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Black Desert Online

Sujet : FAQ Récap Questions / Réponses
Niveau 10
12 avril 2014 à 07:38:30

Hi everybody,

Connaissant l'engouement grandissant pour Black Desert Online et le nombre de questions que cela amène, j'ai décidé d'ouvrir un topic pour que l'on rassemble les Q&A avec les développeurs ainsi que les infos sur le jeu

N'hésitez pas à poster tous les Q&A que vous trouverez dans n'importe quelle langue, on essayera de traduire du mieux possible

Voici ci-dessous la source des infos que je poste là:

Développeur : Pearl Abyss (C9)
Editeur : DAUM (RF Online, Planetside 2 KR)
Status: Actuellement en développement

Dates, paiement, éditeur et tests:

- Début du dev en 2010;
- La seconde beta test est prévu pour début 2014;
- La première beta s'est tenu en octobre 2013;
- Les joueurs étrangers ne sont pas autorisé à accéder au jeu légalement. (KSSN et compagnie);
- Le modèle économique reste au choix de l'éditeur en fonction de la région;
- Les dev comptent signé avec un éditeur Russe cette année;
- La version Anglaise de BDO est espéré pour 2015.

Détails technique :

- Il y a 60 personnes travaillant sur le jeu;
- Le pourcentage de finition du jeu est de l'ordre de 70-80%;
- La supervision du dev est géré par Kim Dae, un vétéran de l'industrie du MMO, créateur de RYL (Risk Your Life), R2 (Reign of Revolution) et C9;
- BDO utilise son propre moteur graphique;
- In the current build, the minimum system requirements: Windows 7, graphics card GeForce GTS 250 / GeForce 9800 GTX / Radeon HD 3870 X2; processor Intel Core i3; 4Gb of memory;
- Actuellement, la configuration minimum requise est: Windows 7, GeForce GTS 250 / GeForce 9800 GTX / Radeon HD 3870 X2, Processeur Intel Core I3, 4Go Ram;
- BDO supporte les gamepads. (Celui de xBox 360 en tout cas);
- Des versions Mac et Linux ne sont pas prévu;
- Une possible sortie sur console Next-Gen après que le jeu PC soit fini.

Le background et le lore :

- Black Desert raconte l'histoire d'une confrontation entre deux parties - La république de Calpheon (Incluant Calpheon, Balenos, Serendia et Mediah) et le Royaume de Valencia, chacun d'eux cherche à contrôler les Black Stones, une importante source d'énergie;
- Les Black Stones sont dispersé dans le désert séparant les deux pays. Les habitants de Calpheon appellent celui-ci Black Desert alors que ceux de Valencia l'appellent Red Desert, à cause du sang qui a été répandu dessus;
- The countries differ in their culture and religion: Kalfeon - materialistic civilization, the people of Valencia - prefer to spiritual values;
- Les pays diffèrent dans leur culture et leur religion: Calpheon est plutôt materialiste alors que Valencia a une approche plus spirituelle.
- Despite the opposition of the two story states, is based on the Black Desert GvG, and not RvR system, opposition factions - the only historical background;
- En dépit de cette opposition entre deux royaumes, BDO est un jeu GvG et non RvR, l'opposition n'est là que le pour le background.


- Le design du monde a été fait dans l'esprit de la période de transition du moyen-âge vers la renaissance, ce choix a été fait car cette période a été une période de réforme, de recherche et de découverte;
- BDO est seamless et Openworld;
- BDO possédera des donjons ouvert;
- Actuellement, BDO ne possède aucune instance;
- Différentes régions auront différents climats. Le joueur devra s'équiper en conséquence. (Peau de phoque si il fait froid, burka si il fait chaud);
- BDO possède une gestion du temps dynamique. (En gros, jour/nuit avec vision de couché de soleil...);
- BDO implémente un système de météo dynamique, où chaque région possède une météo unique, comme des tempêtes, de la neige, de la pluie, des typhons...;
- La météo peut avoir des effets néfastes sur le joueurs;
- La taille du monde de BDO est à peu près de l'ordre de 2 fois WoW Vanilla. (Faudrait que je vois pour un équivalent sur L2);
- Le monde de BDO est habité par de nombreuses race, incluant géants, hobbits, elfes, nains, humains et d'autres;
- Il n'y a pas de téléport dans BDO, pour se déplacer, il faut utiliser les montures (Non volante), des véhicules (Charettes...) et bateaux;

