the same, as like with any artist the art style evolves throughout the series, so the animation study just used the more recent one.

When Does This Take Place?
Many of you have asked, and if you've watched Index I and Index II you probably have a rough idea of when to place this. Obviously this takes place after the Three Stories arc, which happened on August 31st, and before [Index II]September 14th, when Accelerator took a walk outside the hospital without his head bandages in the Tree Diagram Remnant arc. The exact date is however as of now unknown.

The Entire Episode Is Anime-Original
As many people have mentioned in the thread, including myself, this entire episode was anime-original. This does not mean that it is necessarily non-canon however (something many people confuse) as the events in this episode contradict nothing in the various source materials and could perfectly have taken place.

The very end on the other hand, the post-credits bit, is while also anime-original directly connected to the start of the first arc, so this is best not dismissed as non-canon.

Accelerator's Coffee
Keen viewers might have spotted the fact that Accelerator's coffee in the first bit of the episode is his favourite type of coffee, the exact same brand he bought back in the Three Stories arc and caused great misfortune to Touma when he purchased the store's entire supply, seeing as it's also Touma's favourite kind.

Accelerator Grasping Towards The Blimp
As you might have guessed from his choker not being in esper mode (visible by the LED on the side) Accelerator was testing the newfound limitations on his ability after receiving brain damage and being unable to use it without switching the choker on and delegating calculations to the MISAKA Network.

But the fact he chose to grasp towards the blimp is interesting to note. If you recall Mikoto's speech from back in the Sisters arc she was looking melancholically towards this blimp when she talked about how she despised it, representing a world where humans follow orders from machines. Obviously she was talking about the Level 6 Shift Project, calculated by Tree Diagram, but this blimp functions as a stand-in for Tree Diagram in this context seeing as this relays its supposedly primary functionality, the simulations of weather patterns to perfectly predict the weather, to the citizens as weather forecasts.

We know Accelerator unconsciously had a distaste of the project as well, from Last Order's conversation with him in the Three Stories arc and his questioning of his own motives when beaten by Touma in the Railgun version of the Sisters arc, which led to him developing an attachment to Last Order and the Sisters in order to protect them as part of him taking responsibility for his sins.

This moment could thus be a representation of him outwardly showing distaste at the project, by trying to use his powers on the blimp, a stand-in for Tree Diagram and the Level 6 Shift Project as a whole, same as with Mikoto.

District 4
This district is primarily concerned with the production, development, and storage of food and crops. You might think it weird to see an atmospheric research facility in this area, but its primary occupation is probably researching the best atmospheres to grow or store certain crops in, and develop ways to create or manipulate these atmospheres.

Water Cutter And The Attacker's Device
A water cutter, full name water jet cutter, is a device that functions by ejecting water under high pressure focused into a thin beam or line. This very fast moving water creates a lot of friction against the target material, quickly eroding it away, effectively creating a cut. It's often used against materials that can't withstand the heat caused by a regular saw.

While it's called a water cutter the substance doesn't need to be water though, as any liquid will work. Water is just cheap and readily available, hence it being the liquid of choice. This device here uses nitrogen instead, for reasons that will become apparent soon.

So first this device uses solid nitrogen in cartridges for loading the device, at temperatures of lower than -210°C , the melting point of nitrogen (as stated in this episode). Why it uses solid nitrogen and not liquid nitrogen is unknown. Perhaps because it's easier to load the device this way, or because it ensures the resulting nitrogen jet is as cold as it can be.

Either way this solid nitrogen is then made to melt and ejected in a pressurised manner, resulting in a water jet cutter (though perhaps liquid jet cutter is a more apt name in this particular instance). Just like a regular cutter it cuts neatly through a lot of soft material, but the added benefit is that the coldness of the liquid nitrogen causes material to become frosted and brittle as well, leading to easier cutting. In victims it would also cause frostbite as added bonus.

But why is it an anti-Accelerator weapon you might ask, because with vector control even this won't damage him! Well that's simple, and you need only to think back to the Sisters arc to figure it out. Accelerator is still human, and thus needs to breath. Deprive him of oxygen and you win. Hence the liquid nitrogen, after being ejected from the device, would quickly heat up since the surrounding environment anywhere on earth is usually hotter than -195°C, the boiling point of nitrogen. The nitrogen gas will then disperse into the air, lowering the local concentration of oxygen, and lead to oxygen deprivation as happened with Yomikawa this episode.

Had this been pre-Sisters Accelerator it might even have worked, knowing how cocky he was back then.

What happened with the bullets freezing when they got close to the wearer of the device is probably an application similar to [Index III]Kinuhata's Offense Armor, with it constantly dispersing a shield of cold nitrogen gas to protect the wearer.

Accelerator Reading's Choice
Accelerator is reading the first volume of Heavy Object S, a manga adaptation of another series by the author of the Toaru franchise Kamachi Kazuma. Rather cheeky, that.

You can see the full cover here.

Yomikawa Not Wanting To Shoot Children
If you've watched Index II you'll recognise this reluctance on her part from [Index II]the speech she gives to Accelerator there in the Academy City Invasion arc. She mentions that just like him she bears sins she can never be redeemed for, and that this is the reason why she never turns a gun on a child. Given the implication of this statement it's highly probably she accidentally killed or at least severely injured a child in the past, and as a result will never use potentially lethal force against one again.

The opening is called Shadow is the Light by THE SIXTH LIE. This is the first time they perform an opening or ending for the franchise.

Cool cimer pour les infos khey :oui:

Niveau 10
28 juillet 2019 à 17:50:26

Vraiment sympa toute ses informations, je ne pensais pas qu'il y avait autant de petites différences entre les deux formats

Niveau 10
03 août 2019 à 21:43:58

Très cool épisode 4, c'est bien de revoir les Sisters et Accelerator et toujours aussi classe
Le chercheur avec ses sucettes me plais de plus en plus et la fin d'épisode annonce du lourd avec les 4 antagonistes

Niveau 24
04 août 2019 à 21:07:18

j'avais oublié que saten était dedans:rire: le petit fight avec la sister était plutôt cool.
pour les différence manga et animé

Ep 3 :
ep 4 :

Niveau 14
05 août 2019 à 16:56:18

Cimer je jette un coup d'oeil à ça quand j'ai un moment :cimer:

Niveau 24
10 août 2019 à 22:13:21

très bon épisode cette semaine, le moment où last order aide accelerator à recharger sa batterie est très bon et j'ai bien aimé yomikawa dans cet episode

ep 5

Niveau 13
11 août 2019 à 00:07:31

Elle est chouette ta fiche Riyado, elle m'a rappelé plusieurs informations que j'avais oublié. :play:

Sujet : [Action] [Surnaturel ] [Drame] To Aru Kagaku No Accelerator
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La Planète des Singes : Le Nouveau Royaume - la révolution simienne est en marche !
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