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Five Nights at Freddy's 3

Sujet : Comment avoir la Good Ending ?
Niveau 9
03 mars 2015 à 22:54:35

Je ne me suis pas trop renseigner sur le jeu mais j'ai trouver ça :
This is the method to get the alternate ending:

Night 1: No effect on anything, no work required.

Minigame Night 1: From here on in, the hallway that reveals the clue to the location of the next minigame will be referred to as the “Clue Corridor”. The Clue Corridor is located one room left and two rooms down of the starting stage area. On the first night, there will be two clues. There will be text that reads, “BB DBL CLICK”, and on the opposite side their will be 4 highlighted buttons in a sequence. BB DBL CLICK refers to a poster of BB located in one of the camera feeds which, if double clicked, takes you to BB’s minigame, and the clue on the right corresponds to a button combination that needs to be pressed on the arcade machine in one of the cameras in order to trigger Mangle’s minigame. That is all you need to know from here, go get killed by the purple guy.

Night 2: This is the ONLY NIGHT that the button combination on the arcade machine will work, so you need to be sure to perform the correct actions there on this night or you will have no chance of getting the correct ending and must start a new game. Proceed to BB’s minigame where you will be instructed to gather all the balloons, at which point an exit will appear. However, when you collect all the balloons, there will still be 1 remaining in your counter. This is a hint. DO NOT step through the exit door and instead jump up to the top left corner of the room. It will be transparant and BB will exit the game space and fall through the world. After falling through two rooms of black space, you will be confronted by some horrifying pixel art and an exit on the left. Do not take this exit either, instead, progress left until you see a box with a multicolored balloon in it. Phase through the wall on the left side and acquire this balloon. THIS BALLOON WILL OPEN UP PREVIOUSLY RESTRICTED PATHS ON MOST OTHER MINIGAMES AND IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT THIS BE ACCOMPLISHED BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE.

Once BB’s game is complete, enter the correct combination on the arcade machine (top left, bottom left, top right, bottom right) to access Mangle’s minigame. Inside, you wil be prompted to collect all of the parts of Mangle while avoiding a patrolling generic fat kid. Avoid the fat kid and collect the pieces, but instead of going through the exit door at the far right, jump onto the platform right above the exit door and once again phase through the wall of the envorinment on the top right side. Mangle will fall through and be greeted with equally horrifying pixel art. Ignore this and proceed leftwards until you see a series of platformable balloons (TRIGGERED BY BALLOON BOY’S MINIGAME) and platform your way to the top. At the end will be a massive cake, which you will jump on to collect and the minigame will promptly end.

Once completed, GO BACK TO BB’S MINIGAME and complete the puzzle as per usual. This time, as you phase through the wall and drop, their will be similar platform balloons to catch your fall. Follow them over a few screens to the first of the dead kids, walk over to him, and BB will place down the cake. The child will stop crying, open his eyes, and the child will be rescued, thus ending the minigame.

OPTIONAL: At any point during rescuing the kids, there is an unmarked children’s drawing of the Puppet hidden in one of the camera feeds (and hidden rather well. I do not remember the exact camera). If double clicked on, this will take you to a Puppet minigame showing the five kids who had died alive and well, and in the back, a crying child accompanied by WHOMEVER YOU HAVE RESCUED SO FAR.

Minigame Night 2: Proceed to the clue corridor once again. Your hint will be four skulls.

Night 3: The previously mentioned 4 skulls are scattered across the camera space. There is one skull respectively in Cameras 2, 3,4, and 6. Once you have clicked and recovered all of the skulls, it wil bring you to Chica’s minigame. WARNING: THE SKULLS ARE ONLY AVAILABLE ON THIS NIGHT.

Chica’s minigame involves you getting some cupcakes to feed to children. Promptly ignore all of them and proceed one room right, and then fall down one room to the bottom corridor. There is a very small mapping error that only one with a keen eye can spot here. Hop onto the platform on the top-left most area in this room and then jump again leftwards to hop OVER THE MAP and once again fall out of game space. You will enter a room with a child on a high platform and some balloons leading up to him (ONCE AGAIN, TRIGGERED BY BB’s MINIGAME). Present him with cake and the child will be rescued.

Minigame Night 3: Clue corridor this time gives you a number combination. 395248.

Night 4: These numbers correspond with a keypad combination that is only visible on this night on the wall tiles INSIDE THE CAMERA ROOM. The specific tiles begin with the tile that intersects the rightmost V of the axe guitar sitting in the box of refuse and ends with the tile partially intersecting the mesh waste bin. The tiles are ordered as such:




Once you interact with these tiles by clicking, they will glow, so you know you have the right ones. Enter the previously mentioned code into the tiles and you will bring up Freddy’s minigame.