Personnages, classes et races :

- Le nombre final de classes sera approximativement de 10;
- Les classes actuellement présentent : fighter (warrior male - Sword + shield), archer (elfe femelle - ranger), sorcerer (humaine - sorcière CaC), giant (Berserk avec deux haches);
- Classes prévues : Tamer (Summoner), Blader (Combattant avec katana), Valkyrie (Variante du warrior male, plus défensif), archer male, Wizard (Variante male de la sorcerer, on sait qu'il aura des skills de support);
- Il n'y a pas de gender lock, mais les variations male / femelle sont très présente, ils ont des styles de combat différent (Incluant skills et stat de base);
- Chaque classe est lié à une race;
- Le développement du personnage se fait à l'aide d'un arbre de skill;
- Le nombre de skills par classe est estimé à 30-40 (Passif et actif), la plupart d'entre sont évolutif (Et débloque de nouvelles propriétés);
- Il n'y a pas de lvl max dans BDO, mais après le lvl 50, le lvling sera extrêmement long, et les caractéristiques du personnages continueront a monter;
- Le charac builder est en développement, dans la première beta, il n'était pas présent;
- Les possibilité du charac builder seront limité - Les dev ne veulent pas des personnages ressemblant à rien (aka Aion);
- La tamer pourra invoqué une bête et se déplacer sur lui (Contrairement aux autres classes qui doivent utiliser un cheval ou assimilé):
- Les giant (Berserk) pourront se transformer en sorte de werewolf (Un mode berserk donc);
- Une classe de healer n'est pas prévu (A prendre avec des pincettes car ils y réfléchissent d'après les dernières nouvelles, ou au moins mettre un skill de heal sur une classe existante);
- Une classes de support est probable (Même sur, ou en tout cas, le wizard aura le droit à des skills de support);
- Une classe d'assassin n'est pas prévu;
- Les dev pense à créer un perso avec une épée à deux mains;
- Il n'y pas de subdivision de classes dans BDO. (Contrairement à L2, RO ou encore C9);
- Pou le moment, les persos démarrent au même endroit, mais les dev ont promis de régler ça (Alors là, faut vraiment que je retrouve le passage où ils le disent).

Système de combat :

- BDO possède un système de combat no target (Avec des éléments d'auto-target) avec reticule. Il y a la possibilité d'esquivé ainsi qu'une système de combo simplifié (Comparé à C9);
- Il n'y a pas de gestion de zone de dégat sur un joueur / mob (Genre un headshot ne fait pas de critique);
- Sprinter et bloquer consomme de la stamina (Uniquement en combat);
- Different classes are used to attack different types of energy (magicians - MP, archers - EP, Miles - FP), operating on different principles;
- Il y a différent type d'énergie dans BDO (Magician - MP, Archer - EP, Warrior FP), fonctionnant de différentes manières.

Montures et combats montés :

- Toutes les classes seront capable de monter sur un cheval et utiliser leurs armes (Tout types);
- Les combats montés sont pensés pour une utilisation PvE, PvP et siège;
- Il y a des items spécifiques pour les montures (Armures, nourriture...);
- Les montures sont gérer séparément du joueur et ont leur propre système de lvl. Plus on utilise un cheval, plus il recevra d'expérience par exemple;
- Les montures (Cheval dans l'exemple suivant) ont des skills, comme taper des sabots ou accélérer au galop;
- Les montures ont des stat : vitesse de course, armor...;
- Les montures doivent être mise dans une étable pour se reposer. (Ou à côté d'une tente) (A l'exception du Tamer);
- Les joueurs peuvent tuer les montures.

