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Xenosaga Episode I : Der Wille zur Macht

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Niveau 10
14 septembre 2004 à 14:17:14

qqun a une date pour la VF de KOF 2000-2001? car en + il y aura une option 60hrtz et il ne sera pas censuré!cool

Niveau 8
14 septembre 2004 à 14:26:25

il est dispo en us

Niveau 8
14 septembre 2004 à 14:28:20

a pardon je me suis tromper c´est kof maximum impact qui est dipo aujourd hui

Niveau 10
14 septembre 2004 à 21:21:15

dragon quest 8 au japon date officielle: le 28 novembre!

Niveau 10
15 septembre 2004 à 00:31:30

c´est décidé, Shin, je l´achète absolument, je vais même m´acheter les Persona que j´ai trouvé à Lima ( sans rire).

Niveau 7
23 septembre 2004 à 20:15:00

tu vas acheter quoi xenosteve ? ?

et pour king of fighter 2000/2001 il sort en novembre en europe version pas censurer pour seulement 30 euros environ ! !


Niveau 10
23 septembre 2004 à 22:06:41

Shin c´est mon abréviation personnelle pour Shin Megami Tensei, sublime RPG décalé dont on a parlé précédemment.

Niveau 10
24 septembre 2004 à 19:49:26

le nouveau Shining Force sur PS2 sortira en Printemps 2005, le site officiel présente les personnages principaux de l´aventure: ( et oui c´est du jap)

Niveau 10
24 septembre 2004 à 19:53:54

Tales of Rebirth arrivera au Jap le 16 Décembre de cette année ( Namco commence à devenir mon éditeur-distributeur de RPG favori)

Niveau 7
24 septembre 2004 à 21:13:27

Moi j´ai Phantom Brave et il est génial, encore meilleur que Disgaea.

Niveau 10
24 septembre 2004 à 23:38:28

impeccable morpheus tu nous fera un petit test?

Niveau 10
26 septembre 2004 à 02:45:58

Ys VI sortira en US en février 2005

Niveau 10
29 septembre 2004 à 19:41:08

FF12 - Mi-Décembre en JAP

Niveau 10
02 octobre 2004 à 18:42:49

Je démenti ma new pour FF12 en Jap, ( Voir Xenocommunauté)

Niveau 10
03 octobre 2004 à 22:25:53

Arc the Lad Generation: 3 novembre de cette année! :oui:

Niveau 10
03 octobre 2004 à 22:27:43

Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne: mardi prochain aux US!

Niveau 10
19 octobre 2004 à 21:32:48

Radiata Stories, RPG développé par Tri-Ace ( Valkyrie Profile, les Star Ocean), sortira en janvier 2005 au Japon! pas de date pour une sortie US pour le moment mais ça arrive.

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In recent years, tri-Ace has given gamers the opportunity to sail through the Star Ocean, to combat evil in Valkyrie Profile, and now to forge a medieval destiny in Radiata Stories.

As 16-year-old Jack Russel, gamers will start in the town of Soleil, a little ways outside Radiata itself. Jack´s first order of business is to enlist as a soldier in Radiata, and once there, he´ll encounter the game´s second protagonist: Ridley Timberlake. Ridley and Jack aren´t reportedly the most compatible pair; Ridley comes from a high-class aristocratic family and dreams of being a knight, while Jack is from the peasantry and has his sights set on being a soldier.

Unlike Star Ocean, which was a sci-fi epic, Radiata Stories takes place during medieval times. The departure is due in part to producer Yoshinori Yamagishi´s desire to do something different and ensure that tri-Ace is not known for science fiction alone. Even so, fans need not be disappointed, as Radiata Stories has a great deal in common with Star Ocean anyway.

The similarities become especially apparent in the game´s battle system. Radiata Stories features real-time action with characters moving about the battle map as they please while launching attacks on the enemy. This is hardly new, but the game does add two new features that may be of interest to fans. The first is the Link system, which allows players to determine a formation for their characters. Second is the Bolty meter, which allows players to execute special actions and super attacks, depending on the energy in the meter.

Four characters, including Jack, will round out any given battle squad.

Outside of combat, Radiata Stories has one other major feature that is sure to grab some attention. tri-Ace has stated that there will be over 300 NPCs, each with its own distinct personality traits and mannerisms. This exceeds even the immense rosters of Konami´s Suikoden and Sega Overworks´ Skies of Arcadia. Of that number, up to 150 will be playable, recuitable characters. Of course, just because 150 will be available does not mean Jack and Ridley will be able to gain the services of all of them.

Visually, Radiata Stories looks very similar to games such as Suikoden III, Ragnarok Online, and Wild ARMs: Alter Code F. By comparison, however, Radiata Stories comes out ahead, sporting fluid character animations, excellent texture work, and pleasing character models. The game´s pallet is very soft and has a lot of muted colors, which work well to create its idealistic fantasy environment. Special effects, on the other hand, are bright and impressive, helping to contrast the ordinary from the magical.

The backdrop of Radiata Stories, aside from Jack and Ridley´s personal dreams, concerns the faltering coexistence of humans and faeries. Where once the two races lived in peace--thanks to many petty differences breaking the calm over time--war has erupted. Now, humanity not only faces the faeries but their protectors: the Dragons. It is in this war that Jack and Ridley will be caught.

Just as in reality, the world of Radiata Stories moves on whether Jack and Ridley like it or not. The game´s day and night system is nothing revolutionary, but its implementation adds an important mechanism to the game. Depending on the time of day, some people will work, while others will be at play; some people will be available, others will not. Monsters will sleep during certain hours, and so Jack and Ridley will have to plan their daily schedules appropriately.

Developed by tri-Ace and published by Square-Enix, Radiata Stories for the PlayStation 2 will hit Japan at the end of January. No North American release date has been announced as of yet.

Niveau 10
19 octobre 2004 à 21:35:42

des news sur Tales of Rebirth: je vous passe le lien!

Niveau 10
19 octobre 2004 à 21:38:03

JANVIER 2005: un mois surchargé de RPG qui sortiront au Japon:

Following a holiday season highlighted by the release of major titles such as Dragon Quest VIII: Sora to Umi to Daichi to Norowareshi Himegimi and Tales of Rebirth in Japan, January 2005 will feature a similarly impressive line-up of titles.

- Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner 2, Atlus, January 6th
- Dragon Force: Sega Ages Version, 3D Ages, January 6th
- Phantasy Star II: Sega Ages Version, 3D Ages, January 6th
- Shinki Gensou Spectral Souls 2, Idea Factory, January 20th
- Busin 0 Wizard Dry Alternative NEO: Best Collection version, Atlus, January 27th
- Growlanser IV Return, Atlus, January 27th
- Radiata Stories, Square Enix, January 27th

Niveau 9
23 octobre 2004 à 23:34:30

Magna Carta est repousse au mois de novembre!!!!!! snifff

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