This one is very difficult to describe, so I will do my best. You will start out in a box area labelled Stage 01. Before I go on, imagine that you are starting off in the ‘1’ box of the tile/code area listed above. You start in ‘1’, and your objective is to get to the missing child in block ‘3’. Freddy will hop off stage and phase through the stage leftwards until he falls out of game space. He will descend past ‘4’ and land underneath the ‘7’ block. Each block is almost precisely identical to the one before it. Walk right one room until you reach tile ‘8’ (or 9, I forget which.) From here, you will be able to glitch your way up several tiles and across to reach your desired area. I do not remember the precise route, but it is not particularly difficult and you can retry if you fail. DO NOT EXIT THROUGH THE EXIT DOOR. Once you meet the child, present him with cake and move on.

Minigame Night 4: Clue corridor this time presents you with Shadow Bonnie. Very eerie.

Night 5: This is it.

On your desk in the camera room, in the far right hand corner next to a few scraps of paper will be a SHadow Bonnie plushie concealed in the darkness. Double click on it to access Bonnie’s ****ed up game.

You will be a very glitchy and creepy Bonnie originally existing in Freddy’s Minigame. As you hit the down or S button, it will toggle through all minigame worlds that existed before it, with the addition of one glitchy room with a child sitting outside of game space. In order to reach him, you must remember the glitch in BB’s puzzle and PHASE THROUGH THE WALL in his world, and then toggle the world back to the one with the boy. Rescue with cake.

The final step. Simply go back to the Puppet’s minigame and regroup with all of the dead children. The last dead child will stop crying, don his mask, and they will all fade away, leaving only their masks.

That’s it! beat the game and you have the true ending, along with another star for bragging rights!

J'essayerai demain pour voir :(

Pseudo supprimé
Niveau 10
03 mars 2015 à 22:58:59

Woaw :hap:
Merci ! :noel:
On voit la/le fan de fnaf :noel:

Niveau 10
03 mars 2015 à 23:01:25

ça m'a l'air super perché pour un Good Ending :(

Et pour le moment personne n'a reussi à avoir la good ending, pas de videos sur Youtube :(

Niveau 9
03 mars 2015 à 23:03:33

c'est sans doute un fake mais on ne sais jamais :hap:

Niveau 9
03 mars 2015 à 23:04:32

Minigame Night 3: Clue corridor this time gives you a number combination. 395248.
ça déjà c'est vérifier donc à voir

Niveau 10
03 mars 2015 à 23:15:38

Ce numéro est surement à vérifier aussi peut être sur FNAF2 :(

Niveau 9
03 mars 2015 à 23:17:53

Euhhhh sur fnaf 2 :doute:
non c'est impossible

Niveau 10
03 mars 2015 à 23:22:32

Bah Scott a bien rajouté des cheats caché donc :hap:

Niveau 10
03 mars 2015 à 23:25:32

D'ailleurs c'est quoi la partie Cheats ?

Niveau 9
03 mars 2015 à 23:28:12

Je ne sais pas :/

Niveau 10
03 mars 2015 à 23:39:07

Les cheats caché c'est pour passer la nuit dans le 1 et le 2 :oui:

Niveau 9
03 mars 2015 à 23:40:25

il parle de la partie cheats du 3

Niveau 10
03 mars 2015 à 23:45:47


Niveau 9
03 mars 2015 à 23:51:46

y'a aussi une partie minigame je crois
dans le texte il dit : bb mini game , mangle minigame
c'est peut-être pas un fake vraiment à tester

Niveau 10
04 mars 2015 à 00:04:54

Y a DawkosGames qui fait un live sur twitch et il va avoir la good ending venez vite

Niveau 9
04 mars 2015 à 00:06:33

non je veux la découvrir par moi même

Niveau 10
04 mars 2015 à 00:23:29

C'est quoi ces mini jeux complétement beuggé, ?

Niveau 10
04 mars 2015 à 09:38:48

Y a un mini jeux caché pour avoir la good ending

Niveau 9
04 mars 2015 à 11:30:35

du coup c'est ça qui faut faire pour la good ending ?

Niveau 7
04 mars 2015 à 11:53:05

putain je croyais que la good ending c'est le News paper à la fin de la nuit Nightmare

Sujet : Comment avoir la Good Ending ?
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