Niveau 10
12 avril 2014 à 07:38:48


- BDO est un jeu GvG, pas de système de RvR, pas de conflit racial;
- Le PK de BDO est encore en dev et en test, en attendant, c'est free PK (Enfin, ya du Karma quand même) avec des zone safe en ville. Possibilité de mettre des zone safe dans les zone noob (De départ);
- Sur le CBT, le PK / PvP est était possibilie à partir du lvl 30;
- Un système de drop d'item après une mort est présent sur BDO, les détails ne sont pas finalisé. Actuellement, c'est "random" drop depuis l'inventaire (Dans les fait, ce sont les items ayant le plus de valeur qui tombe);
- The spirit of the Olympic Games in lineage 2 is not planned, but it will be some sort of training Coliseum;
- Des olympiad à L2 ne sont pas prévu mais il y aura une sorte de Coliseum d'entraînement. (Alors du coup, avec les dernières news, difficile de dire)


- Les sièges se tiendront en open world;
- Le nombre de château prévu est de 5 au départ, ce nombre augmentera ensuite;
- Il faut détruire une statue dans la salle du trône pour prendre le castle;
- N'importe qui peut joindre le siege, mais seule les guildes enregistrés peuvent prendre le castle (Pendant la CBT1, il n'y avait pas d'inscription, c'était à l'arrache);
- Pour réussir à prendre un castle, les joueurs doivent installer un camp proche du castle, qui peut-être détruit en retour;
- Après une mort en siège, les joueurs respawn dans le camp de sa guilde ou dans la ville la plus proche;
- Actuellement, la pénalité de mort lors d'un siège est la même que lors d'une mort normale;
- Lors des sièges, on peut utiliser des canons, des échelles et des éléphants de guerre; (Non présent durant la CBT1)
- Un elephant peut acceuillir 3 personnes, un qui contrôle, deux qui attaquent à distance;
- Les canons requièrent certaine manipulation: Il faut d'abord charger le boulet, déplacer le canon si il faut, choisir la cible, ajuster la trajectoire du projectile et tirer;
- Les sièges permettent un gain financier, les lords contrôlent partiellement les prix et les taxes de la région;
- Il n'y a aucune limite de participant durant les sièges;
- Les clans seront capable de louer les services de mercenaire NPC pour être assister en siège;
- Il n'y a pas de limite aux nombre de castle qu'un clan peut avoir en même temps. Mais en avoir plusieurs sera très difficile;
- L'heure de siège est partiellement gérer par le clan leader (Offset de quelques heures)

Niveau 10
12 avril 2014 à 07:41:10

Un Q&A de 2013 avec Pearl Abyss ici

Niveau 10
12 avril 2014 à 07:47:24

La dernière modification de la source que j'ai pris de JOL date du 18/11/2013 à 20h19. Donc entre temps il y a du avoir des changements, améliorations etc

Je n'ai pas modifié la source ni corrigé les fautes d'orthographe je l'ai laissé tel quel, j'ai juste effacé un point virgule involontairement...

Niveau 10
12 avril 2014 à 08:17:54

Là vous avez les différentes mécaniques de jeu expliquées dans la bêta, c'est an anglais très basique & simple, super facile à comprendre

Source :

Niveau 10
12 avril 2014 à 08:21:24
  • en anglais dsl

Questions / Réponses comme précédemment cité de 2013

Question By En Sten
Hey... you said the Wizard is the male version of the Sorcerer.... however..... must you play as an old man as a magician? I really wanted to play a male "sorcerer" but I really want to look young like the female version... Please consider making straight male/female classes like you did with archer. No apparent visual changed more than gender change... Thank you!

Answer By Pearl Abyss
Thank you for your opinion. We will think about it.
Follow Up Comment
I do agree with En Sten. I fell in love with the Blader at first glance, but, maybe opposed to a lot of people, I want to play this class as an old wise master of the swords. So at least, make customization extensive enough to make each of our character as unique as possible.
Follow Up Answer By Pearl Abyss

Answer By Pearl Abyss
we will do our best on character customization.

Niveau 10
12 avril 2014 à 08:23:54

Question By Arthur Yans Lugo
Will there be swimming and underwater swimming.

Answer By Pearl Abyss Staff
can't tell at this moment, we are still in discussing about swimming.

Question By Sergey Sergeev
I saw guns on the siege in your last trailer. Can you tell us something about that type of weapon? Where to take them, how they work. Do you plan to create a class with a gun?

Answer By Pearl Abyss
It's a additional weapon item, any character can use it and handle gun-fire. It's not for class.

Question By Frederick Nylund
Will the various classes be restricted to one specific weapon type, or will, for example, the Warrior class be able to wield weapons other than sword and shield?

Answer By Pearl Abyss
warrior can equip only sword and shield.

Niveau 10
12 avril 2014 à 08:26:13

Question By Carlos Díaz Carón
Will Black Desert be a Magic world, or only a medieval world?

Answer By Pearl Abyss
Hm... we can't understand your point. T_T

Is that mean, it is fantasy based or medieval based background?

If so, it's much close to medieval based. Because actually we do have fantasy things(like magic or etc), but it's not that much and we always consider 'realistic'.

Question By Lesha Ruzmanov
NPC enemies will be able to communicate with each other, or lead way of life (for realistic)? or will they only patrol the their camp?

Answer By Pearl Abyss Staff
um... hard to explain about this...
Basically most of NPC are patrol on their way, and some of NPC go back home at night, when monsters attack town, some of NPC fight with monsters and some NPC run away.

Question By Arthur Lee Porter
The girl who shoots purple bolts and can teleport. Whats her class and can u give a little more detail about her. Also can i play as a guy version of this character

Answer By Pearl Abyss Staff
She is sorceress class, she uses dark magic. The male version of her is a grandfather that you can see him at second trailer. He is wizard.

Niveau 10
12 avril 2014 à 08:27:40

Question By Mario Morellon S
Is the world going to be a sandbox-like (archeage) or is it going to be instanced (continent of the ninth)?

Answer By Pearl Abyss Staff
most of contents are all seamless based. very few contents (like a story cut-scene) could be instanced based.

Question By Victor Ferrarine
Hello PearlAbbys! I want to thank you for created your own engine! amazing engine! It means a great evolution!
I'd like to know about the weather(day/night).
Does the nights fall in everywhere in the map? Is possible the rain fall in everywhere in the map as well?(course,except in snow places)

Answer By Pearl Abyss
Thank you for your compliment our game engine.
Everywhere in the map has day and night, and also most of places could be rainy.

Niveau 10
12 avril 2014 à 08:31:51

Question By Sergey Sergeev
Hi! Could you answer a few questions from Russian players? I think it is of interest not only to them.
- What is the maximum number of people in party?
- Will there be a enchantment system for equipment/weapons?
- Will there be an epic bosses (for huge amount of people) in open world with long respawn time?
- We know about the different types of guilds in the BDO. Can clarify this?
- What is planned for the death penalty?
- How many peaceful areas will be in the game?

Answer By Pearl Abyss
Basically 4 characters can make their party, for a raid-party we will provide 5 party united, total is 20. (this could be change in the future)
- Yes
- Yes, some of boss monsters are in instance dungeon, and rest of them spawns on field with variable re-spawn time.
- Military guild, Merchant guild, Religious(or political) guild. Military guild is for battle and their purpose is to own their castle by siege battle. Merchant guild is for earning money by exploring and transporting. Religious guild is for getting familiar with many NPCs and chosen by election from NPCs.
- Can't tell at this time. Basically when player dies, player will drop some items(without equipment) from inventory randomly.
- Enough, can't tell specifically.

Question By Marco Nicoletti
Your previous interview said there was no CAP level at all, but few words later it says there is a CAP "de facto" of 50.

I'm personally worried about the lack of a CAP level in some forms. That was usually followed by Macros and Bots, which could never be reached by normal and legal accounts playing the game as it should be. Examples should be Ultima O. (bots) and Darkfall (macros: peoples all afk swimming/running against walls, plus worst cases). Without a CAP you may incentivate more peoples on cheating to keep an advantage or even keep balance. Of course it depends on how you manage this lack of CAP.

Imho the slowness after level 50 isn't enough to say there is a "de facto" cap, my personal suggestion is that a level 1000 should have close to no advantage upon a level 50 (the level 1000 would scare peoples because he obviously played so much and it shows ultra experience of the man behind the character, there is no need to give him also an increase of stats or skills, or if you really must give them an advantage I would never surpass the 15% possible advantage as stats/damage/resistence etc.)

Answer By Pearl Abyss
Thank you for your comment all of you.
We do understand your worry about bot or macros on leveling.
Actually all the contents could be a problem with auto-macros and bots, not only leveling contents. As we said, there will be no limitation of character level. It is just one of method to make character stats stronger, and we respect people who are really concentrate on it.

Niveau 10
12 avril 2014 à 08:34:26

Question By Timotheos Lampropoulos
Something bothering me about Black Desert & I would like to ask Pearl Abyss about it, the various classes I saw till now looks very different in cultural style & that looks very strange considering the medieval setting the game have, for example char like the tamer or the samurai looks completely out of place it's like mixing B&S & L2, so how Pearl Abyss plan to justify the appearance of this eastern type of classes in the game? can u explain it to us a little? did they even though about it? I mean a plausible way to explain it.

Answer By Pearl Abyss
Blader and Tamer are came by ship from far east area in concept. and basically we've designed our game as period between medieval to Renaissance(maybe 15th~17th century).
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Question By Jo Ngọc Hằng Bl
Hi ! I'm wondering how mounts work. Is it a summon with cast time / cooldown ? Can you call it in fight ? I saw battles on mounts too, it's very cool ! But are there some multiplayer mounts ? (I saw a giant elephant in the trailer, is it controlled by one player with others on its back or fully scripted ?). Can you kill a mount ?

Answer By Pearl Abyss
Nope, you should call your mounts from stable. There isn't any cast or cooldown time at all, and you can't call them at field directly. But Tamer's creature is exception, because it works by skill(summon).

Multi-player mounts, answer is yes. As you said, three people can ride on a elephant together. The front rider controls it, and people who ride on sub seat they just aim enemies and range attack.

If you are at a field which is allow PK, players can kill other player's mounts.

Question By Kamil Masłowiec
Hello, is it possible to make your character unique? A character that will be different than others. Do you plan to introduce a powerful character creation tool? Gears that don't affect stats but just appearance or even a dye system like in Vindictus which will allow us to re-color our gear?

Answer By Pearl Abyss
Yes, we are planning to do, but not like a Vindictus.
It's related with performance issue. (difference between MO and MMO based)

We can't answer about it in detail at this time, but in someday we will introduce character customization system.

Follow Up Comment
So it's mean we will got only 4 costumes(and maybe few cash shop clothes) for whole 50 levels. This is terrifying. :C

Follow Up Answer By Pearl Abyss
Nope we mean, we will provide variety costumes and customization, not sure dye system or etc. Don't worry, we already made over 20 looks of character.
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Niveau 10
12 avril 2014 à 08:36:57

Question By Lesha Ruzmanov
in the trailer game at maximum graphics?
what kind of video card you used when filming video?

Answer By Pearl Abyss
When we were at G-Star 2012 exhibition, we used nVidia GeForce GTX560 Ti model. And many people in our dev studio uses GTX460 the most.

Question By Shawn Mallette
I am curious. You mentioned a dwarf race, will there be a playable class for dwarfs in the future? Or are they strictly an NPC race?

I appreciate how many questions you answer! Black Desert looks so amazing, you guys are doing a wonderful job!

Answer By Pearl Abyss
We are still discussing about dwarf race. It could be, but not sure when we makes it. At this moment, dwarf race is exist only NPC.

Follow Up Comment
There are also Greenskins and some guy with horns
Seems like quite a few races, IMHO polish out what's there ATM and add more content as game develops, steady additions of content helps keeping players still actually playing

Follow Up Answer By Pearl Abyss
greenskins... that is Goblin race.

Question By Kim Kaphwan
Hey PearlAbyss team ! Here some question regarding PvP :
Are Town and Village gonna be total safe zone ?
How/where do you respawn when you die ? any balanced death penality ?

Answer By Pearl Abyss
Yes, basically all the town and cities will be a safety zone. And about character death, we are considering the character be re-spawn at town nearby or could be last visited town. We are keep test and balancing now.

Niveau 10
12 avril 2014 à 08:39:02

Question By Clément Cassel
I'm worried about your interview with MMOCulture. You talk about a lot of instances, they will just destroy your seamless feature and open field. Moreover, you talk about protection for players who don't like PvP, but your game is a PvP game... And, one more thing, you say it's difficult to say if Black Desert is sandbox or themepark... Don't you say it will be more sandbox than themepark (Except leveling between 0 to 50 ) ?

Please, don't do a huge mistake...

Answer By Pearl Abyss
Most of instances are about story telling missions for solo playing or mini games. Of course some of them are for party too. Don't worry.

Question By Valentino Raduica
Hey there Pearl Abyss,
I've got a few questions if you don't mind.
1. How many skills can a lvl 50 character have equipped at any time?
2. Are there any CC (crowd control) skills that last 5 or more seconds or at least stuns/slowdowns/roots/silence?

Answer By Pearl Abyss
1. Can't tell how many it is at this time. We are still testing and adding more skills now.
2. We are planning to do. Probably a few class will has it.

Question By Mark Fronstin
Hello. Your game looks very beautiful. Will the economy be a player crafted economy?

Answer By Pearl Abyss
Thank you for your compliment. As you said, basically the economy will works by players commerce and crafting.

Niveau 10
12 avril 2014 à 08:40:52

Question By Kim Kaphwan
I see many plateys complaining about Archer in MMO witch have 5m range and spam micro arrow like a machine-gun ( the biggest dissapointement in your first trailer )
Do you project to create a REAL Archer class where the crosshair and the skill to aim in the gameplay mean something ?

Answer By Pearl Abyss
There is crosshair that you can aim to enemies. But it is not really detail like gun-shooting games(FPS games), we mean there isn't head shot.
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Question By Clément Cassel
Questions about relationship between NPC and players. This system will be like Ketra (케트라) / Varka (바르카) in Lineage 2 but more complex ? Or it will be totally different ?

What kind of items you can obtain with this system ? Recipes for crafting, crafting materials...? And, when you talk about "access to dungeons", is it open dungeons ?

Answer By Pearl Abyss
Hard to tell compare with L2.
Our Wiki system is related with everything. It could be crafting method, monster's weakness, background story telling, authority of dungeon, and etc.

Question By Jose Angel Blondet Rivera
big question... already read the stuff about leveling to 50 or more and having extra stats after that...

but what about the skills? how is the skill system gonna be?
with each lvl well get some sp (skill points) to use? and have a unique tree? or are we going to be able to have all skills on max since we can lvl to a infinite lvl?

Answer By Pearl Abyss
You will make your own tree while leveling.
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Niveau 10
12 avril 2014 à 08:42:49

Question By Clément Cassel
Thank you for this fast answer An other little question about the classes. The class system is like Lineage 2 or C9 ? (I mean a base class which evolve into an other, like Witchblade -> Bladedancer / Warden / Slayer)

Answer By Pearl Abyss
Nope. It's different. There isn't any class change(or evolve class) system.

Question By Kim Kaphwan
Important question about UI and mass PvP ? Will Black Desert avoid the "all name mass PvP battle" by this i mean this kind of UNPLAYABLE UI (screenshot), with green name/word everywhere, its totaly outdated ( its a reason why i left Archeage also...

Answer By Pearl Abyss
No problem.

Question By Clément Cassel
Will the caves be seamless like the world or will there be some instances?

Answer By Pearl Abyss
That cave is located at actual field, so you can go into it anytime. Most of cave or dungeons are provided at seamless field also instance both. We are going to provide that kind of dungeons(caves) a lot, but some of them are hided by object.

Niveau 10
12 avril 2014 à 08:44:54

Question By Clément Cassel
Question about the leveling, let me introduce before. In the actual MMORPG, you just travel an area for some hours / days and you leave it (And forget it), that's is just stupid. Developpers spend so much months to do a beautiful area and players don't take care about it.

Then, to avoid this problem, for example, imagine a city with some low / middle level area around and one open dungeon high lvl. It would permit to see again this city and the landscape.

Have you planned to do something like that ? (Tell me if I need to reformulate my example)

Answer By Pearl Abyss
Yes, we are. Basically nearby town, there are weak monsters, and go further there will be higher level monsters. Also all the territory(even beginner area) has high level dungeons.

Question By Kim Kaphwan
About class/race... The Blader got a bow in his back, that mean he can switch from close to long range ?
On some screens we saw the "giant" ogre race transform into a beast ! its a skill for the race ?
Are you planning to add some support/healer class for players who dont want to play a dps ?
Do you plan to make different starter zone for each race ?

Answer By Pearl Abyss
Yes, he can switch and use bow to range attack.
About giant transform, as you said it is skill, but it's not for race.
Not sure about support/healer class, we are keep testing balance. Follow the test, if we need healer then we will add it.
Different start zone, we are planning to do.

Question By Clément Cassel
Several questions :

1- Have you planned to give some beta keys to EU / NA guild which want to do review about your game ? (If yes, my clan is interested. We already try the release (and CBT5) of ArcheAge (아키에이지) and we did a long review)

2- There is a PK system like Lineage 2 ? Or a wanted system ?

3- About the archer classes, Have you planned to do two type of this ? An archer which will fire his arrow fast but with low range and an archer which will fire his arrow more slowly but with high range ?

Thanks for your answers

Answer By Pearl Abyss
1. Yes maybe we will later in a few month. First, we should find publisher and talk about it.
2. Very similar with Lineage 2, but we are still trying many ways.
3. Yes, they have similar range attack type, but style and stats are a little different. Can't tell detail.

Niveau 10
12 avril 2014 à 08:46:49

Question By Lesha Ruzmanov
In this game, the mobs do not react to battle beside them, and BDO will also?

Answer By Pearl Abyss
Similar, but some monsters recognize when their friend got damage.

Question By Cameron Cole
So I noticed you don't seem to have a healer class, why is this? Or do you guys plan on having one? Also is there a class that is much like a rogue/ ninja?

Answer By Pearl Abyss
Can't tell reason specifically. If we change our mind to make healer class, we should do balancing again. By the way, we do have a plan to make rogue or ninja class in the future, don't worry.

Niveau 10
12 avril 2014 à 08:49:40

Question By Euterpe
There will be a naval system? and you can fight with the ships?

Answer By Pearl Abyss
There isn't, at lease.. not yet. Maybe in future?

Question By Giammario Twentytwo Marmorino
In BD there will be friendly fire?

Answer By Pearl Abyss
Hm.. is that mean, player can attack friend? If so, yes. Even you have party with friend, cannon can hit to your ally characters.

Question By Kostya Chervotkin
About the types of guilds, does it mean that merchant guilds can't participate in sieges or Fighting guilds cant trade?

Answer By Pearl Abyss
We are still discussing about it, probably there will be a chance to change guild type.

Question By Stellochka Boga
usually palyers have warehouses (one for all toons on account or separate for each toon, etc) not depending on housing system. will it be the same in BlackDesert or warehouses will be based on housing system (i mean if u dont have house, u wont have place to keep ur stuff)?. or will it be "combination"? warehouse + expansions of ur warehouse according to ur house? or smth else?

Answer By Pearl Abyss
Basically everyone can use their warehouses in town, but it has limitation of weight and spaces. Of course when player own house, player can use warehouses with lesser limitation. (it's depends on what you install stuff at house.)

Question By Димка Протуберанец
Hey guys! Thanks for your work! I have one question: how about open world bosses with some rare epic loot?
Answer By Pearl Abyss

Yes, field bosses will give you some rare items. As you said, we thnk it is motivation for PvP, too.

Niveau 10
12 avril 2014 à 08:52:40

Question By Richard van Veldhuizen
Coming from a vet in C9. I've been playing that game for about 3 years now. The game has limitless pvp potential and was well thought out in terms of complexity (superarmors, invincible frames). But unfortunatly the game got limited by its net system (P2P). although peer2peer works amazing in small country's, in global releases this is a big lagg issue. My 2 biggest questions are:

- will the game have similar action mechanics as c9?
- Have you guys found a better solution then peer2peer in global servers to reduce lagg issues?

Answer By Pearl Abyss
The action style is similar as C9, but it works different mechanism. Cause BDO is seamless MMORPG, not like P2P based game C9.

Question By Michelle Happiz
Please oh please, do not publish this breath-taking game with Webzen for NA/EU However, good luck with everything hope to see new updates or news for Testing

Answer By Pearl Abyss
Thank you for your cheer.
We are still in contact with many NA/EU publishers, not sure which is going to be decided.

Question By Michael Schwartz
The game looks beautiful. The south-korean based publisher NCsoft is no stranger to Korean MMORPGs. They're the developer and publisher of Aion and Lineage. They also have a U.S. based branch known as NCsoft West, which is the publisher of Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 (both developed by ArenaNet).

Answer By Pearl Abyss
Right. We also do considering to establish a foreign branch, but not sure when and where yet.

Question By Kris Do
No gender/character locks please! People do not like restrictions

Answer By Pearl Abyss
Don't worry, we do understand people hesitate game which has gender lock, so.. we decided to make other genders and it's going on now.

Question By Lucas Belchior


Answer By Pearl Abyss
Actually we don't call it 'Samurai' but it could be similar

Niveau 10
12 avril 2014 à 08:57:51

Question By Hadi Ekaputra Liega
Is this game is a dungeon which only player or party can in.and then we can meet other player or party?

Answer By Pearl Abyss
Basically all the players are living at seamless field, and we also provide several instant dungeons too which is private zone for single or party

Question By Hadi Ekaputra Liega
this game is hack and slash or point and click system
and i hope this will Buy To Play game,and also no Item mall
and is there will be global network with different language and voices

Answer By Pearl Abyss
Black Deserts is 'hack and slash' type of game, but it also support mouse click system too. Not sure about business model, it's depends on what the publisher decides.

Question By Jesús Adolfo Galindo
This game will be P2P or F2P?
I'm sorry for asking this too early but I'm free 2 Play player because I dont have the resourcers to maintain a subcription with Monthly Fee and I'm pretty sure that many also have the same problem...
Is the only thing I'm concerned about this game.
Black Desert is amazing really, Good luck in your project Pearl

Answer By Pearl Abyss
Thank you for your comment. As you know, we are not sure about business model at this time. We know many game players are focused on business model between P2P and F2P. We respect what publisher's decisions.

Question By Deff Gaer
Weapons and armor will be tied to the hero or you can be free to transfer?

Answer By Pearl Abyss
Probably most of items are not vested on character.

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